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Re: Some more questions, Thyroid

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Is there any chance that Dr. Peatfied might prescribe sustained

release T3 based on the test he did that showed poor T4 to T3 conversion?



> Thanks for your response, . Some more things here to think

> about. I guess what I'm wondering at the moment is how I'll get on

> with the Cytomel. I have spoken to people who have been fine with the

> normal stuff (not slow release). I personally seem to metabolise meds

> quickly, which is why I think HC didn't work for me and medrol does.


> The problem is that I self-medicate. Cytomel is in short supply

> everywhere at the moment. I actually am using something called

> cynomel, a Mexican generic brand, which has now been discontinued.

> I'm having to look at ordering from a body-building site. I doubt if

> I'd be able to get slow-release; I'm told it's only available from a

> compound pharmacy.


> If I get a definite result from my RT3 test, I might be able to get a

> script from the endo, but that's a big question mark. He's about as

> conventional as they come, and it's already going to take time and a

> lot of luck to get him to change my current useless HC script to a

> medrol one.


> Lots and lots of fun, LOL.


> Thanks again for your help,

> .


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> Lou,


> Is there any chance that Dr. Peatfied might prescribe sustained

> release T3 based on the test he did that showed poor T4 to T3



> J

It would solve a lot of problems, but he cannot prescribe. The British

General Medical Council witch-hunted him 7 years ago and struck him off.

At the moment I'm looking at the rather bizarre, but feasible,

possibility that I am somehow having a bad reaction to the digestive

enzymes I started a week and a half ago. Maybe I'm allergic to

something in the tabs. It would be a first, but it won't hurt to stop

taking them and see what happens.

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