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Re: lower abdomen pains feelings of unreality/ confused please help

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I am new to Cutler's protocol and have not started chelation yet. The symptoms

you describe as " unreality " sound very familiar. I am dealing with similar

metal toxicities -- Antimony, Arsenic, Lead #196. Although all metals

individually cause these brain/ mental symptoms, I think the combinations of

these multiply the effects. I started using the supplements Andy recommends

about a month ago and found a lot of improvement. Still very sick, of course. I

plan to start chelation in two weeks after all amalgams are out. Hang in there,

the supplements should help support your system, adrenals, thyroid, etc.


lower abdomen pains feelings of unreality/

confused please help

I have slowly been trying to build up my basic supps,and had started

using ,vit c,vit e,b50's,mag citrate,milk thistle,zinc, and flax

oil.Though i had been taking 3g of vitc and some grapefruit seed extract

for candida for about 5 months before this.

before i started these i was getting some dull aches in the lower

abdomen area about 1 month after starting on the 3g vit c and GSE but

they seemed to get worse as itook the recommended supps.

I have stopped them now for 5 days and the pain has gone to a certain

extent but still can come on at any time and go just as quickly,which

was also what was happening before i took the supps,it just seemed to

get a bit worse after i started taking them,but it could just be a


I cant start chelating yet as am still waiting to have a front bridge

off even though everyone says its highly unlikely to have amalgam under

it. But i cant take any chances. Has anyone had these dull aches and

sometimes pricking pains in the upper abdomen.

I need to start taking the supps again as i believe i can't start

chelating without taking the supps,is that right?

Also i have this awful feeling of unreality all the time it makes me

feel as though i am not really here,along with slightly dizzy head.

i have quite a few more symptons beside's that but the unreality is

really so hard to cope with i can hardly stand it i've had this feeling

for about 1 year now,and cannot work as my arms and legs are so weak.

i can't see anything in AI that mentions these unreality feelings, but

have spoke to a few people who have had the same symptoms.

is there anyone on the list thats had the same symptoms? and has got

better. I could really do with some reasurance from someone that has

got rid of these feelings. I have also had feelings of impending doom

and am finding all the things to do with chelation as very difficult to

cope with.

my life seems like a really bad dream at the moment and am only getting

by from hour to hour at the moment. if anyone can give me any help and

support it will be so much appreciated.

thanks Dudley

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> I have slowly been trying to build up my basic supps,and had started

> using ,vit c,vit e,b50's,mag citrate,milk thistle,zinc,and flax

> oil.Though i had been taking 3g of vitc and some grapefruit seed extract

> for candida for about 5 months before this.

> before i started these i was getting some dull aches in the lower

> abdomen area about 1 month after starting on the 3g vit c and GSE

Why not delete the GSE for now, and gradually add the other

recommended supplements, seeing as the dull aches started after

starting on vit C and GSE.

GSE is not on the required supplements list. It is not even one of

the first supplements that Andy would recommend for yeast problems.

It is a broad spectrum anti microbial, so will be killing beneficial



> they seemed to get worse as itook the recommended supps.

> I have stopped them now for 5 days and the pain has gone to a certain

> extent but still can come on at any time and go just as quickly,which

> was also what was happening before i took the supps,it just seemed to

> get a bit worse after i started taking them,but it could just be a

> coincidence.

> I cant start chelating yet as am still waiting to have a front bridge

> off even though everyone says its highly unlikely to have amalgam under

> it. But i cant take any chances. Has anyone had these dull aches and

> sometimes pricking pains in the upper abdomen.

I haven't had them myself. My suggestion would be to narrow down what

supplements are contributing by stopping the supplements, cutting out

the GSE and gradually adding only the essential supplements one at a

time starting at low doses and building up gradually .

> I need to start taking the supps again as i believe i can't start

> chelating without taking the supps,is that right?

It is best to start on the basic supplements before chelation. The

list of basic supplements isn't very long, and doesn't include GSE.

Because you can't start chelating right away anyway, you have time to

stop supplements and then gradually add one at a time working up

slowly to doses that you can tolerate.

