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Re: Looking for referrals and in need of help

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> Let me start off by saying I am sorry if this is a bit long. But I

wanted to give some

> background info on me. My main reason for posting is to find a MD or

ND in my area

> (DFW) to help me.

What is DFW?


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> > My main reason for posting is to find a MD or

> > > ND in my area

> > > > (DFW) to help me.

> > >

> > > What is DFW?

> > >

> > > J

> > >

> > Sorry, I should have spelled that out. DFW is Dallas, Fort Worth TX

> and surrounding areas.

> > Claire

> >



> ok, I don't think we have anyone from that area on our short list of

> recommended practitioners. Best thing to do would be to email Andy

> direct and ask him if there is a practitioner close by that he has

> worked with. The address is AndyCutler @ aol.com (without the spaces).


> To be honest, doctors in the US consume a LOT of money, and most are

> not of much use for mercury poisoning because they know nothing about

> it (some think they do and mess people up with horrible treatments).

> The best thing to do is educate yourself, and chelate yourself using

> Andy's two books and the information and support on the internet. It

> helps to have a physician who is willing to do occasional testing,

> like the standard blood tests and a hormone panel. Many tests can be

> ordered on the internet without a doctor (there aren't many tests that

> are needed). It may be necessary to find a doctor to prescribe

> replacement hormones. Some people do find that they need prescription

> medications, and that is where a doctor can come in handy. I am

> fortunate that I live in Canada and don't have to pay doctor fees.


> The other thing to consider is to fly to Seattle to see

> (www.npjulie.com). For legal reasons, she has to see her clients in

> person once before she can treat them - after that she can consult on

> the phone. She has the most experience with Andy's protocol and the

> numerous problems that poisoned people have difficulty with. It is

> worth the traveling costs (considering what I have heard others have

> wasted with doctors and inappropriate treatments). And, Seattle is a

> great place for a vacation (been there, done that!!)


> J


I like your idea of using and will check into that should I find no one of

use around

here. I will also email Andy to see if anyone does exist around here. I totally

agree with

your statement about doctors not being of much use for mercury detox or


I have been on HRT (bio-identical) for a few months now and last Friday had more


done. I will know the results Monday. I believe it is mercury that caused so

many female

problems with me. I eventually had to have a total hysterectomy at age 30. I

will get

Andy's other book this weekend. Until yesterday I didn't realize he had 2.

Thank you so much for the information.


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=== comments below


Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:06 AM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: Looking for referrals and in need of help

I requested to join this board yesterday and since then have been

> pouring over posts and files learning as much as I can.

=====Claire , it is just as pointed out, you will learn the most from

Andy's two books, yahoogroups like this and if you're very lucky, find a

doctor to assist you. Mercury poisoning seems to be a very 'alone' journey

for all of us. Thus groups like these with personal experience is where i

feel the safest. Keep reading and keep asking questions.

> The good news! All amalgams and root canals are removed.

===== Congratulations. Have you done a Hairtest for us to look at ?

The acupuncturist used basically

> muscle testing and found mercury was my road blocks. Imagine that! So I

> began her

> treatments and all was fine until a week ago. Even as bad as I feel now I

> am still improved

> with her treatments. But, silly me. I was concerned that her treatments

> may not be

> enough so I added my own. Even though I knew Andy wrote that not enough

> was know

> about cilantro I had used it in the past with no bad effects. Of course

> those times I was

> not in a detox program such as this person had me on. Make matters worse I

> vamped my

> use of whey and added in NAC, went back to eating red meat for my muscles,

> taking

> garlic tablets, probably a few other things along the way but too sick at

> the moment to

> recall.

=======Sorry to hear that. It seems as soon as you introduced sulphur

products (cilantro, garlic, NAC,etc?)

to your detox, you were feeling bad. Why don't you do a sulphur exclusion

diet while you are finding a new docotor.

Then you'll know if that is the cause of how you are feeling now.



> have printed a lot of the information on this site and from Andy's book to

> take with me. I

> fullly into to follow his protocol.

> Claire



> ------------------------------------



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> === comments below


> --------------------------------------------------


> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:06 AM

> To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

> Subject: Looking for referrals and in need of help


> I requested to join this board yesterday and since then have been

> > pouring over posts and files learning as much as I can.

