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Re: need encouragement -reply

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Thanks to all who have offered encouragement. Yes, I am on

adrenal/thyroid, prog/est support. I don't think that my hormone

support is quite working though. I have a doc appt tomorrow to examine

dosages etc. I am also planning on looking into candida/yeast problems -

not sure if that is problematic for me. I haven't been able to raise

my DMSA/ALA (12.5) since the beginning of chelation - I guess that

tells me that I'm pretty toxic. Probably my biggest mistake was to set

this year-marker goal of seeing improvement, instead of just accepting

the process. By the way, I never did the hair testing- unfortunately

did the challenge test! If I have any test reports to post after

getting from my doc, I will do so. Thanks again!




> Have you considered adrenal and thyroid hormone replacements? In some

> cases it is essential to replace these in order for the body to heal.




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> Thanks to all who have offered encouragement. Yes, I am on

> adrenal/thyroid, prog/est support. I don't think that my hormone

> support is quite working though. I have a doc appt tomorrow to


> dosages etc. I am also planning on looking into candida/yeast

problems -



Just a thought, I too was on adrenal/thyroid support but it

didn't really help. Then I did the Canary test and realized I

wasn't lacking cortisol I was making too much! So the HC I was on

was not helping me in the long run. Also, I wasn't addressing the

Estrogen dominance problem so that was a factor also. Pregnenolone

has done wonders for me.

Another thought, what kind of thyroid support are you on? Dean

posted that Armour did nothing for him but T3 (wilson's protocal)

did help him (if memory serves?). Point is, you have to be on the

right support and that can take trial and error. I have found docs

to be mildly helpful -- sort of like wandering around in the dark

and the doc hands me a flashlight. I still have to look for the

right answer but now I can at least see what I'm looking for, make


I think/believe after a year you *should* see progress. If not,

reevaluate everything.


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> Another thought, what kind of thyroid support are you on? Dean

> posted that Armour did nothing for him but T3 (wilson's protocal)

> did help him (if memory serves?).

Yip, I tried Armour and got worse, since it has T4 in it and my body was

converting it into RT3.

It did not raise my temperatures a bit.

It is important to release that the thyroid system can have several issues

with it. While we traditionally only see Hypothyroidism as the thyroid not

been able to make enough thyroid T4 hormone, we can have Thyroid hormone

resistance, as in 's Low Temperature Syndrome.

You can see the multiple problems with the thyroid system here:


Body temperature is key with thyroid management.

If it is 37 degrees/98.8 on average that tells you your thyroid is doing


Very important.


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I am sort of in a similar situation to you.

I have no recommendations, but can empathize.

I have been sick for quite awhile too - in fact my 20th anniversary

just passed! 20 yrs ago I dropped out of college with unremitting

fatigue, brain fog, and headaches and I've never been the same since.

I found out about frequent dose chelation last spring, got out

remaining amalgams, and began.

I thought by 6 months I would see some relief - didn't happen.

Now I've switched my goal to 1 year and realize I may have to move it

to 1 & 1/2 yrs.

I want so much to get on with my life that i set goals - but I think

setting these arbitrary goals can be frustrating...(although it does

keep me chelating.)

All I know for sure is that I had a lot of mercury in my mouth for a

long time, i barely met a counting rule, and increasing ALA too fast

made me feel awful.

That is not much to go on. Certainly not enough to convince any

doctor or dentist, let alone friends or significant others.

But i have been to over 25 dr.s & cllinics and no one could help so...

I am committed to seeing this through.

I wish you the best & want you to know there are others working,

suffering, and dragging themselves on just like you are.

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