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My progress after 8 months of chelation

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I have been amalgam free for 8 months:

I started chelation 7 days after going amalgam free and have done 19

rounds and am currently at 5mg DMSA every 2.5 hours in the day and 3

hours at night. Rounds are smooth, only have minor mild symptoms and

I can continue my life whilst on rounds. Mild and sometimes no

redistribution at the end of rounds. 3 days on 4 days off, then 3

days on 11 days off. ALA not tried yet. My gut instinct says wait

until I can increase the DMSA dose until I add ALA. I don't feel

that's possible yet….but it must be coming soon? I have tried

lengthening the rounds and it most certainly did not agree, not even

close. I have just reduced the time interval to 2.5 hours and reduced

the DMSA dose too, so don't feel I can increase the dose yet.

For the majority of last year my food allergies went crazy and I was

reduced to eating salad at breakfast, lunch and dinner for most of

the year…and that excluded sulphur foods and nightshades too. Last

year I was a physical and mental wreck......but now:

Dairy allergy – gone

Wheat allergy – gone

Gluten allergy - gone

Soya allergy – gone

Nightshade allergy – gone

Passive smoking allergy – gone

All processed food allergy – gone

Sulphur food problem – gone

Fruit allergy – much reduced and can tolerate 1-2 fruits a day, but

in small doses only and not too sweet.

Sugar problem – well I don't east refined sugar ever so I have no

idea if that's a problem or not. I can handle a little honey these

days, but not tested it out properly. I'm ok in small doses only...

I used to have big problems with food additives, colourings, e-

numbers etc. I have no idea if I still have a problem with them as I

no longer knowingly eat that muck. Even though the allergy to

processed food is gone I still religiously avoid processed food, I do

occasionally eat white rice but I am fine with that now.

Multiple chemical sensitivities - still there a little, but much less

of a problem nowadays. Because I am aware of so many chemicals and

where they are…I avoid lots of them. My house has been totally

detoxed of chems….as soon as I find more they are removed…they are

hidden in the strangest of places! I do feel it in the office

sometimes but it's a much reduced problem. Tingling arms/hands/legs

remains but is much reduced too.

Chronic back problems and chronic back pain for 10 years – gone. I

still have a bad back….. but it is getting much better and I am no

longer in constant pain 24/7. Most days I don't think about my

back….which is wonderful.

Muscle weakness – this was an utter nightmare and its much reduced

now, but still an issue. 70pct better than it was.

After 4 years of zero exercise/yoga I have restarted working out

again. I felt like a rusty hinge at the beginning but the more I do,

the looser I get. 4 years ago when I was forced to stop all exercise,

any exercise wiped me out. Now….i am actually getting better when I

work out. I do need to take it easy and go slow. Yoga is perfect.

Chronic heartburn – gone. I do get some on rounds of DMSA but I know

all the tricks to make it go away now.

Chronic fatigue – much better. Adrenals on-line now and seem to be

working….thank you ACE. Thyroid support in place….this is taking some

time and it is still don't have masses of extra energy. My temps are

stable now but consistently low. When I chelate my temps no longer

drop. This is a marathon not a sprint, the program I have for this is

working slowly but surely. Would be nice if this would speed up, but

I'm patient…overall I am a zillion times better than I was….since

learning about adrenals and thyroids…I have obviously had issues my

whole life and its gonna take time to sort out.

Memory – getting slightly better but short term memory still plays

tricks on me.

All in all my life is getting back on track now. I no longer need to

focus so intensely on my health, I am no longer in constant pain and

brain fog has lifted….I am 39 years old and I can live a little now.

I have read a wealth of information and books in the past 18 months

and I have revolving system of chelation as per Cutler protocol and

cleansing going on all the time. All my cleansing is herbal or uses

natural methods only and I use no man made gunk. I tried dropping my

man made supplements but the adrenals suffered immediately so I still

take the supps as per Cutler.

So…..what do I think caused this turnaround in my health? Because it

is a glorious turnaround for sure…last year was a nightmare.

Well obviously amalgam removal was important, ditto chelation. I'd

love to say it was just the 19 rounds of chelation that did it. Would

be nice to give everyone here in this wonderful group that feel good

factor. BUT….it wasn't JUST because of the chelation. Its helped…

100pct chelation has helped. I know I will not get better without

chelation…but getting the mercury out is gonna take a couple of years

and my drastic improvement in health is down to everything that I

have done COLLECTIVELY. I have been hard at work body cleansing in

every-which-way I can. Individually each cleanse and each chelation

round has helped a little bit. Chelation actually makes me feel worse

and I feel great when I break from chelation to do a month long


I have a rotating program of cleansings that goes like this:

30 days parasite cleanse which includes bowel cleansing herbs too

from Humaworm(HW)

Wait 90 days then do another 30 days parasite cleanse(HW)

In those 90 days in-between I do bowel cleasing, herbal liver

cleansings, herbal kidney cleansing, herbal Lung cleanse.

