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Re: Can someone help me with my DDI Hair Elements test?

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In frequent-dose-chelation libbbb wrote:

I just received my DDI Hair Elements test. It says mercury is in the

yellow, and I have been seeing some improvement with DMSA, so I think

it's safe to say that I need to do more chelation.

----------So I'm assuming you've had all amalgam removed from your mouth,

since you are already doing chelation? Can you tell us more about your

symptoms, when you had your amalgams removed, how long you've been chelating,

and at what dose and timing?

Your hair test does meet a counting rule, with 5 bars in the red, so a high

probability of mercury toxicity. And you do show elevated mercury too, which is

kind of unusual, but may be a reflection of the chelation you are doing, showing

that you are moving mercury out.

Your elevated uranium may be a reflection of where you live, some areas, such

as the Southwest, are naturally high in it. It can also mean that you may be

low in iron. Your hair iron does not reflect body levels, so you would need to

check your ferritin levels, which is your body store of iron. Otherwise, most

toxic people should avoid iron, if there levels are ok.

You do show somewhat of the adrenal stress pattern, with calcium and magnesium

low, and sodium and potassium high. Read the links about adrenals, and try

supporting them with diet, lifestyle, and supplements as necessasry. Probably

hard to do as a college student, and hard to say more, without more info about

symptoms and what you're already taking.

Your Ca/Mg ratio is on the lower end, which may signal blood sugar regulation

problems. Might want to get that tested or do more reading about it. But a

high protein/low carb diet, and eating protein frequently should help. You

could also try taking chromium picolinate 200mcg with each meal.

Your Ca/P is on the lower end, meaning you're probably a fast metabolizer, and

may do well with a high fat diet and substantial amounts of Vit D. It also

means you make lots of adrenaline, and this coincides with your sodium and

potassium being up, and cal and mag being down, which Cutler says means your

adrenals are shot, making way too much adrenaline but not enough cortisol. If

this sound like you, then I would suggest learning about adrenals and consider

doing the saliva test.

Your Na/K is low, which could point to possible thyroid problems. Tracking

your temps is one of the easiest ways to check this. You could have a mixture

of adrenal and thyroid symptoms, which you can check on the Dr. Rind website,

see the links section for Adrenal and Thyroid info.

So like I said, without more info from you, that's about all I can say.

Usually we have people send their hair tests to Dean, so that he can put it up

at his website with all the other hair tests. Info on how to do that is in the


I can't afford Andy

Cutlers hair test book as I'm a sick, broke college kid. (yes playing

the sympathy card) Is there anything else you smart people can deduce

from my test? Thanks for any help.

Link to DDI Hair Elements PDF



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