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Re: Need a push in the right direction-linda?/Andy?

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> The first thing to do is to find a doctor who will prescribe


> Isocort is an option if you want to self medicate. > Pain is

stress too, and the amount of pain a person is enduring, and

> length of time the person has been in pain need to be taken into

> consideration when prescribing cortisol.


> Once on cortisol one wants to be sure that the dose is consistent


> day to day without the possibility of running out (which is my


> about Isocort, but you may be able to find consistent supply in the

> US). Cortisol cream is another option, but I don't know how much

> cream would give a physiological dose, and the sites of application

> must be rotated daily to prevent distortion of the skin.

I read about tapers and then others like you talk about using it

everyday. So over all if he doesn't go over 20 mg a day his body

won't stop trying to make cortisol on its own?

So another question in my head is: Is hydrocortisone what they would

call the bio-identical hormone and better for you. And prednisone,

prednisolone and cortef a synthetic version that conversions still

need to be made in the body but you can use them if you taper?

Are most members here really taking the hydrocortisone Every Day?

Is it ok to use prednisolone for a taper as they say (clear out built

up stress)if needed while still taking hydrocortisone every day?

I have a shot at asking my husbands doctor on Oct. 3rd for

hydrocortisone to support his adrenals...anyone know what the magic

words are to convince him that this treatment is what he needs? I

need to connect tim's symptoms to adrenal fatigue and the need for

the med.

Ah, but another thing concerns me when I read AI and what Andy says

about the sweaters and the non sweaters. They're treatment is


Tim certainly was a sweater for a couple of months, then a non-

sweater and his temps went low. since this whole thing started; he

still has low temps everyday and nothing ever hits 98.6. They have

been 95.8 to the highest its ever gotten at 98.0 for the last ten

months. but these last two months has been having hot flashes with

periods of sweating but they just last for a few minutes but the

temps dont move, they actually go down when the sweating happens,

anyone know whats that all about???

When do I know if its time to suppliment thyroid hormones or

testosterone once he's been on hydrocortisone?


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Carie, i would suggest a formal letter that you prepare and review

with your dr..very concise which shows what you have tried and has

failed per your husbands recent cortisol tests (then try to downplay

the formality of it by saying you wanted to prepare this for my own

benefit to rule out what has been tried)

he will get the message that you have tried other approaches and they

have not worked AND NOW HE HAS IT IN WRITING !!!

I would then find some of the books that suggest hydrocortisone

(getting him/her your dr to do a taper is likely a stretch but you

could try, i guess..but from a negotiating tactic i think it may be

too much to ask for to start

Teitelbaum has a book that I believe which suggests HC and another

book is " Adrenal Fatigue -a 21st Century stress syndrome by

that recommends HC

I can email you these pages if you wish from a few of these books and

then you drop it on his/her lap with your letter and in a nice way or

not nife way (its your call) say this is what you want to try NOW....

I would suggest this being your sole item of discussion so as to not

muddy the waters with a multitude of issues but thats your call

Go in feeling confident and with it in your mind that you are not

leaving until u get this prescription...cut away this god complex

these moron drs think they have...most bullies back down when they

know they have met their match

DO NOT leave his/her office until you have this prescription and

convey this as nice but firm as possible in your words/actions..

>> I have a shot at asking my husbands doctor on Oct. 3rd for

> hydrocortisone to support his adrenals...anyone know what the magic

> words are to convince him that this treatment is what he needs? I

> need to connect tim's symptoms to adrenal fatigue and the need for

> the med.


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No need to email pages, I went out and purchased the Adrenal Fatigue

book by . I'd love to get my hands on the " Safe uses for

Cortisol " by Jefferies. I thank you so much for this advice,

writing this up is a good idea..its like giving him CYA (cover your

*ss) data to justify treatments. Tim would be so much better at this

than me but he just can't do this right now.

I just want to see him through this.

I swear I do ALOT of research on this (mercury poisoning) and feel as

if I have to sales pitch. And in my head I wish he already knew this

stuff cause Tim's getting more sick faster than I can absorb

information. He really is a nice guy and wants to help, but is

completely overwhelmed with patients as he is in family practice and

you know what managed care does to these guys. I am however going to

ask him next week if he is reading the AI book I sent him a few

months ago. I hope to see a turnaround for Tim really soon.

Thank you ,



> Carie, i would suggest a formal letter that you prepare and review

> with your dr..very concise which shows what you have tried and has

> failed per your husbands recent cortisol tests (then try to


> the formality of it by saying you wanted to prepare this for my own

> benefit to rule out what has been tried)


> he will get the message that you have tried other approaches and


> have not worked AND NOW HE HAS IT IN WRITING !!!


> I would then find some of the books that suggest hydrocortisone

> (getting him/her your dr to do a taper is likely a stretch but you

> could try, i guess..but from a negotiating tactic i think it may be

> too much to ask for to start


> Teitelbaum has a book that I believe which suggests HC and another

> book is " Adrenal Fatigue -a 21st Century stress syndrome by

> that recommends HC


> I can email you these pages if you wish from a few of these books


> then you drop it on his/her lap with your letter and in a nice way


> not nife way (its your call) say this is what you want to try



> I would suggest this being your sole item of discussion so as to


> muddy the waters with a multitude of issues but thats your call


> Go in feeling confident and with it in your mind that you are not

> leaving until u get this prescription...cut away this god complex

> these moron drs think they have...most bullies back down when they

> know they have met their match


> DO NOT leave his/her office until you have this prescription and

> convey this as nice but firm as possible in your words/actions..





> >> I have a shot at asking my husbands doctor on Oct. 3rd for

> > hydrocortisone to support his adrenals...anyone know what the


> > words are to convince him that this treatment is what he needs? I

> > need to connect tim's symptoms to adrenal fatigue and the need


> > the med.

> >


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