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Abdominal pain

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I am wondering if anyone else seems to have almost constant vague abdominal pain

like I do. It never goes away, just sometimes diminishes a bit. It feels as if

my intestines are constantly clenched tightly like a fist. I had thought that

maybe the mercury is causing either the nerves or the muscles themselves to

cramp constantly, similar to the way my jaw constantly clenches, whether I am

awake or asleep. I did some research and mercury does seem to have this effect

on muscle tissue but I can't say for sure that's why my gut is sore. It got

temporarly better while taking Flagyl so I am not sure what is going on there,

as that would indicate a bacterial infection. Anyone get this symptom?

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> >

> > I am wondering if anyone else seems to have almost constant vague

> abdominal pain like I do.


> Actually, no I haven't really had pain problems, but I've had

> other GI symptoms.

Thanks for your info and insight I appreciate it.


> > It never goes away, just sometimes diminishes a bit. It feels as


> my intestines are constantly clenched tightly like a fist.

> Since you say " intestines " , I am guessing this pain is in the lower

> abdomen? Any other symptoms - constipation, diarrhea, bloating,

> gas, nausea, anything else?

Lower abdomen mostly but it can be stomach or liver area and large

bowel as well. Its a vague pain so its a little hard to locate. I

have all the typical IBS symptoms, as you mentioned above. My

digestion seems to slow down as well, and then things will go back to

normal for a month or so after a week of Flagyl, and it is quite

amazing how quickly things go back to normal after taking the Flagyl,

literally within hours. Other antibiotics haven't had any effect at

all, but the Flagyl seems to always work. Curiously, 24 hours after

taking Flagyl, I get this horrendous borborygmus for an hour or so,

really loud and lots of movement. After that, things seem to go back

to normal. Its so bizarre. O & P tests have all come back normal even

doing three tests on different days. I am curious about doing the

tests you mention. Are they more accurate than the typical O & P test?


> > I had thought that maybe the mercury is causing either the nerves


> the muscles themselves to cramp constantly, similar to the way my


> constantly clenches, whether I am awake or asleep.


> If it is a muscular issue, taking enough magnesium should help to

> relax the muscles. (Magnesium will cause loose stools if you take

> too much - your tolerance may increase over time, so start slowly

> with small doses 3-4 times per day and increase gradually.)

> GABA can also be relaxing.

I am now taking magnesium after seeing such a low result on the hair

test. This seems to have helped with the many twitches and cramps I

was getting especially with my eyelids, and arm/leg muscles. My

eyelids would continuously twitch for weeks sometimes. I also get

twitches in my gut, where I can feel a section of my intestine twitch

back and forth quickly and with a lot of sudden movement. It feels

like something is struggling to get out :)

I haven't tried the GABA yet so I will get some.


> > I did some research and mercury does seem to have this effect on

> muscle tissue but I can't say for sure that's why my gut is sore.


> got temporarly better while taking Flagyl so I am not sure what is


> Flagyl is both antibacterial and antiprotozoal. Since it helped,

> it certainly suggests you have a problem with one of those


> Did your symptoms stay improved for awhile after you stopped the

> Flagyl, or did they come back right away?

It depends. First time symptoms went away for about a year. Second

time a few weeks, third time a month. Very weird! Flagyl also has

immunomodulogical effects, so I was thinking it may be changing how

my immune system is reacting (to Hg maybe?).

> 1) what are you doing for GI support - how much probiotics? what

> type of diet? enzymes? hcl? any anti-pathogen agents, natural or


> anything else for your gut?

I take VSL twice a day as a probiotic, take Betaine on occasion, have

taken anti-parasitic herbal medications, dewormers, GSE etc. If its

a parasite, its a pretty hardy one. My diet is pretty good I think,

but I am not on any special diet. I don't think its diet related

because when I am asymptomatic after taking the Flagyl I can eat

anything and nothing bothers me. When that wears off, my gut hurts

no matter what I eat or even if I don't eat at all. It really feels

like a muscular issue as if my intestine is just squeezing really

tight. I also notice that my stool is often in the shape of my

intestine like a cast, as if it was squeezed really tight and now

looks like a cast of the inside of my intestine with all the

striations, muscle texture etc. Someone told me that was typical of

a potassium defiency but I don't know.

