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Re: Re: would using frequent ALA dose affect a non Hg person?

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n frequent-dose-chelation wrote:


> Hi


> I have a question that i was hoping someone could answer.


> If someone who was not mercury poisoned chelated with ALA, would they

> experience any negative affects?


If someone had no heavy metals in their body and chelated with ALA,

they would experience no negative effects. In fact, they would

experience the positive effects of the powerful antioxidant ability of


Most people have some metals in their body.

> I ask this because I have been feeling worse since starting ALA(with

> DMSA) 2 months ago.


> After a total of 19 rounds chelating I am discouraged that I am not

> seeing improvement.


What doses of DMSA and ALA are you using?

--------Also, how many months post amalgam removal are you? You may be in

what is called the " hump " or " stall period " or " dumping phase " . This usually

happens about 6 months post amalgam. Andy says to study the graph on page 52 of

AI and understand that this is part of the normal progression of mercury detox,

that you will feel worse or stall for awhile. So this may be what's happening

to you right now, but Andy says it's important to keep chelating right through

this, and many make the mistake of quiting too soon. Jay has info about this on

the wiki: http://onibasu.com/wiki/Cutler_protocol#Stall_period

Also, it may have been too soon for you to add in ALA, and hence, it is making

you feel worse. There seems to be alot of variation in when people are able to

tolerate it. Or you may need to use just a very small dose of it. Have you

tried a round with just DMSA to see how you feel?----------Jackie

> If I knew that my increase in fatigue, poor memory, and foggy

> headedness was caused by ALA,

It is caused by the ALA moving mercury out of your brain and organs.

These are side effects of chelation. If the side effects of chelation

are too much for you to tolerate, or go on for longer than a day or

so, then the dose needs to be reduced.

There may be ways to support your body to make chelation easier to take.

Chelation takes time, like years. It is best to take the mercury out

slowly and let the body heal as it goes, rather than take it out too

fast and do too much damage on the way out.


I would be able to justify feeling this

> way, knowing that I was getting Hg out.

---------As said, having side effects is proof that you are moving

metals, but maybe just doing it too fast. A review of supplements may help, or

just try lowering the dose or dropping ALA for awhile, and see how you feel.

Maybe your body burden isn't low enough yet to add in ALA, and more chelation

with DMSA only is needed. That's the options I would explore, and also

understand about the stall period being a normal part of this



> Thanks -


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In frequent-dose-chelation Depue wrote:

thanks for your response,

the wiki site is a great resource and I didn't know about it.

----------Yes it is, and we all need to thank Jay for that! The ANDY INDEX is

good too, and should be in the links section, or on Moria's website. She put

that one together, but that is all older posts. Jay probably has some more

current posts on the Wiki.----------Jackie

I am 5 months post amamlgam removal ( at least the last of it - most

was taken out 4 yrs ago.)

I chelated with dmsa for 3 months, before adding ala 2 months ago.

I am not sure about when the stall period occurs or how long it lasts.

I have seen 3-9 months as well. Does that mean it lasts for 3-9

months, or that it occurs from month 3 until month 9 of chelation?

Or as you said it starts at month 6.

-----------I'm sure it's not exactly the same for everyone, and probably can

start to occur anytime after the 3 month mark? By 6 months, you are probably in

the thick of it. And the intensity and duration of it probably varies by person

also. The graph on page 52 of AI shows this, and what Andy is trying to show

you is that the dump period won't be as bad if you are chelating properly

through it.----------Jackie

I bet it varies with the individual. So I will keep it in mind that

that might be happening.

Supplements have never seemed to help - although I am taking all the

basic recommended ones.

--------This could be a sign of poor digestion/absorption? Do you take any

digestive aids, like Betaine HCl and/or enzymes? I also believe that this could

be a sign that other things are off, like hormones, and you won't feel better

until you get them figured out. I think you can take all the supps in the

world, but if you need hormones, they won't help much.------Jackie

I don't know how to split the ala into even smaller doses without

really messing up consistency of amount per capsule.

I am taking 12.5 mg now.

--------If you are dividing in half right now, just divide the halves in half,

to get about 6mg of ALA. Or, you can now order low doses of ALA from Dean's

website. http://livingnetwork.co.za/zencart/ -------Jackie

I will keep your advice in mind about doing dmsa alone for awhile.

----------It wouldn't hurt anything to try a round of DMSA alone. Also, I

just remembered that alot of people end their rounds with just DMSA alone. Have

you tried that?---------Jackie

Cheers -

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