> Also i have this awful feeling of unreality all the time it makes me

> feel as though i am not really here,along with slightly dizzy head.

> i have quite a few more symptons beside's that but the unreality is

> really so hard to cope with i can hardly stand it i've had this feeling

> for about 1 year now,and cannot work as my arms and legs are so weak.

> i can't see anything in AI that mentions these unreality feelings, but

> have spoke to a few people who have had the same symptoms.

> is there anyone on the list thats had the same symptoms?

I wonder if what you are calling unreality is what Andy calls brain

fog. Brain fog is quite common for many of us.

If you can find Alka Seltzer gold where you live try some and see if

it temporarily helps with the brain fog. If you don't have it, ask

your pharmacist for a similar product.

I would say that I had brain fog, and feeling unreal at times. I was

able to control these to some extent with diet, supplementation, and

medications. It was a long slow process for me to determine what was

best for my diet, gradually add supplements, and then add medications

as well. The process was simplified for me because my doctor

consulted with Andy, and Andy listed and priorized the supplements and

medications that I should try. I wouldn't have been able to do it for

myself because of the brain fog. Perhaps your doctor would be willing

to consult with Andy.


and has got

> better. I could really do with some reasurance from someone that has

> got rid of these feelings. I have also had feelings of impending doom

> and am finding all the things to do with chelation as very difficult to

> cope with.

> my life seems like a really bad dream at the moment and am only getting

> by from hour to hour at the moment. if anyone can give me any help and

> support it will be so much appreciated.


> thanks Dudley


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THe feeling of unreality came to me from certain viruses

that my body was just not able to deal with.It certainly is

difficult to feel that way. CHelation and nutritional

supports can help alot.. I also found solace and strength

through destressing through mind -body techniques, and

emotional therapies.

I beleive it happens because we are dealing low grade

buggies and viruses that for most people with good immune

systems , and good working organs they would be able to

fight off. I find with more and more chelation and the right

supports this is improving

A good way to explain the feeling is that I feel I am fighting

something but it never really shows its face. SO I feel

out of sorts , not to the point of totally having to be

bedridden , but to the point of wishing I could stay in bed.

.. SO in medical terms say the virus epstein barr which

I was told most people do carry , remains in our systems

but does not get out of control,. BUt with the likes of

us the virus does flare up , but in a low grade level so

it never becomes acute, and reamins a chronic condition.\\It

can go on for a life time , I was ill with these things

for 30 years.. it never killed me , and so it felt like I was

out of sorts as I started to doubt myself.

I think that this is what it is like for the autistic child.

They have not known anything else as they came down with these

things at the time when they had not experienced hardly any

and definitely now enough of a sense of what it is to feel

and be able to act normal. And so they cannot fake feeling

well. I felt for pretty well all of the past 30 years I

looked normal to everyone, and I could pretty well fake

looking normal.

I did not let my head bob in public which felt like close to

being parkinsons, I continued to sign my signature even

though it was very hard due to poor hand coordination, I

carried on with addition and subtraction the slow way , by

doing it on my fingers, and using the calculator{ those

skills came totaly back after three months after removal of

my fillings} , I did use a cane for awhile but seemed not to

get much sympathy..HUMMFF--lol... and I continued to eat

because I wanted to live. I could fake it and carry on though

I felt unreal.

The autistic child resorts to spinning and hand shaking, etc

in order to just keep on doing something.. Have you ever tried

not doing anything??.. That is why meditation actually in the

end takes effort..LOL.. We are programed in our genes to keep

active and to do..

I beleive these viruses ,bacteria that are latent in our systems

get out of balance and then cause problems.

I have had several viruses from vaccines etc that I know

of and others I probably do not know of.. One was the simian

virus from the polio vaccine.. it really made me feel unreal.

I felt out of balance , my neck felt twisted and it was

quite an unreal feeling.-- like my body did not feel to be where

I ordinarily knew it to be...

ANother for example I have had an infection in my salivary

glands for maybe 20 years .. It does not abscess , it just

stays low grade adn drives me batty..LOL..The one on my left

cheeck went away after a few freqent dose chelation and

so another time later I hope the other too is able to

be conquered through more removal of metals..