> =====Claire , it is just as pointed out, you will learn the most from

> Andy's two books, yahoogroups like this and if you're very lucky, find a

> doctor to assist you. Mercury poisoning seems to be a very 'alone' journey

> for all of us. Thus groups like these with personal experience is where i

> feel the safest. Keep reading and keep asking questions.

*****For years now in the back of my mind I knew mercury was an issue in my

life but it

has taken until now for me to honor it. I guess mentally I wasn't ready. it was

my husband

that got Andy's book because he felt mercury could be a big issue for me. I've

done alot of

reading and quite frankly it scares the bageebees out of me when I look back at


history with it and can connect all my major illnesses, including a complete

break down to

times of dental work. Joining this board was a huge step for me. I've been on

an alone

journey for some time now.




> > The good news! All amalgams and root canals are removed.

> ===== Congratulations. Have you done a Hairtest for us to look at ?


***** A hair test was done about 4-5 years ago. Showed nothing significant.

Neither did

the challenge test some months later. Which was done with my amalgams in. I ?'ed

the doc

about the safety of doing that. Tell you the truth I was so sick I don't really

know if it

made me worse. There is a health food store that i shop at and they offer the

hairtest all

the time. Do you think it would be a good idea to do one again?

=======Sorry to hear that. It seems as soon as you introduced sulphur

> products (cilantro, garlic, NAC,etc?)

> to your detox, you were feeling bad. Why don't you do a sulphur exclusion

> diet while you are finding a new docotor.

> Then you'll know if that is the cause of how you are feeling now.

> Kai



******* I crave cilantro all the time. Literally I do. I love the stuff. Well, I

do but maybe my

body doesn't. Agree and went on sulphur free diet for 4 days. Skin rash was a

lot better

off of it. Used baking soda baths and benedryl. Introduced some sulphur foods


Only complaint is digestion. I don't think I am breaking down proteins. Plan to

read up on

that today. I also had some cranial and lymph work done yesterday. That helped a

lot with

the brain problems. Upper body lymph is my most troubling area. Especially my

left arm. I

get a lot of swelling there. Recall it was always my left arm that I had

injections in.

Refused to allow them to use my rear or right arm. Right handed here. Funny

thing is that

with muscle testing mercury never comes up there as a blockage. Go figure!


> Claire

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 2:19 PM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: Re: Looking for referrals and in need of





>> > The good news! All amalgams and root canals are removed.

>> ===== Congratulations. Have you done a Hairtest for us to look at ?

> ***** A hair test was done about 4-5 years ago. Showed nothing

> significant. Neither did

> the challenge test some months later. Which was done with my amalgams in.

> I ?'ed the doc

> about the safety of doing that. Tell you the truth I was so sick I don't

> really know if it

> made me worse. There is a health food store that i shop at and they offer

> the hairtest all

> the time. Do you think it would be a good idea to do one again?

Kai:======I would definitely do one if I was you. It will make you much

wiser as to what is going on

There are two ways to order a Hair Elements test:

(1) Your doctor can order this test directly from DDI Labs in the USA.

(2) You can order this test yourself without a doctor's referral through

DirectLabs (also in the USA). E-mail Leigh Wilkerson for more information

and to request a test kit that will be posted to you. DirectLabs will then

obtain the DDI test result and e-mail it to you.

> ******* I crave cilantro all the time. Literally I do. I love the stuff.

Kai:====Me too ! Now I avoid it all together. My body felt so good after

having it, and a day or three later I would feel terrible. And so it went on

for a long time without me making that connection. I learnt from this group

what damage it does to mercury poisoned people, then I cut it out.Now I'm

almost afraid of it for what it does to me

Well, I do but maybe my body doesn't. Agree and went on sulphur free diet

for 4 days.

Kai ======Four days may be too short a period for you to make a call.

A week to 14 days always give you a clearer picture.

Do yourself a favour and do it a little longer.

I also had some cranial and lymph work done yesterday. That helped a lot


> the brain problems. Upper body lymph is my most troubling area. Especially

> my left arm. I

> get a lot of swelling there.

