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Re: Some more questions, Lou

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> , could I just try to clarify some points? I asked:


> > > If my body wasn't excreting metals very well on 50mg DMSA and 100mg

> > > ALA, isn't that pretty extreme?

> >

> And you replied:


> > DMSA takes mercury out via the urine and ALA takes mercury out via the

> > feces.



> I'm sure that you and others here know a lot about this and maybe I'm

> missing something, so I apologise for that.

No need to apologise. I understand your concerns and only want to

help to clarify because many of my health concerns are similar to yours.

I have been reading chelation related everything for 4 years and I'm

still missing lots and lots of things.

But what I'm not

> understanding is that Andy says I was probably chelating too hard for

> those 7 months, and redistributing mercury as well as getting rid of

> it. But according to my hair test results, I was taking large amounts

> of chelators for a substantial time and I was holding on to so much

> mercury that none was in my blood and so none showed up in my hair

> test. I am confused.


> >

> > Do other people have this problem, and

> > > what can be done about it?


It is very, very common for people to have low mercury in hair and be

mercury toxic. In fact, low mercury in hair is one red flag that

indicates that mercury poisoning is likely.

What can be done about it is to chelate with Andy's protocol. The

chelators will take the metals out (in urine and feces) and as the

body burden is lowered eventually the enzymes and processes involved

in detox will start to work and there will be some mercury showing up

in hair. Even when that starts happening the person will need to keep

chelating because our natural detox capabilities aren't designed to

cope with the quantities of metals we have been exposed to, and

natural clearance from the brain is minimal.


> I guess what I'm asking here is that I'm pretty amazed that someone

> could be chelating so heavily for so long and still not be excreting

> mercury.


The best person to ask would be Andy. You would need to prepare a

post summarizing your symptoms and history and exactly what you did

while chelating, when the hair test was taken relative to the

chelation, a link to the test if it is still up, and ask him why there

is no mercury in hair.

It would be too much for him to go back in archives and look at all of

your previous posts.

What I think is that when you were chelating heavily, you were

chelating too heavily and there was significant redistribution with

some metal removal. It was sort of like some steps forward and some

steps back. There were so many steps back that you never got to the

point where your natural metal removal capability started to work. In

order to correct that you will need to start chelating at doses that

are appropriate for you and chelate for a relatively long period of time.

> As far as results from the DMSA and ALA, I had noticeable symptoms

> after amalgam removal and chelation got rid of those in a couple of

> months. I carried on chelating for about 5 more months but didn't

> notice any further improvements. I've looked and looked for an answer

> to my question about the relationship between DMSA and the adrenals,

> and whether it might make them produce, but can't seem to find

> anything.

>Before I treated my adrenal condition, DMSA helped me as long

> as I was taking it. Now when I try to take it, I get sleepy, and I am

> not noticing any benefits. I never got sleepy during those months

> before when I took it.


During your recent chelation rounds with low doses of DMSA the

sleepiness is a side effect and is an indication of toxicity.

When you were chelating with high doses and you said that you had

problems whenever you stopped or missed a dose (I can't remember exact

details, I would have to go back and look at your previous posts),

those problems were side effects and were an indication of toxicity.

> So when someone says I must be toxic because I have a reaction to a

> chelator, I also have to wonder how the DMSA is affecting various

> hormones which are already out of balance. I would like to see more

> research on DMSA and its effects on people but there doesn't seem to be

> much out there.


Andy is aware of all of the research. He is the person to ask.

> I'm sorry to be a pain, . I'm just ill,

You're not a pain! I understand that you are ill. I am in the same boat.

the SAD is starting for

> the 5th winter in a row, and somehow I've got to be fit to start

> teaching next week and take on quite a large timetable.

I understand. This must be very difficult and stressful for you.

I'm looking

> everywhere I can for answers and I've having lots of tests done so

> hopefully that will help.


I wonder if Dr. Peatfield would be willing to consult with Andy. When

Andy does a file review he gives a summary of medications and

supplements that are likely to be helpful and arranges them in order

of priority. It takes a lot of the stress off of the patient.

I have found that with the right balance of diet, supplements, and

medications I have been able to chelate slowly and feel well enough to

carry on with life and the demands of my family. I did consult with

both Andy and in order to get the right balance. I wasn't able

to figure it all out for myself (although the answers are in " Amalgam

Illness " .)

We are here for support whenever you need it.


> Thanks again,

> .


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> >

> > Is there any chance that Dr. Peatfied might prescribe sustained

> > release T3 based on the test he did that showed poor T4 to T3

> conversion?

> >

> > J



> It would solve a lot of problems, but he cannot prescribe. The British

> General Medical Council witch-hunted him 7 years ago and struck him off.



Sorry, I didn't know that.

I got another idea. There are many parents on the autism mercury

group who are from the UK. Perhaps you could ask there if there are

any doctors in your area who might be helpful. Or, ask Andy if there

are doctors in the UK that he has consulted with.

Just a thought.


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There are many parents on the autism mercury

> group who are from the UK. Perhaps you could ask there if there are

> any doctors in your area who might be helpful. Or, ask Andy if there

> are doctors in the UK that he has consulted with.

