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Re: candida and starting chelation/help please

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Hello Dudley,

There are many bacteria in our guts.. ecoli, do not know the

other names.. I found that in my case the ecoli was

causing alot of the problems in my gut... all symptoms farily

parrallel to candida. I did have candida , but would only

improve with one particular acidophilus strain called bifidus.

CHeck to see what strains are in your acidophilus.I took

grapefruit seed extract alot and it did not help me.

I have taken d-mannose for my bladder as it has high levels

testing for enterococcus ecoli.. Now it also moves into my

kidneys . So I think it could also treat the ecoli in my

gut.. maybe the same strain ,, I do not know for sure.

Taking homeopathic ecoli helps my symptoms in my gut so I do

know ecoli is some of the problem

...And I am about to try forskholin as a study done in the

States showed that this herbal extract will prevent the

ecoli from adhering to the wall of the bladder.. again maybe

with the gut as well.

There maybe a way of testing stool for different bacteria..

there are some herbs.. I think olive leaf herbal extract ,

that treat bacteria in the gut.


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