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Re: ear and throat help

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Could this be allergy related? Try massaging your headache points on

your hands -- that triangle in the webbing between the thumb and

index finger, on both hands. Find anything that hurts and massage it

until it stops hurting. You can also rub the webbing (easiest with a

tight sock on) between your big and 2nd toes, leaning more toward the

second toe. Those points help to clear an allergic reaction and if

it gets any better when you do that, that might tell you something.

I know that an allergic hit used to cause ear pressure.



> Can anyone suggest good remedies for sore throat and clogged ears?


> I am in day 10 of this strange illness, which involves completely

> clogged up ears, sore throat, bronchial cough, and lots of phlegm.


> have no fever and no nasal congestion. I finally have got some

> reduction of the phlegm with a long acupuncture treatment and some

> chinese herbs, but it's

> not gone by any means, just reduced. And the ears are still just as

> clogged, throat still sore, and still coughing.


> This does not respond to antiviral or antibacterial treatment. OTC

> cold remedies help a little, especially guaifenesin, but they don't


> all I need. I can't hear properly and my ears are ringing and I just

> can't get them to unclog no matter what I do. My throat is still


> and the only things that help are stress dosing of HC (which mutes


> soreness for awhile, but then I get a rebound effect in the evening

> after the last HC dose wears off) and chicken soup (which only helps

> while I'm eating it, and I can really only eat so much chicken

soup :)


> Any suggestions?


> --


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> Could this be allergy related?

Hm. I haven't really thought so. I did check recent pollen counts

which were not high, but those don't reflect pollens that are local to

where I live. I've certainly been feeling itchy in the chest and a

bit wheezy at times, which seems allergic...but why don't I have any

nasal congestion? Also my glands are swollen, does that go with

allergies? Been so long since I've had chronic pollen allergies that

I can't remember.

Try massaging your headache points on

> your hands -- that triangle in the webbing between the thumb and

> index finger, on both hands. Find anything that hurts and massage it

> until it stops hurting. You can also rub the webbing (easiest with a

> tight sock on) between your big and 2nd toes, leaning more toward the

> second toe. Those points help to clear an allergic reaction and if

> it gets any better when you do that, that might tell you something.

> I know that an allergic hit used to cause ear pressure.

I tried those and no effect. The LI-4 on the left hand was a bit

sore, so I will work on it (and the others) some more later and see if

it makes any difference.



> j.

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I've used Nutribiotic GSE nasal spray before with mixed results.

I've used heaps of elderberry extract before with mixed results.

On Hormones and Health Naturally, message 7697, there is mention of product

called Xclear.

I've never heard of it.

Feel better! I'm just getting over a nasty head cold and cough myself.


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-Concerning pollen allergies. It can be that reactions start

before your immediate area plants even start to release their

pollen.. I would start to get symptoms from the pollens that had

moved from south of my home .. I mean way south.. in a

different climate zone..

My symptoms were not the usual ear nose throat.. I would get

depressed and extra tired.. It went away with something I

was taking at the time.. it could have been an antioxidant forumla

which had alot of quercitin in it.

I think taking this antioxidant formula also helped me

tolerate alot more foods , Vitamins, chemicals etc.. I cannot

say for sure unfortunately as I did not keep a journal..


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Hi , sorry to hear that you are sick. Have you been to the doctor and

been checked for strep or bronchitis or something like that? More


In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:

Can anyone suggest good remedies for sore throat and clogged ears?

----------Zinc lozenges are what we use for sore throats here. And extra Vit

C too. And oil of oregano is my go to thing for any illness now, and usually

helps. If you can stand the taste, put a couple drops under your tongue and

hold it in your mouth as long as you can. My sister says she can even feel it

go up her eustation tubes. And I haven't used it much, but have you tried

mullein drops for the ears?----------Jackie

I am in day 10 of this strange illness, which involves completely

clogged up ears, sore throat, bronchial cough, and lots of phlegm. I

have no fever and no nasal congestion. I finally have got some

reduction of the phlegm with a long acupuncture treatment and some

chinese herbs, but it's

not gone by any means, just reduced. And the ears are still just as

clogged, throat still sore, and still coughing.

