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Re: Update--just started chelating

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======== hi carrie,

have you started taking supps again,i have been having stomach

problems and want to stop my supps to see if they are a problem but i

still want to carry on chelating i wonder if it would be ok to stop

supps and chelate for a couple of rounds. Be interested to know what

you are doing



> Hi all,


> I just wanted to post an update since it's been a while since I

> posted. After getting a lot of good advice from you guys (especially

> Dave!)I got my amalgams out this summer. As soon as the last one was

> out I immediately felt soooo good and that lasted about a month or


> I was very centered, very happy, slow to anger, just generally



> I was planning on chelating right away but while I was getting my

> amalgams out I found out I had a root canal that I didn't know


> Two dentists assured me it definitely didn't have any amalgam in it

> anywhere, but something about it made me nervous so I decided to


> for chelation until I could get it removed.


> After about a month I started getting headaches. It was really

> difficult until I realized they were caused by the supplements I was

> taking--Vitamin C, zinc, and iodine all gave me terrible headaches,

> which had never happened before. So I stopped these supplements and

> the headaches went away, but I no longer had that calm balanced good

> feeling anymore.


> A week ago I finally got my root canal tooth out and that went

fine. I

> got through the extraction without any kind of problems. Two months

> had passed since I had had my amalgams out and I was really nervous

> about chelating. I kept going back and forth in my mind, and I kept

> putting it off. Finally this week I got everything ready (DMSA

only, 9

> mg every 4 hours) and figured I'd just go for it. I am so glad I


> I feel so good already. I can tell this was the right path to take.


> Thank you, everyone, for the support and good advice.




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I really think it is best to only do one stressful thing at

a time.. Otherwise you will not know which causes what..

Finding your supplements you need is as important as

chelating.. It keeps our bodies from crashing.. I know our

bodies can crash. THen you are many steps behind.. take it

slow and easy and you will be heading in the right direction.




> ======== hi carrie,

> have you started taking supps again,i have been having stomach

> problems and want to stop my supps to see if they are a problem but


> still want to carry on chelating i wonder if it would be ok to stop

> supps and chelate for a couple of rounds. Be interested to know what

> you are doing

> Dudley.



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Vitamin C reaction can be from a sensitivity to what it is

made from.. I cannot rememmber what most Vit c is made from.?

When I first started out eliminating , finding supports etc , ie

before Frequent dose chelation, I could not tolerate vit c

and had to go to untraditional sources.. The two that come to

mind were vit c made from beets, another made from sago

palm... More expensive but taking these as well as improving

other things , I got around to the normal vit c after a year

or so... and you may do better what with help with frequent


I would rotate these two ,, ie take one for a few days then

stop and only take the other form.. if you can tolerate these..

ROtation I think is important for those with severe

sensitivities. I still rotate on a two/ three day schedual

as I still get sensitive to things ...



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Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 12:03 PM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: Re: Update--just started chelating

> Hi,

> Actually it's just Vitamin C that I haven't been brave enough to try

> again

============, have you considered using Organic Rosehips

1 tsp. coarsely ground plus pips, is equivalent to 2000mg of synthetic

Vitamin C (grind for 4 seconds at a time to prevent blade from heating and

releasing nickel - use soon thereafter)




> ------------------------------------



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