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Re: Starting over - have a question---digestive problems

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In frequent-dose-chelation Terri wrote:

I am thinking that the DMSA probably triggered the -reaction. I have

had chronic bowel problems since having my gallbladder removed several

years ago - probably due to mecury poisoning. I was managing the

digestive system very well with diet and supplements until I started

chelating. I think that my liver is at issue here - what little stool

I have is pale, pale - almost more white than yellow - and my belly is

bloated and distended.

----------I'm not the digestive expert here, but my understanding is that pale

stools is a sign of too little bile, which would fit in with your gallbladder

being removed, but you said you had been managing up to this point. So the DMSA

did seem to upset this somehow. Again, maybe just too high of a dose for

starting back up with chelation. When things have settled down, I would try a

lower dose. But I agree you need to work on your digestive tract


I have been reading Andy's recommendations for

the liver but there is so much information that it is hard to take in.

----------Yes it can be overwhelming. Milk thistle is highly recommended for

the liver, and glutamine is supposed to help heal the gut also, so I would

recommend those for starters. Also, are you taking plenty of probiotics? That

may help. And I think glycine is good for something too, maybe the liver. And

are you taking something like lecithin or phosphatadylcholine? Those are also

good for the liver and may help.

And in another post, you mention using some digestive aids, was that a recent

change? And have you ever used Betaine HCl (stomach acid)? Many of us need to

take that also, to help with digestion, besides digestive enzymes. And I would

think that with your gallbladder gone, that you would need these extra digestive

aids, so not sure why they would cause you a problem.

Someone like would know alot more about diet and bowel problems, so

hopefully she'll get a chance to respond. Otherwise, you could search for past

posts from her on the topic. I believe she would probably recommend the SCD

diet to you, as would probably Andy. So you may want to look into that. So

just throwing out some ideas for you to consider. Good luck---------Jackie

Did I mention that I am sluggish - mentally and physically - and

depressed as well?

----------All signs/symptoms of metal poisoning and the related problems that

go along with it, such as hormonal imbalances, etc. I would work on your gut

first, but then you can start learning about and addressing these other issues

too. Lots of info in the links and files section.--------Jackie




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In frequent-dose-chelation Terri wrote:


The first round I began having very loose bowels. By the second round

my food was going through me pretty much undigested. By the end of

the third round I was having constant pain in the bowel plus

heartburn, nausea, and a dry mouth with a metallic taste. And I

gained five pounds.

I am still having these symptom although they are somewhat better

since I am mostly eating only yogurt and oatmeal.

This happened in spite of - or maybe because of (?) - the fact that I

was taking Now Super Digestive Enzymes, Jarrow Bile Acid Factors with

every meal.

---------Have you been using these same products for a long time, or is this

something fairly new you added? If you've used them a long time with no

problem, then I would suspect the DMSA for the recent troubles. But if these

were newly added recently also, then it's hard to say what caused what.

I am not personally familiar with these exact products, but many of us

need/take digestive aids, including Betaine HCl, which I don't see you mention.

Otherwise, I would definitely think you would need these, because you mention

having your gallbladder removed in another post. So I don't understand why they

would be bad for you, unless it's something new, and just not the right thing

for you or too much/too strong, etc.----------Jackie

I would appreciate any insight that you could give me.

Also, can you comment on the reliability of the lead reading from the

challenge test.

---------Talked about in another post. But lead is known to cause digestive

problems, so definitely could be a factor for you.----------Jackie




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I would suggest the betaine hydrochloric acid as well..

These are the things I must have for my digestion..

I take 2 Now super enzymes , at least 3 Natural Factors

HCL I think that is 1500.. milk thistle seed ground,

glocosamine sulfate as I am low in that. Plus the lecithin {

choline and inositol} with every meal, plus magnesium and vit

c to keep things moving.. fruit meal a bit less.

Plus my minerals and vitamins.. manganese helps with pain in

my liver..vitamin K helps with my gut flora..I hope I have not

forgotten something.. oh so many pills.. but all so necessary..


