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Re: Still toxic? Yet chelation proves fruitless.

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Hi Adam.

It sounds from your post that when you say you chelated you

did not use the frequent dose chelation protocal talked about

on this forum and explained more efficiently in Andy Cutlers


WIthout using this procedure you will not have gotten rid of

mercury or other metals. I did 15 treatments of DMPS IVs. , and

15 EDTA, plus using DMSA high dose in single doses. I had no

improvement over that 3 year year period.. What a waste.!!!

After the first round using frequent dose on DMSA I had

dramatic improvement. You must start with small doses and build

up.. You must follow the protocal as listed through this

group.. The other ways are not only useless they can cause

further damage as it leads to movement of metals around the body,

rather than taking them out of the body completely.



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============comment below, Kai


Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2008 6:20 AM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: Still toxic? Yet chelation proves


> Yet, I had have been eating garlic and finding I am feeling more

> metals being shifted around. I feel like it's trying to push them

> out or something, but I cannot excrete them as I should.

==========Adam, have you done a sulphur exclusion diet yet ? Garlic is a

sulphur food.

Again hard work or exercise is a nightmare for me too. But if I don't do

> anything, they stay where they are.

========Do you treat your adrenals ?

> ------------------------------------



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Hi Nanci,

Yes I did follow the frequent dose method. I follow it everytime I

do chelation. I followed it when my amalgams were removed 12 years

ago and got well. I have followed it whenever I've been re-exposed

and have always responded well.

If you read my post, you will see that because of viral infection

(persistent) and later other possible exposures to mercury from

dental office visits, I once again used chelation. I used it again

according to Andy Cutler's protocol and improved.....yet this time

it's not working. I got no effects (good or bad). Even on very high

doses, yet I am very toxic again. I have had recent dental office

visits (unrelated to amalgam) for replacement of plastic composites

with cerec porcelain. Again, I felt repoisoned from metals. Yet the

chelation has not worked.

I am trying to find out why it does not help me now? There is

NOTHING happening when I try rounds of chelation. No matter WHAT

dose I'm using it at. All I get is a worse case of candida and

nothing more.

I'm well aware of the dangers of redistribution. But that is not

what this is about. I have not had ANY reaction good or bad from

even the right method of chelation.


> Hi Adam.


> It sounds from your post that when you say you chelated


> did not use the frequent dose chelation protocal talked about

> on this forum and explained more efficiently in Andy Cutlers

> books.


> WIthout using this procedure you will not have gotten rid of

> mercury or other metals. I did 15 treatments of DMPS IVs. ,


> 15 EDTA, plus using DMSA high dose in single doses. I had


> improvement over that 3 year year period.. What a waste.!!!


> After the first round using frequent dose on DMSA I had

> dramatic improvement. You must start with small doses and


> up.. You must follow the protocal as listed through this

> group.. The other ways are not only useless they can cause

> further damage as it leads to movement of metals around the


> rather than taking them out of the body completely.


> Nanci



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> ==========Adam, have you done a sulphur exclusion diet yet ?

Garlic is a

> sulphur food.

No, because sulfur does not cause any symptoms in me. Normally I do

not use garlic. I used it out of desperation to try and gain some

kind of effects, because chelation is doing nothing for me. This is

the only reason why I'm trying sulfur as a last resort.

I eat eggs and other foods and get NO metal redistribution reactions

at all. I got reactions many years ago when I was full of mercury

after amalgam removal and had to restrict sulfur foods. I have been

12 years post amalgam removal.

I am trying to find out why, after recent dental office visits

(replacing plastics with cerec), that I am getting the usual re-

expousre to mercury and now finding chelation is no longer helping

this? Yet it has done so in the past. Yes I am using it Cutler




> ========Do you treat your adrenals ?

Not really. I am not interested in using any medications. I have

heard a few people have issues with them. I also do not wish to

become reliant on them.

I usually do well with diet, supplements and fats. But lately after

dental office visits, I feel the metals inside of me, but I cannot

seem to respond to chelation. I feel it's blocked or something.




> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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> Yes I did follow the frequent dose method. I follow it everytime I

> do chelation. I followed it when my amalgams were removed 12 years

> ago and got well.

----The FDC method wasn't around 12 years ago. What method did you


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I'll be more specific.

