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Re: W A , history ---to (parasites)

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all i can say is that when i first started chelating, i tried to do

both; parasite and chelation (with dmsa) and it was very painful.

this was back in December 2007

I followed TK's advice (moderator) and stopped all parasite

treatments) and i would say in month 2 and 4 (ie January and March) i

had a liver flike purge (old dead ones)

i would defintely not do any more cleanses and i think as Jay

jsut posted; my view on colonic cleansing is the same as hers; that

your internal terrain is so fragile, how can a cleanse possibly help

restore the flora to what is correct for each of us..also if you do

have a lot of waste build up it is bound to be loaded with mercury

and other bugs, that flushing it all out would cause more damage...my

thoughts only!!

i think a major organ cleanse at this point could really hurt you.

you have to go very slow in removing mercury from your blood/tissues

with dmsa/dmps before you start in with ALA which addresses the organ


It took me pretty much 6-8 months post chealtion (ie now) to start

feeling better and this was going from a -9 last year this time to

having my amalgams out in November 2007 (still -8) to chelating a few

months (maybe up to a -6 or -5);; then i had a root canal removed and

became very ill again (back to a -9) and the last few months have

been steadily improving( -2 to +1)

I do not think I am yet free of the parasites as i keep seeing

occasibannly wht i think are called harcourts or something that i had

read up on (red fiberous slivers) that is our bodies immune reaction

to parasites..but i know they do not like this chelation

everyone proceeds/progresses at a different level based upon how

toxic they are; how strong their underlying health and genetics are;

how much rest they can get and if they are only eating good food (I

think it is key to only give your body good food and eliminate all

bad stuff) while you are trying to rebstore your health

my head is clearer last few months (after 3-4 months of ALA) but

still have very little energy and am treating adrenals still which AI

says you must treat first

i know what you mean with people thinking you are nuts [which many of

us are due to mercury and other neurotoxins :)]. I used to feel like

Munsch's " Scream " painting sometimes with wondering how in god/s name

was i going to get rid of these parasites..BUT this chelation cures

and AI and this forum is the most amazing source of information out

there to help us

On Probiotics..they will help... just go slow with them, as it can

take many months to get your gut back in shape...small steps with

everything..you can tell if the dose is too high as you will hurt

like heck

yes suggest the AI book and sticking to what Andy Cutler recommends

for supps ...it is invaluable

you will get better, just realize it could be 12-24 months..but at

least you will be going forward after going back ward for I am sure

many years

good luck

> >

> >

> >







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IMO, this flat lining of emotions will diminish with chelation and

the right adrenal and other support. I found my emotions and optimism

came back after a month or two on ALA. BUt do not rush the ALA. I

tried at 3 months to go on ALA and it was too soon. i got very messed

up in the head probably because i have a lot of body mercury and also

a lot of head mercury...just be alert to what your body is trying to

tell u

i do think its good to start on low doses of dmsa (ie 6 mgs or less).

I believe i had to start at 3-4 mgs. If at all possible you may want

to try and line up a dr who will prescribe dmps. its more expensive

but many of us seem to have problems with dmsa

from what i have read about the potential with low nuetrophils (that

dmsa can cuase) is these neutrophils/eosinphils/basophils are a big

part of our immmune system and help protect against things like

parasites..sooo i am not trying to cause more complications, but you

may want to consider getting on dmps at some point

i got a bad bronchial/flu infection about 3-4 weeks after being on

dmsa; do not know if it was coincidence or not..but have had pretty

good results with dmps

thats good that you have been eating healthy for a while, its sets

the tone for your recovery.

its funny that you say people say you look healthier..i am in the

same boat and i tell people its the paper tiger effect..meaning i

look healthier but i am still pretty weak..its probably that i looked

like crap for the last 3-4 years as well :) pasty skin, overweight,

hair was bad and falling out (low thyroid) and more grey (low zinc)

its hard though as once you start looking better, people expect u to

be better and you are not, so remember to get loads of rest and not

too much stress if possible and say NO to many committments if you can

as these things are hard on adrenals



> ,


> I will take your direction because you have more experience with

> this and again, I appreciate your feedback. I picked up the book

> and will cut some pills up at 6mg. and see how that goes.

> I saw the red, slivers too, I thought they were flukes?

> I have changed my diet to mostly greens and i've lost over 20 lbs.

> People say I look healthier than ever but its strange feeling flat

> and unmotivated.

> I am grateful to have found this site and will keep you posted on

the progress.


> Sincere Gratitude,

> wendy




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