--- This happened in spite of - or maybe because of (?) - the fact

that I

> was taking Now Super Digestive Enzymes, Jarrow Bile Acid Factors


> every meal.


> ---------Have you been using these same products for a long time,

or is this something fairly new you added? If you've used them a

long time with no problem, then I would suspect the DMSA for the

recent troubles. But if these were newly added recently also, then

it's hard to say what caused what.


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Thanks, Jackie and Nanci. I have been on SCD for several years and just

within the last year was able to add some variety to my diet. I think that

I probably need to go back to square one on that.

Here are the supplements that I take on a regular basis: Super Enzymes (does

contain ox bile), L-Glutamine 1000x4, Vitamin C 1000x4, Vitamin E 400x2,

Culturelle (probiotic) x2, CLO, Vitamin B Complex, Melatonin, Valerian Root.

Lysine, Selenium and EPO. I added Bromelain, Bile acid factors and

GABA when I began chelating. I will be adding lecithin, glycine,

phosphatadylcholine, milk thistle extract, taurine,

l-tyrosine and molybdenum.

Right now I still have the bowel pain and I am achy all over and

lethargic. Other than some yoga, I am taking it very easy. Once again the

SCD yogurt is the mainstay of my diet.

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From a quick look at your supplements, you are missing two of Andy's

" top four " - magnesium and zinc.



> Thanks, Jackie and Nanci. I have been on SCD for several years and just

> within the last year was able to add some variety to my diet. I

think that

> I probably need to go back to square one on that.


> Here are the supplements that I take on a regular basis: Super

Enzymes (does

> contain ox bile), L-Glutamine 1000x4, Vitamin C 1000x4, Vitamin E 400x2,

> Culturelle (probiotic) x2, CLO, Vitamin B Complex, Melatonin,

Valerian Root.

> Lysine, Selenium and EPO. I added Bromelain, Bile acid factors and

> GABA when I began chelating. I will be adding lecithin, glycine,

> phosphatadylcholine, milk thistle extract, taurine,

> l-tyrosine and molybdenum.


> Right now I still have the bowel pain and I am achy all over and

> lethargic. Other than some yoga, I am taking it very easy. Once

again the

> SCD yogurt is the mainstay of my diet.




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> Thanks, Jackie and Nanci. I have been on SCD for several years and just

> within the last year was able to add some variety to my diet. I

think that

> I probably need to go back to square one on that.



Just a note of agreement here. When I had serious bowel problems

(somewhat different from yours, but same region) what I found I had to

do was go to the basic beginner SCD for a period of time (chicken

soup, cooked carrot, SCD yogurt made from goat milk with low CHO fruit

like cooked blueberries). I had to remove everything else. It became

very clear during that time that I had to avoid honey (that I had only

included because it was SCD legal). It took some time on that

beginner diet before the problem started to resolve. Some supplements

that are essential for gut healing are Mg, omega 3 oils, vitamin D,

glutamine (there may be others that I'm not remembering right now). I

also became more careful about remembering to take Betaine HCL and

digestive enzymes with meals, and I ordered all sorts of different

probiotics and included different ones at different times.

As the problem started to heal I was able to eat cooked meat and

cooked vegetables, and then very gradually started to introduce other

foods (like the almond biscuits and baked goods, without honey).

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-Hi Terri.-

Yep do start low... everyone is so different Choline helps

the bile flow and will help the bowels move. Are you prone

to loose bowels or are you constipated or normal..??

I just read yesterday in AI about how choline can act

differently in different people. It is ON page 148 he writes

that choline " improves memory, attention and alleviates

depression. " THen on page 124 he writes " choline can deepen

depression in depressed people. "

It is all so much work and costly isnt it ? to figure out

what is best ...Keep on trucking..nanci

- In frequent-dose-chelation , " Terri G "



> Hi



> wonder if I started with too large of a dose or if I should have


> with the lecithin and worked my way up to the phosphatidylcholine?


> Thanks.


> Terri




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