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Re: Re: My DDI hair test,#208 on livingnetwork

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In frequent-dose-chelation livene wrote:

Jackie! Thank you! This was scary news for me, but now I know.----------

---------Yes, I wasn't quite sure how to word it, but I didn't think I should

sugar coat it for you either. I would have to say that meeting 3 counting rules

is a slam dunk for mercury. But as you say, now you know, and you definitely

need to keep chelating. And don't worry, I'm going to be at this a long time

too :) -------------Jackie


> How do you feel on and off rounds? Do you still get side effects? Have you

had any

improvements over the last two years? And have you ever done a hair test

before this

one? If so, it would be very interesting to see it. I don't recall seeing very

many hair tests

that meet 3 counting rules (my first test met 2, *almost* 3 counting rules).


...I stopped the chelating , I was in a bad shape, still is. It was not so

different on a round and off rounds, but I have always felt better on a round. I

have never taking the DDI hair test before.

-----------If you feel better on round, then I would chelate at whatever dose

you can handle and feel comfortable at, with not too many side effects off round

too. I believe chelating at a low dose is better than not chelating at all. It

usually allows you to chelate more consistently, which is what you


> I wonder if meeting 3 counting rules would coincide with the genetic testing

for APO-

E2, E3, and E4 genes? Supposedly northern Europeans are more genetically

susceptible to

mercury toxicity, so you are probably an E3 or E4? (You have two of these

genes, one from

each parent.) Are both your parents from Norway? My mother was 100% Finnish,

so I'm

half, so I am very likely genetically susceptible also. I have not had the

testing done

either, but would like to.


..Do you have more information on this? Never heard of it. and Yes, my mom and

dad are norwegian. 100%

--------On page 20 of AI, Andy says " It is common knowledge that people of

northern European ancestry are more susceptible to amalgam illness... "

He doesn't mention the APOE gene thing, but I assume that is what he is

talking about there. And the first time I read about it was in all the links at

DAMS that Bernie Windham had put together. I can't find it and the old links to

his website isn't working, so I'm not sure what's up with that. But here is one

post from him.


And here is a post from , and she has one of the links I was looking for,

the company Carbon Based that does the testing. Mark Schauss used to be an

active member of A-M awhile back.



And if you google APOE, you'll get lots of hits. Prof. Boyd Haley has also

written about this, and he's in the below link.


I believe Andy doesn't recommend the testing, because it really doesn't help

you, only maybe to help confirm why you are toxic. I think he thinks the hair

tests are much more informative, and probably alot cheaper and easier to do. I

just personally find the topic interesting, and wonder if this relates to hair

testing at all, especially in a case like yours.---------Jackie

> You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, and I don't recall if you are

doing any

adrenal support or not. Your Na/K ratio is out of range, meaning possible


problems, and you mention still having some adrenal and thyroid symptoms

below. Being

in Norway, is it hard to get support for these?


..Adrenal stuff.. I have tried Isocort and HC-cream, but my body get stressed

out. I take a

lot of Vitamin C, thats all for the adrenals now. My temps are stady on

37,6-37,8. Celsius.

37 is the normal range. (I know you use farenheit.) I gues I need thyorid

support. I tried

Tyrosin, It was really not good for me. I got mentally problems of it, really

sceary. I will

ask my doctor, but my bloodtest are in normal range so... Well, maybe I have

to do it

myself. First I will try some Iodine in Kelp.

-----------Yes, Iodine is worth a try, and also, selenium is good for the

thyroid, helps convert T4 to T3.---------Jackie

--------B vitamins, especially B5--pantothenic acid, is good for the adrenals

also. You could try taking more Vit C, if you tolerate it. I usually take

about 9 grams a day myself.---------Jackie

> Otherwise, the biggest thing that jumps out at me is the almost all totally

low profile in

the essential elements. This could be a sign of poor digestion/absorption of

nutrients, so

we usually recommend digestive aids, such as Betaine HCl (stomach acid) and


enzymes to help with this. Again, being in Norway, I'm not sure how available

these are to

you, and Andy does say that you can provide some more acid by taking Vit C in


acid forms with your meals.


..I have some enzymes I can try out. I have trouble whith ascorbic acid, acids

make my arms acy.

---------Have you ever tried Betaine HCl (stomach acid)? I was told I needed

it to help digest my food better and to absorb the supplements I was taking.

And maybe if you had better digestion, you would tolerate more


> On page 251 of HTI, Andy says to supplement magnesium and taurine when


transport is deranged and it is red low on your hair test, such as yours. Many

of us take

much higher doses of Mg than you mention below, so you should probably try


this, and adding taurine, if possible.


I know I have to support magnesium,it was low in a bloodtest I took also. But,

when I take

it I get so tired, loose all my energy. Taurine is good for liver also? I will

try it out. I am

going to test all my aminoacids this week.

----------Yes taurine is good for the liver and bile flow. The amino acids

test might be helpful in identifying other things you need. I guess you can

only take as much magnesium as you can tolerate, but maybe try to slowly build

it up.--------Jackie

> For the low red manganese, you could try supplementing this at low doses,

such as 5-

15mg/day, as Andy suggests in HTI page 258, and see if it helps. If it makes

you feel

better, then continue, if you don't notice anything, then drop it.