Kai:===== I also do cranial and lymph work and find it benefitial and


If your left arm is swollen, is there perhaps swelling on the left in your

neck or under your chin on the left?

Are you sure all your metals are out, rootcanals? , Cavitations done?

>> Claire


>> >

>> >

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> Comments

> Claire

> Kai:======I would definitely do one if I was you. It will make you much

> wiser as to what is going on

>Claire....I will be in the city tomorrow and will stop by the store and see

just what it is

they offer for testing and what lab they use. I will also be going by my

acupuncturist to

have my downloads check.

> > ******* I crave cilantro all the time. Literally I do. I love the stuff.


> Kai:====Me too ! Now I avoid it all together. My body felt so good after

> having it, and a day or three later I would feel terrible. And so it went on

> for a long time without me making that connection. I learnt from this group

> what damage it does to mercury poisoned people, then I cut it out.Now I'm

> almost afraid of it for what it does to me


>Claire...I am going to start charting any change in symptoms should I eat the

stuff ever

again. Looking back now, I don't recall any changes good or bad. But realize now

could be



> Kai ======Four days may be too short a period for you to make a call.

> A week to 14 days always give you a clearer picture.

> Do yourself a favour and do it a little longer.

> Claire....I was getting to weak from lack of protein consumption and had to

get some in

me. I had a buffalo patty with almond cheese and avocado for lunch. Took my HCL

and am

having no problems. But I can had the same thing for dinner last night and got a

lot of

acid reflux even using the HCL. Going to do protein for lunch but not for dinner


Never have a problem with breakfast and use no HLC then.


I also had some cranial and lymph work done yesterday. That helped a lot

> with

> > the brain problems. Upper body lymph is my most troubling area. Especially

> > my left arm. I

> > get a lot of swelling there.


> Kai:===== I also do cranial and lymph work and find it benefitial and

> essential.

Claire....Totally agree that this type of work is essential and beneficial.

> If your left arm is swollen, is there perhaps swelling on the left in your

> neck or under your chin on the left?

Claire...I don't see or feel any swelling in those areas but I don't have the

trained eye my

therapist does.

> Are you sure all your metals are out, rootcanals? , Cavitations done?

Claire....Metals out, root canals out and lost a tremendous amount of bone to


But wait....a different dentist did the bridge on my lower left. He was a

biological dentist

and, sorry I forget what the test was called, but it's the one to check for

compatibilties to

substances used. I do recall that when that quad (llower left) was done the

dentist was

pretty upset that so much amalgam was in bedded in my gums. He had to dig a lot

to get

it out and then use a laser to heal me. I think it would be a good idea to make

an appt

with my dentist (different one finished the work as I moved 1/2 way across the

US) to

discuss this issue. I wonder if nickel could be in play. The dentist will have

my records and

maybe there will be some info them. He's really a cool guy. He has literature

all over his

office on the damaging effects of amalgams. I know when this symptom began. But


was soooo much going on for me at the time and I cannot honestly say if it is


to the last ever amalgam filling I had a few months before it arrived. But I was

also on high

doses of amoxicillian for lyme at the time. I can get 2 other symptoms with my

left arm

swelling. I get rashes on my temples and I get this feeling of severe

de-hydration. It's

more of a feeling than being able to look at my skin and see it. I test the skin

between my

index and thumb and always get a good return. I use no lotions but on occasion


almond or lavender oil. I gave up sodas 17 years ago and always drink purified


Usually 80-90 OZ spread thru out the day. I just read not to drink 30 minutes

before or

after eating and no more than 4 oz during so that you don't break down the


enzymes in food. Wish I had known that 17 years ago.

I noticed that I got this de-hydrated feeling after dinner last night and again

today after

lunch. Protein? I won't use HCL for a couple of days and see what happens. I

have been on

it for about 4 weeks. This whole thing is a guessing and charting game to try

and figure

out what is doing what, what I am reacting to and so on. I use to think it was

caused by

EMF's. I am susceptible to them along with chemicals. But only when I am where I

am right

now. No other time. I have a special watch I wear to help me with the EMF's.

This makes it

easier for me to use my computer without getting sick.

I am thankful to you for all your suggestions and comments. Your are so kind to

take the



> >> Claire

> ------------------------------------

> >> >

> >> >

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