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Re: unreality feelings/candida

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HI Dudley

they are others here that know much more than I on this BUT my

feeling and understanding is that you will have candida/yeast/fungal

issues well into chelation (ie post amalgam removal) as these matters

Ie candida/etc) are created in response to the bodies mercury burden

I know persoanlly, I could see evidence of fungus like slime which

worsened the first 3-4 months of chelation due to likely the body

releasing stores of mercury.

If this is the case all you can do is hope to keep it under control

during chelation not eliminate it\\

As to the feelings of disconnection. I have had them for likely 40

years, they have been much worse in last 4 years due to bad protocols

which i think worsened re-mercury distribution. All neurotoxins from

mecrcury.yeast.parasites. and even thyroid problems which many of us

have apparently create head/thought problems\\

There are some things that AI recommends and others on this forum

suggest for clearing the head, i think its hydergine (spelling)

and alka seltzer gold...hope some of this helps

You just have to say to yourself, that right now " you are really not

yourself " and hope your family/friends understand if you choose to

share which can be a big if as many people will look at you sideways

or their eyes will glaze over. I am/was very sleective with who i

shared this with for obvious reasons

Believe that your old self will return with chelation. I am finding

this after 8 months chelation, feel more connected, socially engaged,

less dark thoughts, ability to feel optimistic and hopeful and caring

about myself and others..ie my emotions are not flatlining anymore

Good luck and chelate chelate chelate as much as your body

can handle but be prepared for another Mr Toads's Wild Ride with

chelation. I know its hard to say this with a straight face but

embrace your nuttinesss as it will be gone soon enough and then you

will have to get back to a regular life :)


> Has anyone experienced feelings of things seeming unreal and spaced

> out. i posted about this a while back,it would be really good to

> hear from someone that has gone through the same experience and

> now with chelation got rid of this symptom.At the moment i can't

> start chelation but am finding life very difficult feeling like

> this. I have read that candida can cause similar symptoms,but i

> have been on an anti candida diet for months,

> I have cut out sugar, fruit,yeast, but still eat potatoes,oats and

> drink goats milk. I want to make sure my candida is controlled as

> much as possible before i start on Andy's protocol.

> Hope there is someone thats had similar problems as i could do with

> some hope,until i start chelating.

> thanks Dudley.


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> >

> > > Has anyone experienced feelings of things seeming unreal and

> spaced

> > > out. i posted about this a while back,it would be really good


> > hear

> > > from someone that has gone through the same experience and now

> with

> > > chelation got rid of this symptom.At the moment i can't start

> > chelation

> > > but am finding life very difficult feeling like this.

> >

> > =============



> >

> > Dudley,

> >

> > I've felt like that for years - been called airhead, blonde,

> > spacey, etc. etc. Anyway, try caprylic acid and probiotics.


> > help fight the yeast.

> >

> > Val

> ---------------


> did you feel as though you were looking at life through a plate

> glass window and nothing appeared quite right, have you got your

> candida under control,and have these feelings gone now?



Something is happening with the low sulfur diet,caprylic

acid,probiotics and all the suppplements and chleation. My joints

are starting to loosen up (which is huge for me) but can't say much

has happened mentally. I 101 things I need to do today but here I

sit at the computer because I feel so wiped out and blah.


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> >

> > Dudley,

> >

> > I've felt like that for years - been called airhead, blonde,

> > spacey, etc. etc. Anyway, try caprylic acid and probiotics. They

> > help fight the yeast.

> >

> > Val

> ---------------


> did you feel as though you were looking at life through a plate

> glass window and nothing appeared quite right, have you got your

> candida under control,and have these feelings gone now?


yes thats exactly how i feel,i don't know about the candida as i am

doing no sugar,yeast,no fruit. what else should i do? do you still

have these feelings, if not was it candida that caused it. i still

have these feelings any advice would be really good. Dud.

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In frequent-dose-chelation dudley.smith89 wrote:

> >

> > Dudley,

> >

> > I've felt like that for years - been called airhead, blonde,

> > spacey, etc. etc. Anyway, try caprylic acid and probiotics. They

> > help fight the yeast.

> >

> > Val

> ---------------


> did you feel as though you were looking at life through a plate

> glass window and nothing appeared quite right, have you got your

> candida under control,and have these feelings gone now?


yes thats exactly how i feel,i don't know about the candida as i am

doing no sugar,yeast,no fruit. what else should i do? do you still

have these feelings, if not was it candida that caused it. i still

have these feelings any advice would be really good. Dud.


Yes, I remember that feeling, like I was watching my life go by in front of

me, as you say, looking from the outside in, like looking through a plate glass

window, feeling very disconnected. Andy nails all of this on the head in AI in

the description of what mercury does to you.

These feelings have gotten much better with amalgam removal, chelation,

supplementation, and trying to correct imbalances, especially hormones. I think

hormones play a big part in how we feel. I know my general sense of well being

improved alot, once I started working on hormone balance.

Other supplement deficiencies may be affecting you also. In the files or

links section of this group, there is a post by Andy about what to do about

depression. He lists many different symptoms, and tells what supplements may

help. It may be worth reviewing and trying some of those things. There are

also lots of suggestions in AI for different symptoms.

And finally, yes diet and candida is very important also. I think a DO once

told me that " 70% of the brain is in the gut " , meaning your gut health affects

your brain greatly. So gut problems could definitely be affecting how you feel

mentally also. And I will attest to feeling much worse, including mentally,

when yeast/candida got really bad after a couple courses of heavy duty

antibiotics a couple of years ago.

Biotin, like 8mg capsules, taken 3 or 4 X/day, will also help with candida,

besides good probiotics, and yeast killers. There are a number of natural

antifungals you can try, and here are a few, besides caprylic acid------coconut

oil, GSE (grapefruit seed extract), oil of oregano. In the files section of

this group, there is a file " Neutrophils, yeast and DMSA " , where Andy gives his

suggestions also, so you may want to review that.

Many of us have lots of things out of whack in our body, and it takes a long

time to correct them all, but as you work on them and start correcting them, you

do start to feel better. And of course, chelation is key, and it alone will

help to start correct some of these problems, so it is not worth putting it off,

trying to fix everything else first. Andy has said this many times, and I


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