> 2) have you ever had a stool analysis to check for pathogens? if

> you can't solve this fairly easily and quickly with more/different

> probiotics, change in diet (see the diet file), and/or GSE or some

> other natural agent (to where your gut feels and functions


> then I would encourage you to get one. The comprehensive stool

> analyses available from several labs (DDI, Metametrix, Genova) are

> good baseline testing and could identify other problems in addition

> to pathogens.




> > going on there, as that would indicate a bacterial infection.

> Anyone get this symptom?


> My problems have always been more in the nature of nausea,

> constipation, bloating. I certainly sympathize with vague but

> intrusive GI symptoms.


> My understanding is that SCD is a good diet for people prone

> to bacterial problems. If you have a bacterial problem and it is

> not real bad, a trial of that diet might be pretty informative.

Not sure what SCD is but again, if was diet related then I would have

thought that when I was asymptomtic that I could have triggered the

symptoms with diet, but I can't.

> --



> p.s. I couldn't find your hair test, but Dave's interpretation

> says you have an all low test - Andy has said this type of test

> suggests a need for more stomach acid and other support for

> digestion/absorption (eg digestive enzymes). I had an all low

> test and it improved dramatically after I added hcl (enzymes

> helped with symptoms, but didn't improve the hair test).


> Also noticed your posts about joint problems. If you are low

> sulfate, this can contribute to joint problems and (I think)

> gut problems too. Probably wouldn't directly help with a pathogen

> problem, but would support any needed healing after correcting the

> pathogen problem.

Yes my hair test seemed to indicate all essential elements were very

low. There were only 6 elements tht weren't low, so I am not sure

what is going on there. Only Chromium and Zirconium were to the

right in any significant way.

It has always seemed like a pathogen to me, especially considering

the Flagyl works so quickly, but no test has ever picked up any

pathogen so my doctor thinks its IBS which doesn't make sense to me

since Flagyl shouldn't improve IBS. I had thought that maybe the

pathogen wasn't in my gut per se, but in my liver and affecting my

gut indirectly like a chinese liver fluke but I don't know how you

would test for that. Is mercury illness and parasites related at all?

Many thanks,

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Hello , Your symptoms do totally sound like mine.. I

wonder if the flagyl affects the flow of bile.. That is what

was attributing to my pain.. Some things like milk thistle,

artichoke leaf extract all helped but then the lecithin which

is required for bile flow.. { it helps dissolve fats I

beleive.} totally took the tightness and electric like

shock spasms away...

In order to digest fats we need fat.... How is your

cholesterol?? .. Mine was low ... You may need to help your

system digest fats.. THe lecithin was the best thing for me.

I thought for years that I had parasites .... and did a

few cleanses ,,, it did not cure my symtoms of tenesmus of my

lower bowel... I used to feel like I had a steal rod up there

it felt so tight.. and 24 hour discomfort and horror.. I

feel for you..Hang in there.


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> Hello , Your symptoms do totally sound like mine.. I

> wonder if the flagyl affects the flow of bile..

Its interesting that you mention that since the experience I had last

time I was on it, was that previous to taking it my stool was always

very yellow/orange. Then literally the day after starting the Flagyl

it turned a dark brown and stayed that way for a few weeks but the

pain returned and so did the orange/yellow stool. Bile is what turns

stool brown is it not? Can mercury affect bile production?

That is what

> was attributing to my pain.. Some things like milk


> artichoke leaf extract all helped but then the lecithin


> is required for bile flow.. { it helps dissolve fats I

> beleive.} totally took the tightness and electric like

> shock spasms away...

I will have to get some lecithin and see if that helps. The

tightness feeling is so awful as if you had just done 1000 situps as

fast as you could, and it is 24 hours a day and no painkiller I have

found helps.

> In order to digest fats we need fat.... How is your

> cholesterol?? .. Mine was low ... You may need to help your

> system digest fats.. THe lecithin was the best thing for



> I thought for years that I had parasites .... and did a

> few cleanses ,,, it did not cure my symtoms of tenesmus of


> lower bowel... I used to feel like I had a steal rod up


> it felt so tight.. and 24 hour discomfort and horror.. I

> feel for you..Hang in there.

Of course I thought I had parasites, and perhaps I do, although all

O & P tests have returned normal so I don't know. This is definitely

the worst symptom of all of them because it is so incessant.

Thanks for your insight I try the lecithin.

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