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As I noted in a previous post today, I did several months (in divided

cycles) of DMSA about five years ago. I did some ALA at the time too.

I remember thinking " When I start this again, I don't want to do the

DMSA anymore. " I don't know why, as the ALA pulls it out of the brain

as well. Maybe I've got a lot in my brain and I actually feel some

relief from ALA that I don't feel from DMSA? Since I did DMSA then, is

it ok to just start in on the ALA and see how it goes? Maybe a really

low dose to start? I just remember feeling more toxic on the DMSA.

Like the difference between a drug and a natural remedy. The ALA felt

less harsh.

Do people who have severe depression from detox have a lot of Hg in

their brains? Is that a given? Is that why they have such extreme

psychiatric symptoms?

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The dosing has changes. Start lower like 12.5 mg of dmsa and don't

increase it on that round. Stay the same. And ala should also be that

low to start.

The newer guidelines are not to change or increase doses in the same

round. We usually do the same dose for as long as it works then

increase in small increments. 100mg of ala is a lot to begin with.

DMSA doesn't really chelate iron or much for minerals either. EDTA

does that and we don't use that. However, supplementing with minerals

during chelation is wise for anyone.

Intolerance of prescription meds=liver problems. Helped by milk

thistle. Your history sounds a lot like most of us, going through all

the prescription meds and stuff. Bipolar is mercury poisoning...it's

just what psychiatrist call mercury poisoning. But I think many of us

have been in this boat too. Trying meds that didn't work well.

Suffering adrenal problems (anxiety, panic are caused by adrenals).

It's fine not to use rx drugs if you don't need them. I can't say I

disagree there..I don't use them either now that I know the true

reason for my problems.

Green tea contains caffeine which would have made you feel bad because

it makes adrenal problems worse.

Also never heard of colostrum doing any of those things..other than

boosting and supporting immune function. So not sure where those

people are getting this information from. Or perhaps that is what was

thought at that time.

It's up to you if you wish to leave the mercury where it is. Although

it is obviously causing problems with moods and adrenals now. I have

to say that the doses used originally were way higher than what is now

recommended. So it's likely why you saw problems post round or during

rounds. Some people start even lower than I suggested at like 6mg. And

we have a list of supplements Andy recommends now to support the body

during all this, in addition to any individual ones you may need. Like

inositol or whatever...

I was able to find tryptophan online at Amazon. Some other places

might have it as well.

If you don't own Amalgam Illness..I'd get it and do some reading to

see what would be most helpful to you. It also has lots of information

on why some things make problems and what to do about it.


> Wow, that was a goldmine of information. Thanks for that Jada.


> I burst out laughing about that comment about how there are many

> different kinds of depression. I'll second that. I'm like the

> eskimos with their many kinds of snow where that's concerned. It was

> just funny to see it in print.


> I think this is a seratonin issue. Haven't heard before about

> inositol. Will look into that.


> In my 20's I was on Trazadone and lithium for 8 years (I self-

> diagnosed bipolar -- went into a psychiatrists office and made a

> great case for it and he was happy to medicate me. It did help a

> little with mood but I just got sicker and sicker physically and the

> meds themselves eventually started causing panic attacks. A few

> years before the panic attacks I added Buspar to the mix, I think now

> because the other two were causing anxiety and eventually the trio

> led to not only anxiety but all out panic attacks. I can't take

> Tylenol anymore (not that I ever liked taking it and rarely did)

> because it causes anxiety. I don't think my liver could/can handle

> Rx drugs. I have read though that Hg toxicity can cause lithium

> deficiency so I might consider taking that low-dose again.


> My moods are all over the place this summer. Haven't experienced

> anything like this in a long time. When I learned about the mercury

> and got off all the Rx meds, the panic attacks stopped. No

> consequences re: stopping those meds. Minerals and herbs --

> everything else I was supplementing with after that seemed to take


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<100mg of ala is a lot to begin with.

Yeah, I didn't begin with that, I'd built up to that. Still seems

like a hefty dose though. I didn't realize I'd gone that far with it.


> Green tea contains caffeine which would have made you feel bad


> it makes adrenal problems worse.

It was caffeine free but green tea is detoxifying. I can't tolerate

the stuff. And/or it might be loaded with salicylates. (!)

Bipolar is mercury poisoning...it's

> just what psychiatrist call mercury poisoning.

Man, it's nice to hear someone say this out loud. I couldn't agree

more. How long until the rest of the world figures this out....


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