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Food reactions, losing weight and Chiropractic

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Attention everyone who is sulfur-food/salycilates-reactive.

Me, too.

Are you losing weight while avoiding all these yummy foods that make you feel


I've managed to successfully avoid these foods and stop my horrid reactions to


foods and salycilates for about a month now. Feeling better, but never been so


My sitting bones (on my bottom) feel like knives when I sit. This feeling is

new this week. I

am 5'10 " and currently weigh 126 pounds. Last week it was 128 pounds.

My atlas (C1 vertebrae) is way off kilter and my upper cervical chiropractor

(Blair method)

gave me my first adjustment of the atlas today. He said a lot of my nerves in my


stem were pinched. He said the nerves that regulate my body weight could be

affected by

this. He seems to think a lot of my many symptoms (sympotms I have always

attributed to

my mercury poisoning) are caused by my atlas being off-kilter, and that this


process will cure these symptoms. He thinks I will be able to go off my

hydrocortisone I'm

on for adrenal insufficiency once he makes sure my atlas adjustment " holds. "

Anybody know whether chiro adjustments can take away symptoms that were


mercury-toxicity symptoms? I am starting a 6 -8 month series of visits with this


and I also have been planning on starting chelation as soon as my last amalgam


removed this Saturday.

=====KAI : Very interesting . I also have lost alot of weight 4 years ago,

constantly trying to put it back on but it's easier to loose it. I'm also Sulfur

intolerant - all the comfort foods for me I'm now having to avoid.Wouldn't be

surprised if my axis is also way off kilter. It sure feels so. I'll have it

checked the soonest. How often will you be having a treatment/adjustment over

the 6-8 months ?

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Hi ,

I have never found chiropractic useful as the adjustments just

do not hold. I would feel good for one day then bang right

back to where I was .. I had them every week in the beginnings

of being ill for at least a year . I would recommend you put

your money into all of the vitamins/minerals / enzymes you could


Maybe a few massage treatments to help destress. Also some

relaxation/meditation by yourself in your own bedroom which does

not cost anything. I found that past emotional traumas were

still affecting me and causing pain. For example a broken arm

as a child was extremely traumatic experience and I never was

given the time to process it all and heal the emotional

ramifications. Destressing our lives is imperative as our bodies

just cannot take it. .

Are you taking many supplements?? This is imperative to keep

things balanced too. Our body parts are all connected.. If you

liver/gallbladder is uptight and not working for me it made my

ankles really stiff.. The same would go for your neck tension.


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> Hi ,


> I have never found chiropractic useful as the adjustments just

> do not hold. I would feel good for one day then bang right

> back to where I was ..

Sometimes if you take more magnesium they hold.

>I had them every week in the beginnings

> of being ill for at least a year . I would recommend you put

> your money into all of the vitamins/minerals / enzymes you could

> use.

I generally recommend people do what works for them. I know how to suggest


to eat (mostly OTC and considedered food or nutritional supplements legally) but

that isn't

what works for everyone.

All the different kinds of health care practitioners are sure THEIR way is the


and TRUE way - they really are religions, not technical fields.

Being a technical person I've observed different people respond to different



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