> For the low red lithium, Andy does recommend supplementing this with lithium


or aspartate, which is much lower doses than as what is used for bipolar

disorder. VRP

sells a low dose of lithium orotate.


..ok. VRP? Do you have an adress?

--------I'm only familiar with US companies, so not sure if you can get this

somewhere else, but VRP is one company here that sells it. There are probably

others. www.vrp.com Can you use " Google Shopping " for just



> Livene's answers to Dean's questions:


> 1) What are your current symptoms and health history?


> I have been chelating for two years. One month on 25 and up to 50 mg DMSA.

> Then started with 100mg DMSA. After three mounts added ALA up to 1oomg.

> Always every 3 hour, 4 at night, 3 days on, 3 days off. Fatigue, some

> dizziness' low thyroid and some low adrenal function, still problems

> cognitive.


> ----------I probably asked this above, but how are you doing on and off


and have you had some improvement in symptoms since starting chelation, and

these are

just the lingering ones?---------Jackie


..Yes, some improvement. But it is taking so long time. I wonder if am a case

witch DMSA and ALA is not helping? Is this possible?

------------I don't know, but if you have had some improvement, then I think

it is working, and you are just one of us that this is going to take longer than

most other people. Chelation is taking a really long time for me


> ---------And as I said above, you still meet 3 counting rules, so I assume


means you are still very toxic, so I would continue with chelation, if I were

you, probably for a long time yet.----------Jackie


... :(

-----------I know. I get bummed out about this at times too. But at least

we're on the right track, and we will get there eventually :)


> ---------And I don't recall if you have had adrenal and thyroid testing

done, and

whether you can get a doctor to help with that, but there are some supplements

you could

try, if you can get them, that may help.---------Jackie



..My cortisol test salvia was just a tad low in the morning. And my temps are

stabil low.

----------So it sounds like your adrenals aren't doing too bad. So that's

good! But your temps are still low?------Jackie



> 2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed? Braces?

> First amalgam etc...)


> Two wisdom removed, no root canals. Braces at ca,11 years old to 14 years

> old. Nut sure, I guess 6 years old.


> -------------Maybe the titanium is coming from your braces?---------Jackie


..my mum had braces too.



> 3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the dental

> cleanup have you completed?


> I am finished.


> 4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during

> pregnancy?


> No,she was not at the dentist at all!


> 5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and especially

> travel shots)?

> I had two shots for the (hjernehinnebetennelse) (Brain tissue inflammation I

am so

sorry, I do not know the correct English word. I am from Norway. No

> flu and travel shots.

> Regular shots when I was a child as everyone.


> 6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time of hair

> test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.

> B50 one, Vit C 1000mg 3, zinc 40mg one,50 mg magnesium one or two.


> -----------I know money can be a factor in how much/many supplements we can

take, and also being in Norway, I'm guessing it might be harder for you to get

supplements? But, I am going to make some suggestions, knowing that it may not


possible for you to do them all, ok?


> The one thing I see missing that is one of Andy's top four, is Vit E. He


antioxidants are very important, and he mentions Vit C and E, and zinc and

magnesium as

being very important supplements on page 238 of HTI. So if you possibly can,

you should

add in Vit E.


Vitamin e, stramge thing..I have started to react to it. In Norway you can by

it just in

capsels whith oil. I have problems with oils. I get pain in my nerves in arms

and upper

body, also get hysterical, scared,stressed. Having trouble with omega 3 also.

Can it be the

liver, enzymes or? Everyone think this is so strange :(

----------I'm not an expert when people don't tolerate supps, because I

usually don't have much trouble in this area. But I think the liver is usually

suspect in alot of these things. I remember reading in A-M that some kids

couldn't tolerate much supps until they had done enough chelation. So I would

suggest to just keep chelating, and try some supps again once in awhile. If you

don't tolerate them, then don't take them. And maybe your amino acid test will

help identify some things you need, and some of them are good for the liver,

like taurine and glycine for example.-----------Jackie

I take zink, 40mg a day. More?

---------You could try taking more. Andy recommends 50-100mg.-----Jackie

> Also, the dosages of what you are taking could be higher, and should be

taken in split

dosages 3-4X/day. See Andy's recommendations of pages133-134 of AI. His short

list is

on page 134.


> If you can, try increasing the dosages of what you are already taking, and

if possible,

add things like milk thistle (or are you the one who doesn't tolerate it?),

molybdenum, and

either flax or fish oil. Of course there are tons of other things you can try,

but you'll have

to decide what you can and want to do/try.-------Jackie


...Problems whith milk thistle also. Last week I took tiny doses and I got so

stressed, body

and mind. I also tried some Culturelle, good bacteria for the gut. (not the

same time) This

also got me stressed, it was like a cleaning process started, I got migrine,

my eyes got

puffy and dark circles under them, and nausea. I guess It was too much for my



-----------Yes you do seem very sensitive to alot of stuff, and will have to

just be very careful when trying things. And like I said, maybe you'll just

have to do more chelation before you tolerate some of this stuff.---------Jackie


> Cipramil 10mg (antidep)


> 7) Other information you feel may be relevant?

> no

> 8) What is your location - city & country (so that we can learn where

> certain toxins are more prevalent).


> Trondheim, Norway.



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