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(whey) sulfer - dave

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Interesting idea. Why does the whey make you say that? Does it have sulfur? I'll

look that

up on onibasu. I always thought I didn't need a sulfur exclusion diet because I

do eat so

much eggs and broccoli and onions with no apparent problems. I really like those


How do I know if it's an issue? How do you come up with the idea it's an issue

based on

my whey comments?


> - if there was no subsequent crash after the initial positive effect of

> the whey, then it may just be that you are a person who needs a fair bit of

> sulfur in her diet. I'd suggest looking up the " sulfur exclusion diet " on

> onibasu.com, and trying it out. (This is the one most important thing that


> be done for symptoms, since sulfur is critical to functioning but too much

> stirs up mercury - so you need to figure out where you balance point is. That

> depends on whether your kidneys tend to dump or retain it.)


> Dave.

> ------------------


> Posted by: " jennifer.robinsong " jennifer.robinsong@... jennifer.robinsong

> Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:10 pm (PDT)

> Hi.


> A comment and a question . . .


> Comment: I finally got my D. O. to prescribe me some hydrocortisone! I had

show up

> without an appointment and beg her with hypoadrenal crying, and she needs to


> educated on the difference between a physiologic dose vs. a suppressive dose,

> so she was

> HIGHLY reluctant to prescribe the HC for me, but she did. Just 10mg at 8 am

> only, for 10

> days only. I started the HC 5 days ago on Friday, expecting a noticeable

> improvement in

> symptoms, but no change at all in malaise, muscle weakness, low emotions,


> hypotension, confusion, hypoglycemia, etc. But then I remembered from AI that

> Andy said

> Branched-Chain Amino Acids help only IF you get supplementary cortisol. So . .

> . I made a

> smoothie from the goat whey I have in the fridge (I have friends with goats


> sell the

> raw milk and sell the whey if they get cheese orders). As soon as I had the

> whey, and I

> mean within minutes, I got that noticeable improvement in symptoms I've been

> looking

> for! Today is the best day I've had in weeks in terms of emotions and energy

> level. While

> I'm still dizzy whenever I go from sitting to standing, and I'm definitely

> still not strong, at

> least I had enough energy to take my 2-year old for a ride on the bicycle, and

> I'm chipper

> for the first time in weeks!


> Question:

> My doctor said this HC is just for 10 days, then with a four-day taper-down,

> just to " get

> me out of the woods " with my depression and dealing with the elevated stress

> I'm dealing

> with from my TMJ being out of place (I now have untreated TMJD and can barely


> anything and am bruxing every night in my sleep from it). In the book, Andy

> says it can

> help some people to do a 10-day course every 2-3 months, and that's the least

> suppressive route dr's might try. I notice a lot of hypoadrenal people are

> taking their HC

> continually. Will I be in bad shape again after the 10-days of HC is done? I

> don't even

> think she dosed it right (I need it 2-4 times per day, and she said only at

> 8am). Is there

> any hope that I'll be symptom-free for a couple months once I finish the 10

> days of HC? I

> think the whey probably won't help very much once the 10 days of HC are up.


> Thanks.

> Abrenica


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