-----------There was some really nasty upper respiratory stuff that went

around here last winter, that lasted a long time and was really hard to get rid

of, and this is reminding me of that.---------Jackie

This does not respond to antiviral or antibacterial treatment. OTC

cold remedies help a little, especially guaifenesin, but they don't do

all I need. I can't hear properly and my ears are ringing and I just

can't get them to unclog no matter what I do. My throat is still sore

and the only things that help are stress dosing of HC (which mutes the

soreness for awhile, but then I get a rebound effect in the evening

after the last HC dose wears off) and chicken soup (which only helps

while I'm eating it, and I can really only eat so much chicken soup :)

Any suggestions?

--------I have switched to mostly natural stuff now, but I used to like

TheraFlu alot, have you tried that? It's nice, because it's a hot drink. I

imagine you're drinking tea or something hot?

Have you taken extra immune boosters, like increasing your Vit A? Lots of Vit

C? Elderberry, echinacea, astragulus? Extra zinc?

Also, Jay has links at onibasu/wiki about anit-virals and immune boosters,

where Andy gives some more ideas. And have you asked for some ideas?

I hope you find something that helps and you get feeling better soon!



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> >

> > Could this be allergy related?



> Hm. I haven't really thought so. I did check recent pollen counts

> which were not high, but those don't reflect pollens that are local to

> where I live. I've certainly been feeling itchy in the chest and a

> bit wheezy at times, which seems allergic...but why don't I have any

> nasal congestion? Also my glands are swollen, does that go with

> allergies? Been so long since I've had chronic pollen allergies that

> I can't remember.

Nah, if anything, I'm thinking food allergy as I used to get the closed

ear thing and ringing, whenever I'd get a food allergy hit. And the

wheezy along with the swelling suggests an immune reaction along the

lines of anaphylaxis (no so much the glands, I don't *think*). What

have you been eating lately -- any change in diet? Anything you're

eating a *lot* of?

If this is some viral/bacterial thing, I heard years ago that your

immune system goes into high gear for six hours after even light

exercise and I find that this really is the case given my own symptoms

improving soon after just taking a 30 min. walk. If you're able, that

might really help your body get a handle on whatever this is.

Meditation is always a great help as well, I find, as stress is harder

on us than we know. Taking that load off can really help the body get

down to the business of healing.

That's all I got. :)


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Well it certainly sounds like you've tried just about everything, and I agree, a

very weird illness. Interesting that your husband had something similar, but

yet doesn't seem to be viral?

And you got him to start chelation, good for you! Has he done any more rounds,

since getting sick in July?

Let us know if/when you start feeling better, and if you think anything helped.

Good luck-------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:


I really don't think it is viral. It might be what my husband had

back in July (after his first round of chelation) - he had it for a

month and was unusually sick. He usually responds to antivirals and

he didn't this time.

Whatever it is, it's a weird illness.



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it could be some toxins passing through from bacteria./parasitic

movements from full moon last week or whenever it was

you may want to try l-orinthine (which i believe is a hulda clarke

ammonia clearing recommendation from parsitic herx's) ..sometimes

this has worked for me

along with equal does of lysine and l-arginine for bacterial and

viral..I take 1000 mgs of each 2-3 times a day. but it sounds like

you are treating bacterial and viral

also sometimes a vaporizer with vicks will help clear my bronchial


gargling with salt water and flushing through the nose with salt

water may also help the throat and sinuses. do not use to much salt

the first time

IF HC is helping by it sounds like masking the symptoms, I think that

would indicate bacterial/viral wouldn't it??


-- In frequent-dose-chelation , " "



> Can anyone suggest good remedies for sore throat and clogged ears?


> I am in day 10 of this strange illness, which involves completely

> clogged up ears, sore throat, bronchial cough, and lots of phlegm.

> I have no fever and no nasal congestion. I finally have got some

> reduction of the phlegm with a long acupuncture treatment and some

> chinese herbs, but it's not gone by any means, just reduced. And

> the ears are still just as clogged, throat still sore, and still

> coughing.


> This does not respond to antiviral or antibacterial treatment. OTC

> cold remedies help a little, especially guaifenesin, but they don't

> do all I need. I can't hear properly and my ears are ringing and I

> just can't get them to unclog no matter what I do. My throat is

> still sore and the only things that help are stress dosing of HC

>(which mutes the soreness for awhile, but then I get a rebound

> effect in the evening after the last HC dose wears off) and chicken

> soup (which only helps while I'm eating it, and I can really only

> eat so much chicken soup :)


> Any suggestions?


> --


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