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Re: Re: I'm really back

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Joyce - I like the image "broadwalk" brings.


Barbara McD

IPF, Sept 08

Beautiful Western NC

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

To: Breathe-Support Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 9:23:50 AMSubject: Re: Re: I'm really back


when visiting ex relatives, i used to love to walk on the broadwalk in hollywood beach

Pink Joyce R (IPF 3/06) IFA 5/09 Pennsylvania

Donate Life Listed 1/09 Inactive 4/09

www.transplantfund. org

From: Bruce Moreland <brucemoreland@ gmail.com>Subject: Re: I'm really backTo: Breathe-Support@ yahoogroups. comDate: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 7:38 PM

BethI lived in South Florida for 8 years and right before I moved to Texas Iwas living in a high rise on Hollywood Beach. It sure does spoil you.Now, of course, quite the opposite of your peaceful historic littletown. So glad you had such a wonderful escape.>> Well as much as I'd rather be back on the beach I am right here in myliving room in Durham. Today I took Matt and to Greensboro toget the bus back to Boone. They were laden with their luggage,souveniers, a cooler and their bicycles.... It was comical watching themmake their way towards the bus terminal.> We had a really wonderful week. We had rain twice, both times in theevening which was perfect. Other than that

the weather was hot andsunny....just what you want in a beach week. Cape is a historiclittle town on the southernmost end of the Delmarva peninsula. Very veryquiet and very very peaceful.> We arrived their last Saturday. I had brought my own concentrator and6 E tanks. I had arranged with my local provider to have a provider inthe Cape area deliver 8 additional E tanks to me on MondayAugust 3. Now because I am with a regional provider (as opposed to anational provider like Apria or Lincare) I knew I was going to have topay for the tank delivery in Cape since Medicare will only payone provider at a time. What did surprise me was that the charge forthese E tanks was $20.50 each. That's approximately twice what my localprovider charges for them. Outrageous to say the least but it was myvacation and I had no choice but to pay it. It turns out that thisprovider charges

vacationers more than their regular customers.> Long story short I paid the money and the tanks were delivered firstthing Monday morning. The delivery guy could not have been nicer,introduced himself, we chatted about the town. He told me where helived.... about 4 blocks away, was the music minister at one of thechurches in town....really nice guy. He proceeds to bring the tanks in.The tanks were E tanks but instead of green on top and then metal on thebottom these were painted green all over. They were clearly labeledoxygen though so I didn't think too much of it. So the guy leaves andwe go about our day.> A couple of hours later I attempt to lift one of the tanks so that Ican attach my conserver. I could just barely lift it.....surprised Itried another one....very very heavy about twice as heavy as a normal Etank. My son and I examined it and came to the conclusion that it wasIRON. Iron!!!

Are you freaking kidding me? You supply a disabled personwith IRON oxygen tanks??!!! But wait, it gets better. My son lifted itand put it in my cart and I went to attach the conserver... .could notopen the tank. I tried, my son tried, tried. It would notbudge. We tried every tank he had delivered. We could not open any ofthem. How insane is that?> My son says, 'we should go to his house and tell him to open them'. Brilliant. had mentioned he was having lunch at home and by thistime it was noon. So I hooked up one of my tanks that I brought fromhome, my son hoisted one of the iron tanks on his shoulder and off wewent. I knocked on the door and opened it and the look on hisface was priceless. Complete bewilderment. I explained what the issuewas and to his credit he was both horrified and embarrassed. He cameright over and used a heavy duty wrench to open the tanks and at that

hestruggled. I questioned the iron tanks and he said, 'yeah they're oldbut that's what we use. most of our customers aren't really veryambulatory'.>> So the rest of the week was uneventful from an oxygen point of view. We had a great time, I walked, the kids rode bikes, we fished, caughtcrabs, ate lots of seafood, got lots of sunshine. We swam, playedscrabble, cards and watched movies in the evening. We shared onebathroom without killing each other (if anything is a miracle that isLOL) It was just a really wonderful week and my next goal is to be ableto do it again next year but next year I want to rent a house for amonth! I can dream can't I?>> Beth> Moderator> Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 Dermatomyositis 11/08>

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