I had my amalgams removed 12 years ago and did not know about chelation

much at first. I got very ill after the last removal due to swallowing

amalgam during removal. I was very poisoned by this and had tremors

almost immediately.

A doctor put me on DMSA (the wrong method) e.g. 250 mg one day on, one

day off. Luckily I didn't stick with it because I simply could not

afford DMSA at that stage. And only did this for about a week or so.

Although at the time, it did seem to help a bit with grabbing a bit of

the swallowed mercury perhaps (I don't know). But at that time, the

dumping stage had not really occured, which is why I didn't notice much

of a redistribution.

However, once dump stage began, a doctor did a DMPS IV on me because

they wanted to prove I was mercury toxic. The test showed barely

anything, yet the results from the DMPS were SEVERE. I was very very

toxic following that, as it appeared to have erupted so much mercury

that my body was almost forced to start excreting it.

I initially tried a few things, but they always gave intolerable

symptoms. My doctor tried me on 50 mg of DMSA (isolated dose) by

itself once in the evening. This caused extreme almost psychotic

symptoms and I remember being up all night and almost banging my head

against the wall. Anybody would have packed me off to a psyche unit.

This was all happening around 1999 or so.

So I could not continue. Not long after, I came across Cutler's

protocol and started that and was amazed that I could tolerate it. Yes

I felt quite ill as the round continued and at times found it very hard

going and had to stop and break, there was no psycho symptoms! Nothing

outright dangerous to the point I was near suicide.

So I pretty much stuck with that, unless some doctor wanted me trying

their method (which never worked and made me very ill). So it was

Cutler's that I finally stuck with for about 2-3 years. Then I really

started getting well.

Viral/bacterial infection in 2003 shattered my health and I have never

recovered since. After that, I found I was struggling to excrete any

remaining mercury and chelation was now proving a bit more problematic

(gut problems). I then went on a strict diet and found improvements

again and could chelate better and I did improve a bit but only to a


However, in the last year and a half, I have had (as I've said)

replacement of ageing plastic composites with cerec porcelain. The

dental visits have appeared to have caused a major setback, as they did

in the past and I suspect vapor inhalation from being in the office.

Now, normally when this occured, I would use DMSA and I'd notice

improvements. Now when I try it or ALA, there is NOTHING. I mean

there isn't any detox symptoms or improvements. Which is why I am

confused about why it's no longer working.

I have even used very high doses (frequent) and still nothing, except a

worse case of yeast. The chelation products are exactly the same ones

I used to use and are from a reputable lab. They are not past their

due-by date. I have also smelt them and can tell the stuff is in

there. I do suspect metals are involved, but I cannot respond to


> >

> > Yes I did follow the frequent dose method. I follow it everytime I

> > do chelation. I followed it when my amalgams were removed 12 years

> > ago and got well.


> ----The FDC method wasn't around 12 years ago. What method did you

> use?


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Look way down.....


> Hi Nanci,


> Yes I did follow the frequent dose method. I follow it everytime I

> do chelation. I followed it when my amalgams were removed 12 years

> ago and got well. I have followed it whenever I've been re-exposed

> and have always responded well.


> If you read my post, you will see that because of viral infection

> (persistent) and later other possible exposures to mercury from

> dental office visits, I once again used chelation. I used it again

> according to Andy Cutler's protocol and improved.....yet this time

> it's not working. I got no effects (good or bad). Even on very high

> doses, yet I am very toxic again. I have had recent dental office

> visits (unrelated to amalgam) for replacement of plastic composites

> with cerec porcelain. Again, I felt repoisoned from metals. Yet the

> chelation has not worked.


> I am trying to find out why it does not help me now? There is

> NOTHING happening when I try rounds of chelation. No matter WHAT

> dose I'm using it at.

Maybe metal poisoning isn't the problem now. Maybe there is some

other problem, like weak adrenals, hypothyroidism, hormone problems,

or some other factors.


All I get is a worse case of candida and

> nothing more.


> I'm well aware of the dangers of redistribution. But that is not

> what this is about. I have not had ANY reaction good or bad from

> even the right method of chelation.



> >

> >

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Hey you say you get NO reaction from chelation? Increased yeast IS a


I heard from many people that chelated that after a while they did not

experience symptoms from chelation but still improved with time...

Just because you dont't feel anything special doesn't mean you are not

moving metals...

Have you detoxed your brain with ALA?

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