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good update.

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I finished a round yesterday. Today I threw out a wack of my

homeopathics, herbs that have been sitting around... those

many things worth hundreds of dollars ... It had been hard to

let go of , I felt I may never use them.. Today I FELT like

doing it.

I really think I have had some major brain improvements with

this last round on 25 DMSA/25 ALA... I feel more together,It

feels permanent --ie different and lasting.

I have a different attitude ... something I sense is gone.

No longer that lingering feeling of not being all with it..

No longer that worrying of not being able to keep it

together No longer those pursuing anxieties as I knew on

that non intellectual level things were out of wack ..

I kind of think and hope I had good reason to throw

those things out..!!! I have alot of DMSA in stock in my

vitamin pantry, ALA is cheap and accessable. And I know

alot of the right vitamins , supplements to take for the rest

of the time I am doing Frequent dose..

I shall keep you posted ,,,


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Today I am noticing the healing even more. The two days

after finishing the round had wiped me out, but I also had

noticed that improvement with my brain. I concentrated on taking

all of my supplements these three days. Around 3 pm today my

energy was great and I felt like I could concentrate and

maintain my boundaries.. without that usual feeling of being

overwhelmed. WOW.. ZOhzey... !!!! I shall keep you posted..



> I finished a round yesterday. Today I threw out a wack of my

> homeopathics, herbs that have been sitting around... those

> many things worth hundreds of dollars ... It had been hard to

> let go of , I felt I may never use them.. Today I FELT like

> doing it.


> I really think I have had some major brain improvements


> this last round on 25 DMSA/25 ALA... I feel more


> feels permanent --ie different and lasting.


> I have a different attitude ... something I sense is gone.

> No longer that lingering feeling of not being all with it..

> No longer that worrying of not being able to keep it

> together No longer those pursuing anxieties as I knew on

> that non intellectual level things were out of wack ..


> I kind of think and hope I had good reason to throw

> those things out..!!! I have alot of DMSA in stock in my

> vitamin pantry, ALA is cheap and accessable. And I know

> alot of the right vitamins , supplements to take for the rest

> of the time I am doing Frequent dose..


> I shall keep you posted ,,,


> nanci


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> Today I am noticing the healing even more. The two days

> after finishing the round had wiped me out, but I also had

> noticed that improvement with my brain. I concentrated on


> all of my supplements these three days. Around 3 pm today


> energy was great and I felt like I could concentrate and

> maintain my boundaries.. without that usual feeling of being

> overwhelmed. WOW.. ZOhzey... !!!! I shall keep you posted..



That is such good news!! I would love to have that feeling of

maintaining my boundaries and not being overwhelmed. The boundary

thing I had somewhat on Adderall. It gave me a sense of control over

my life, relationships, etc.. But then I started feeling agitated on

it. I really hope I can get the same feeling with chelation. I plan

on starting up again soon. So, what are you going to do now with this

new feeling of health?? Enjoy!


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Thanks Val... I feel alot more hopeful about my future..

Because I have gone through so much I am still in that timid

stage.. plus I need alot more improvement with my digestion

before I really jump for joy..

It has been an interesting few days. I beleive that as

things improve in our bodies, things that have become necessary

patterns of behaviour come to the surface and then those

must be healed. I had a great day yesterday, then come night

I had a real downer.. but it was not like the physically

driven downers. This one I was able to work out

emotionally in a couple of hours and am back to more


Today I am going through stuff and am able to let go of

those things which would come in handy if I was totally

destitute. LIke that extra coat for our cold Canadian

winters.. Things seem alot more lighter and am looking forward

to getting back to some art... just to have some exta time

where I am not in bed , nor researching like mad for an answer

to my problems , will suit me fine.. Maybe back to some city

political activism.. and yes some reading..

Nice to dream again.. nanci

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I did around 6-10 rounds at a high dose using ALA at the

beginnng over 2years ago--- I was body1million back then . MY

first just DMSA round I noticed difference with digestion

and with mood..I was hooked but my kidneys and my digestion

were so bad I had to figure out how to take care of those,,

I restarted again , starting low as suggested , just with

DMSA , jan this year. I increased my dose gradually and was

doing alright. Then I increased it too high so backed down.. I

have done around 14 rounds.. some longer than the three days.

==up to 7 days long. Now I am just doing 3 -4 day rounds as

my digestion is being negatively affected with the ALA as

without glutathione I am a wreck. I realize now in order to

live , I just have to continue with the supplements and I

cannot let one go just for the sake of taking a break.

My digestion is still very worrisome, and my mood is bad with

that.. WIth supplements it is more in check , so I still keep

on trying more things. Our digestive tract really affects our

emotional state. DId you know most of our serotonin which

affects depression is in our gut?.

I saw a dramatic affect with my first DMSA round with

digestion so am holding onto that hope for more improvement .I

was able to eat flesh proteins with about the same affects

as other things after that DMSA round.

... As well my brain is working alot better and my kidneys .

Both where directly from rounds.. it could not have been from

anything else.

I am also taking better care of myself now that i am feeling

better. I can finally rest and relax . This thanksgiving

holiday here in canada is the first for me where I actually

felt I could take a holiday. Before I was just a basket

case and was spending so much time searching and attempting

to find new things to help me out as I was on my own . When

you are as sick as I was , the drive to get better was

constantly on my mind. I mean I was bad.. very bad.. So hang in

there.. I hope you get improvements fast.



> Just out of curiousity, what round are you on.... maybe give me


> hope since I've been feeling crappy for rounds 10-14 (since Aug).


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