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Re: adrenal support - caution----there are stages of adrenal fatigue

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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

Just found out that I have HIGH cortisol. This would explain why HC

didn't work for me longterm. Weirdly, it did help a little in the

beginning. Anyway, I'm in the early stage of adrenal failure and am

releasing excess cortisol.

---------Thanks for posting about this Val. People do need to understand the

stages of adrenal fatigue that you can go through, and that your cortisol is

high in the earlier stages. Everyone should read the following link, and go

through the stages and the symptoms associated with each.


The HC probably gave you some temporary relief, because it took some of the

stress off of your adrenals for awhile. But long term it wasn't the answer,

because your body was producing excess cortisol already.

I have never had the DiagnosTechs test to put me in their chart, but I have

had other hormone testing, and I definitely can look back and recognize these

stages at different points in my life, especially stages 3 and 4. I may have

even gotten farther than that, but never had relevant testing at the time to

know for sure. But I definitely had gotten past the point of high cortisol, and

had dropped to mostly low cortisol all day, and maybe a little higher at night.

And when I did finally get relevant testing, my DHEA was low too. Definite

signs of long term adrenal fatigue.--------Jackie

Supplementing with pregnenolone is

supposed to block cortisol - at least that's what I read. It really

has been helping me although in fits and starts.

Just wanted to caution people to first find out what is going on

with their adrenals. If you are excess cortisol, you do NOT want to

supplement with cortisol. Since I've been treating with pregnenolone,

my belly has shrunk and my clothes are fitting better. Excess

cortisol can make you gain weight.

--------I second your caution on this Val. We talk about adrenal support all

the time, but people really need to do the saliva testing before attempting to

treat their adrenals, and really need to do alot of reading about it, so they

understand it well. We have lots of links in the Links section of this group,

under Adrenal Information, with recommended books, where to get testing done

without a doctor, etc. Dean has alot of info at his website too, and of course,

there is info in AI about it.

Education is key, and people need to take some time and take the

responsibility of learning about this themselves, before embarking on any

treatments for adrenals, especially the use of HC.--------Jackie


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