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Re: What Jackie takes for immune boosters

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In frequent-dose-chelation petshopgirl6 wrote:

Hi Jackie,


Also, can I ask you what immune-boosting things you take that has

helped you?



Hi Suzanne,

The following two posts by Andy I have printed out, and have been my guide for

some of this. I don't do everything he suggests, and probably do a couple

things he doesn't have listed. I see Jay now has these on the onibasu/wiki,

along with alot of other info/posts, so I'm giving his links again (thanks






I take a number of things, so not really sure what's helping the most, and I

have changed or dropped some over time, but here goes. Some were also

recommended by .


Vitamin C and zinc, and all the basic supps

Vitamin A - 25000 IU (see Andy's recommendations for doses)

Inositol - just recently added, working on dosage

Epicor - one a day (recommended by )

Del Immune V - 1-2/day, up to 4/day when sick (recommended by )

Echinacea - take for about 1 week a month

Astragulus - take for about 1 week a month, different week than echinacea

When I feel like I'm getting sick or a virus is trying to get me, I bump some

things up and add some extra things.

Vitamin C and zinc - increase dosages/frequency, see Andy's recommendations

Vitamin A - up dosage to 50,000 - 100,000 IU a day for a couple of days. It

is supposed to rapidly activate the immune system. I see Andy even recommends

even higher dosages.

As soon as I feel like I'm getting sick, I take echinacea, astragulus, and

elderberry, a few times a day for the duration. It doesn't matter when or where

I am with taking those for prevention, I just take them all when I'm sick, which

Andy says to do. I get these all in liquids and just add them to something.

Oil of Oregano - I'm a big believer in this. considers it a natural

antibiotic, Andy recommends it to slow down liver phase 1, and it definitely

kills yeast, and I believe it kills all sorts of bad things. Again, I start

taking this any time I feel like something is trying to get me, probably about 3

times a day is recommended, but I know I have done it more than that sometimes.

A number of people in my family use this now and are big believers in it. And

as far as the yeast, I personally tolerate this much better than GSE.

HC/adrenal support - Depending on the severity of the illness, I will

sometimes " stress dose " and take more HC when I am sick. I know this works well

for , but I don't think she does all these other things I do.

Other things I have done. I have done stints of OLE (olive leaf extract),

which you can take ongoing as part of an anti-viral protocol. (I think Jay has

links to this, and there is a Viral File over at A-M.)

recommended OLE, oil of oregano, and Berberis Formula for me as natural

antibiotics for after surgery, and looking back, I did feel pretty good then.

So I should maybe get back on a long-term anti-viral protocol again.

I have used Colostrum in the past, before I started alot of these other

things. I tried it when I was getting sick frequently after starting chelation,

and before I started adrenal support, and wasn't taking all of the above stuff.

It is one of the things that I clearly remember feeling better from it right

away, and I believe it did help me get sick less frequently.

It really wasn't recommended by anyone, but I tried it because from growing up

on a dairy farm, I knew how important that colostrum milk was to a newborn calf.

And I did have someone tell me that if you are low in growth hormone, she said

IGF-1, then this might help raise that. So maybe that's why it made me feel

better. I probably took it for a year or two, but dropped it at some point, as

I was taking so much other stuff, and I wasn't sure if it was really helping

anymore or not. It may be something that I might cycle in and out once in

awhile. never told me to stop taking it, and I think she told me I could

rotate it in with my antifungals, and I have heard that elsewhere, that it is

good for the gut. But it did give me an intitial boost.

Another one I remember noticing right away was astragulus. I had already been

using echinacea for a long time, but the first time I tried astragulus, I felt

better that day. So I continue to use that also as a maintenance and when sick,

as Andy recommends.

So if you read Andy's posts, you can see that I haven't even tried everything

yet, and he says you don't have to take them all, but something in the above is

working, just wish I could narrow it down! I have gone from frequent

colds/sinus problems, etc., to usually being able to ward things off when I feel

them coming on, in just a day or two.

This past winter was a huge example of this. I got really sick last fall, I

think it was early October, and this didn't surprise me, because I had slacked

off on alot of my supps and some of the above, and it was a very stressful time,

the biggest being my mom had just passed away after a long illness. Anyway,

after that, I became very diligent again and starting taking all of the above

religiously, and I never got really sick the rest of the winter. I had many

times when I felt like a virus was trying to get me, and I was able to ward it

off every time! And this past winter was a nasty one, with lots of people

having some really bad upper respiratory stuff, and I never got any of it!

So, I am a firm believer in these immune boosters and think they are

definitely worth trying, and you may not need them all. The two recommended by

are not on Andy's lists and are more expensive, so I would suggest

starting with some of the ones Andy recommends first. Just add something one at

a time, and see what you think. Let me know if anyone wants any links to where

I get the stuff I take.

Ok, rambled long enough about this stuff! I hope it helps!


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