Is it possible to ask on the autism group without joining it?

How do I ask Andy -- do I post here?

Thanks .

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Hi ,

Thank you kindly for your post.

You said:

> The best person to ask would be Andy. You would need to prepare a

> post summarizing your symptoms and history and exactly what you did

> while chelating, when the hair test was taken relative to the

> chelation, a link to the test if it is still up, and ask him why there

> is no mercury in hair.

How do I go about this -- should I email him?

Also, the main problem I am having now is anxiety. I've never had it as

bad as this. It's going on all day, and I'm waking in the middle of the

night with a pounding heart and fear of nothing. This all started after

I had chelated properly for one day at 12.5mg of DMSA. I would not have

thought that a day on that dose would cause what could possibly be such

a horrible redistribution symptom. I did try to start again today but

only took one dose -- that horrible sleepiness! If the anxiety doesn't

get me, the sleepiness during chelation will, because I can't function

with that going on either. I have handled a few rounds on 6mg DMSA and

don't get the sleepiness but haven't noticed any benefits from those

either. Let's face it, these are all still really small doses.

I'm not sure if I should just dig in, face the sleepiness, and hope a

round of 3 days gets rid of the anxiety. I'm not sure of anything, you

can tell! Somehow I've got to finish prepping school work -- that's

contributing to the anxiety too.

Thanks very much for your help here.


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> How do I go about this -- should I email him?

--------Yes, he's very good at replying.

> I'm not sure if I should just dig in, face the sleepiness, and

hope a

> round of 3 days gets rid of the anxiety. I'm not sure of anything,


> can tell! Somehow I've got to finish prepping school work --


> contributing to the anxiety too.

------I feel for you. I'm struggling with everything too. And I'm

also a teacher with classes approaching quickly. However, I've

learned not to impose crazy schedules on myself. I let my license

expire because I couldn't work and take classes at night. Also, I'm

trying part-time tutoring and lowering my class at night schedule.

I couldn't manage 2 classes this summer, so I took an imcomplete and

will finish a month later with a grade. We're sick. Even though

society, family, workmates don't acknowledge it we are. Dr. Lee's

book (only $14) is very helpful for hormone balancing. He also

stresses (no pun!) throughout the book to balance your life. It is

key to recovering your health. It's amazing how things are working

out for me so far by simply saying " no, I can't handle that now " .

Also, have you considered the possibility that you are estrogen

dominant? It's all intertwined with adrenals,thyroid,etc. Just

google it and read the symptom checklist - it could be a missing

piece for you.

God bless,


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In frequent-dose-chelation Lou wrote:

Hi ,

Thank you kindly for your post.

You said:

> The best person to ask would be Andy. You would need to prepare a

> post summarizing your symptoms and history and exactly what you did

> while chelating, when the hair test was taken relative to the

> chelation, a link to the test if it is still up, and ask him why there

> is no mercury in hair.

How do I go about this -- should I email him?

----------Yes. Sometimes he says to post it to the group, and then send him a

private email with the post number, and he will respond when he has time.

Fortunately, he has been responding some lately, which has been


Also, the main problem I am having now is anxiety. I've never had it as

bad as this. It's going on all day, and I'm waking in the middle of the

night with a pounding heart and fear of nothing. This all started after

I had chelated properly for one day at 12.5mg of DMSA. I would not have

thought that a day on that dose would cause what could possibly be such

a horrible redistribution symptom.

-----------I think the anxiety is more an adrenal thing than redistribution.

The chelation attempt probably stressed your adrenals more, making the anxiety

worse. Although, I do recall Andy saying that shorter 1 day rounds seemed to

cause adults more psychiatric symptoms, so this may be part of it also. So if

you don't think you can get through at least 3 days right now, I really would

suggest holding off on chelation right now.

You have alot of stress in your life right now, and I think you're stressing

about everything, and then getting stressed about chelation not going well, and

it is all just snowballing and causing you lots of anxiety and adrenal stress.

I really think you should just drop chelation for right now, and focus on your

adrenals and whatever you can do to reduce the stress and anxiety in your life.

Trying to force chelation right now is only going to make things worse,


I did try to start again today but

only took one dose -- that horrible sleepiness! If the anxiety doesn't

get me, the sleepiness during chelation will, because I can't function

with that going on either. I have handled a few rounds on 6mg DMSA and

don't get the sleepiness but haven't noticed any benefits from those

either. Let's face it, these are all still really small doses.

------------Sleepiness for me has been too high of a dose. I know you feel

these are tiny doses, but if this is all you can handle right now, or none, then

that is what it is. I still think it would be best if you just took a break.

You have enough other things to deal with. ------------Jackie

I'm not sure if I should just dig in, face the sleepiness, and hope a

round of 3 days gets rid of the anxiety. I'm not sure of anything, you

can tell! Somehow I've got to finish prepping school work -- that's

contributing to the anxiety too.

-----------Like I said, I think you are stressing about everything and that's

causing lots of anxiety, and this is all hard on your adrenals, and I really

don't think you should be trying to chelate in this condition. Forget about

chelation right now, and focus on prepping for school and supporting your


Thanks very much for your help here.


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