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Re: Diarrhea & flu-like symptoms

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This is just an idea - I don't know if it would apply to your

circumstance but it is something that has happened to me occasionally.

Diarrhea, flu like symptoms, and weakness can be a sign of high

potassium. Sometimes stress can cause the electrolyte balance to go

out of whack. The adrenals produce aldosterone, which regulates

sodium and potassium balance.

Try drinking electrolyte drinks containing sodium and see if that

helps, plus lots of fluids. Restrict potassium.



> I've done 50-60 rounds over the past two years, typically going 6-8

> weeks in a row, followed by 4-8 week breaks.


> This is the first time a round has ended with cramping, severe

> diarrhea, bloating/gassiness, and all-over body aches. I'd pushed

> the round an extra day (4 instead of 3). I'm very sensitive to ALA

> and continue to restrict it, discontinuing it early, but tried to

> push it from 12 mg to 16 mg with 25 mg DMPS in the last round. I

> also have quite high immune reactivity to mercury, copper, certain

> types of zinc & other dental metals.


> I hadn't eaten out or been exposed to anyone with flu, etc., and my

> long-term experiences with candida never brought these types of

> symptoms.


> Can this come as an immune reaction to dumping more mercury/metals

> into the bowel? or is my weakened immune system vulnerable to

> salmonella/e coli - type bugs that are naturally around? My WBC's

> recently tested in the 30's with reduced neutrophil counts, as well,

> which is the lowest it's been to my knowledge.


> It's the 4th day of being quite ill, & books I'm looking at to

> improve this essentially recommend supplements & things I'm already

> taking.


> Any ideas on best course of action? foods? herbs? try parasite

> cleanse? how long to wait to restart chelation once it's settled

> down? Thanks,


> Joanne


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Sounds like it could be a few things.. Candida and anything

affecting the digestion also has given me fluey like

feelings. When our livers are stressed and out hormomes

cannot support its work , we end up with sweating and

higher temperatures. I used to always be in a constant hot

flash state and that subsided with doing things to support my

liver.. like milk thislte, phosphatidyl choline, higher

sulfur foods and NAC in my case as I am low sulfut. and also

increasing sulfates with glucosamine sulfate.

I kind of think candida and diarhea may go hand in hand I

google would determine this.

Do you know the state of your hormones?? Making sure these

are at a reasonable level is important , plus I found

taking forskholin as ANdy recommneds helped my body process

the hormones I do have..


frequent-dose-chelation , " Joanne "



> I've done 50-60 rounds over the past two years, typically going 6-8

> weeks in a row, followed by 4-8 week breaks.


> This is the first time a round has ended with cramping, severe

> diarrhea, bloating/gassiness, and all-over body aches. I'd pushed

> the round an extra day (4 instead of 3). I'm very sensitive to ALA

> and continue to restrict it, discontinuing it early, but tried to

> push it from 12 mg to 16 mg with 25 mg DMPS in the last round. I

> also have quite high immune reactivity to mercury, copper, certain

> types of zinc & other dental metals.


> I hadn't eaten out or been exposed to anyone with flu, etc., and my

> long-term experiences with candida never brought these types of

> symptoms.


> Can this come as an immune reaction to dumping more mercury/metals

> into the bowel? or is my weakened immune system vulnerable to

> salmonella/e coli - type bugs that are naturally around? My WBC's

> recently tested in the 30's with reduced neutrophil counts, as


> which is the lowest it's been to my knowledge.


> It's the 4th day of being quite ill, & books I'm looking at to

> improve this essentially recommend supplements & things I'm already

> taking.


> Any ideas on best course of action? foods? herbs? try parasite

> cleanse? how long to wait to restart chelation once it's settled

> down? Thanks,


> Joanne


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Thanks to all for your help! I've adjusted electrolytes & tried

something that has worked in the past...tumeric. I think it's

effective with salmonella & e coli type things and had success with it

in the past. Amazingly, after one 500 mg capsule of tumeric this

morning (day 5 & no improvement), I was getting headachey die-off

symptoms within 10 minutes. From winter to late August I took a low

dose of this every day to help correct liver imbalances, but started

avoiding thiol foods at that time - tumeric being one of them. I

think the infection built over a few weeks & suddenly went full

blown. It's a surprise because I'd been taking Thymic Protein A (in

little packets) & Neutrophil Plus since August in order to build

immune function.

I'm going to take some weeks off chelation, probably do parasite &

organ cleanses (something I was taught to do before learning I was Hg

toxic), and get back with chelation when feeling much better. My

hormone levels are overdue for a check, as well.

Forskolin is something I bought at the start but never gave it a

serious trial...it was too many changes at once. Will take up that

advice, too.


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