And the polio virus also was affecting me. Even though I

never showed outward signs of polio , there is a theory that

some babies exposed to polio would get a very very low

grade fever with the polio virus and never show signs of it .

This one book I read said that the babies might only have a

day of fever and then be perfectly fine. .it later shows up

just like say shingles from exposure to chicken pox , to

affect adults. It showed up on me with aching legs and I

was able to get over it with hoemopathic polio .

I beleive in chelating and that this will boost our immune

systems so that we can eventually fight all of these things

off and we no longer need to feel at a loss as to what we

are fighting.


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> THe feeling of unreality came to me from certain viruses

> that my body was just not able to deal with.It certainly


> difficult to feel that way. CHelation and nutritional

> supports can help alot.. I also found solace and strength

> through destressing through mind -body techniques, and

> emotional therapies.



> I beleive it happens because we are dealing low grade

> buggies and viruses that for most people with good immune

> systems , and good working organs they would be able to

> fight off. I find with more and more chelation and the right

> supports this is improving


> (....)


hi nanci, thanks for the reply. these feelings that i talk about are

with me 24/7and i have had them for about a year now, it actually

makes me feel as though i am looking at life through a glass bubble.

when i am out and about i feel as though i am not really there and

everything seems not quite real. I can hardly stand it much longer.

I have just seen a Dr who also does chinese medicine and he has

suggested using some herbs to detox the liver as he said that the

liver needs to be functioning correctly in order for it to be able to

cope with the supplements i am taking, and this could be causing the

pains in my stomach. I dont know if i've gone off topic there, but it

was also said that if the liver has got lots of toxins in, this could

cause you to feel that things were unreal. The only thing is i would

be reluctant to take herbs along with the protocol in case there was

something in them that moved mercury around.

if anyone has any thoughts on this i would like to hear them.

I am not chelating yet as i am still waiting for some more dental

work but am desperate to get started.


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> >

> > these feelings that i talk about are

> > > with me 24/7and i have had them for about a year now, it


> > > makes me feel as though i am looking at life through a glass


> > > when i am out and about i feel as though i am not really there


> > > everything seems not quite real.

> >

> > =========================

> > I have read these feelings can be associated with yeast

> overgrowth.

> > Has your doctor mentioned treatment with antifungals/nystatin?

> >

> > Val

> >

> hi val,

> i have been on a anti candida diet for about 8 mnths and have also

> used grapefruit seed extract and aloe vera but nothing has changed,

> i don't have any sugar,yeast,fruit, i do still have porridge,goats

> milk,a small amount of ryveta's,potatoes,and now and again a small

> amount of gouda cheese. I have stopped taking the GSE as my stomach


> giving me problems but it has made no difference either way. Do you

> think my diet sounds ok.

> The problem is that every site you look on for candida, contradict


> other in what to eat or not. I have read that it can give feelings


> unreality,have you any suggestions?

> dudley


> ======Kai: Dudley have you kept taking the Probiotics, even after

stopping GSE.


hi kai, i am taking probiotics, one twice a day each has 4 billion

probiotics lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis and

also pre biotics fructo oligosaccharides 150mg and acacia gum is this

enough? or could you recommend any. i live in england and makes will

be different to other places.

Also in reply to an earlier suggestion re alka seltzer gold for

unreality feelings it doesn't seem possible to get it in England


====== Kai : Dudley your pre- and pro-biotics seem fine. Regarding the Alka

Seltzer Gold, we also cannot get it here in South Africa. However we make our

own and here is the recipe for you.

(We call it Brain Fog Muti :-))

3/4 tsp of Anhydrous Citric Acid mixed with,

3/4 tsp of Sodium Bicarbonate (BP grade) with,

1/4 tsp of Potassium Bicarbonate (BP grade).

Add 1/2 cup of water, wait for the excessive bubbling to pass (e.g. 15 seconds)

and drink.

It really helps for my brain fog and sometimes I take up to 4 times a day when

my brain fog gets really bad. More than that is not recommended though. You can

get your pharmacist to mix it for you. Just make sure they use " Anhydrous Citric

Acid "

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