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Re: Adrenals and thyroid, was Isocort, Adrenal Cortex Extract (ACE) used together?

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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:


> ----------You could certainly try switching to ACE and see what

you think. And I don't see why you couldn't take both, if Isocort

does *something* for you. I take both HC and ACE, so I don't see

why you couldn't take Isocort and ACE at the same time. But if the

ACE alone works, then just use that. I actually keep a bottle of

Isocort on hand as an emergency backup, in case I run out of HC for

some reason (like I don't reorder soon enough!).


> And it's ok to take other adrenal support too. I take HC, ACE,

DHEA, and pregnenolone everyday. My adrenals need alot of

help :) --------Jackie


Wow, Jackie that's alot of support. Have you seen an improvement?

-------------When I first went to see I was really a mess, and she put

me on all of the above plus progesterone cream. I have *lots* of low hormones.

This all definitely helped, and my over-all sense of well-being improved *alot*

shortly after. I was extremely low in progesterone, so that alone might have

made a big difference.

I haven't been feeling the greatest lately, but it seems I constantly have

something hitting my adrenals, surgery, family stress, trying to chelate, etc.,

so I think things may need to be tweaked again. So I need to retest my hormones

and will do that soon, because the one we haven't addressed yet is low

testosterone. It's been low on my past two tests, but was hoping that the

DHEA would help bring it up. If it's still low this time, I'll ask her to

prescribe it. So maybe that will be the missing link now. I hope :)

But I do take all of the above first thing in the morning, and I do feel

better once they all kick in. So I'd probably be very miserable without them.

I just don't think I have found the perfect balance yet.-------Jackie

Are you doing any thyroid support?

--------I am not taking any thyroid hormone, just other support right now. I

am taking tyrosine, selenium, and iodine, plus something called Thyrocare from

's that prescribed for me.

I have an appt for a physical coming up and will ask my doctor to retest my

thyroid. He's been pretty good about working with , but I've had to put

this off because of an insurance problem with his clinic for awhile. So I'll be

curious to see what my numbers are with only doing the above.

And my thyroid seems to keep getting put on the back burner, so to speak. And

it's a little trickier, because I have the anitbodies, Hashi's, and your thyroid

can fluctuate with that. So of course, at the time when I went to see , my

thyroid numbers were actually high, and my TSH was extremely low. So we didn't

focus on that right away. But the last time I had it tested, my antibodies were

down in the normal range, so something is/was working, and her and I were both

happy about that. And then last fall when I asked her about thyroid, we put it

off again, because I had an upcoming surgery and high blood sugar to deal with.

So I have just let it slide again.

The other thing, is I have been lazy and not tracking my temps. I wish I

would have started this before I started adrenal support. It would have been

interesting to see. So I should start doing that, and get some new thyroid

labs, and then has said we could try doing the 's thing, if I want

to. I tend to let things coast through the summer, but I will try to get back

on track this fall, when the kids go back to school.

So I don't think my thyroid is optimum, but something has helped to lower my

antibodies. Maybe all the adrenal support is helping. And I believe

has mentioned a link between progesterone and thyroid, so possibly that has

helped it to. And maybe the supplements. But after I get some new labs next

month, I may try the 's protocol with SRT3. If I do, I'll let you guys

know how it goes.--------Jackie

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