I also regularly do castor oil packs, dry skin brushing, oil massage

and my diet is 90pct organic and zero processed foods and zero

pasteurised dairy. I regularly drink veg juices and often have liquid

veg juice meals and have done some veg juice fasts.

Basically I am doing some type of cleanse all the time and chelation

fits in between everything. I try hard not to do too many things

together, but its tricky to fit everything in, so some things do

overlap. When I over-do it, which I must admit I do sometimes…I break

until I recovered and restart…but only takes a couple of days.

I have researched and done all the cleanses….and the only one I avoid

now is liver flushing (with olive oil and grapefruit)…Andy C is

correct …after 10 flushes I know its way too heavy duty….and beside

the alternatives are much more civilised!

Each cleanse I feel some improvements. I would say the parasite

cleansing and Bowel cleansing has led to the biggest gains in my

health ….but one parasite cleanse is not enough. My body got totally

and utterly clogged up and after 18 months of furious detoxing I am

now finally getting better. I been bowel cleansing lots, at least 150

days in the last 10 months alone, and I still get gunk called mucoid

plaque coming outta me…I am continually amazed at the amount of

toxins in me. Its taken a long time to clean me out, but because I

been at this hardcore for 10 months, always detoxing in some

form….now…..i am reaping the rewards and getting better.

The mercury is still in me. My tolerance to DMSA remains low but all

the cleaning out of my body has help tremendously make me cleaner

inside so that my mercury compromised organs have less toxins to

worry about. I don't really understand why my tolerance to DMSA

remains so low when I am continually regaining my health and feeling

so much better?? I guess it means chelation must continue long term

removing the stored mercury and the cleanses I have done have cleared

out the backlog of toxins stuck in me?

I plan on chelating & cleansing for as long as possible until I reach

optimum health. I learned a lot and it's a cool goal for me to aim

for. I guess I'm half way there now…so hopefully only 1.5 years

chelating and cleanses to go.

My only concern is the dreaded mercury dump 6-12 months post amalgam

removal. I am 8 months amalgam free now. Everything Andy C has said

so far has turned out just as he said it would, so I see no reason

why I will avoid it…but I might! Not everyone gets it and I may be

lucky! Nothing I can do about it anyway so I don't worry about

it….but it does drive me forwards and is a strong motivator for me to

continue Chelating and doing all the cleanses. I find the cleanses

much easier now. at first I had some pretty amazing die-offs and

incredible healing crisis's but now…..i get a few minor symptoms and

then feel better without fail. I did a 2 week herbal lung cleanse

last month and was rewarded with a much improved brain….mentally

sharper. Will probably have to do some more lung cleansing herbs

because 2 weeks is probably not enough time to right 20 years of me


I did think long and hard about typing this up, I don't want to tempt

fate with the dread mercury dump…but…its nice to be getting better

and I have learned so much from this group….i know its encouraging to

read of people getting better….and I most certainly am. Long may it


Thx to all the moderators and helpful people posting here, even just

reading of all the problems people have has helped me avoid those

same problems. Thx a mill everyone.


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Sunshine, thank you SO much for taking the time to post all of this! It's

wonderful news for you, and certainly encouraging for us!

You certainly do a lot of cleansing, which I've tried in small ways a couple of

times quite a few years ago. Only once did I feel an improvement in energy

during a cleanse, but never again. At this point I'm not sure I'd have the

patience for it.

Btw, good for you that you quit smoking! That's a biggie!


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> Sunshine, thank you SO much for taking the time to post all of

this! It's wonderful news for you, and certainly encouraging for us!

----yes, nice to bhe getting well enough to admit it!

> You certainly do a lot of cleansing, which I've tried in small ways

a couple of times quite a few years ago. Only once did I feel an

improvement in energy during a cleanse, but never again. At this

point I'm not sure I'd have the patience for it.

----Have you ever heard the phrase " Death starts in the colon. " ?

After all that I've tried, I know its true, but do you know how long

it takes to cleanse the digestive tract…top to bottom? Intestines to

colon? It takes 1 year of constant cleanses and a super healthy diet.

Yes 1 year. Chelation takes 2-4 years…cleansing and detoxing is no

different and takes lots of time and effort to get the gunk out,

especially for us mercury toxic people that have so many things wrong

with us. I can't believe that after so much bowel cleansing that I

still have mucoid plaque coming out, 10 months after the first batch.

When this gunk comes out…..i always take a giant leap forwards in my

health....a giant leap.


> Btw, good for you that you quit smoking! That's a biggie!

> :Donna

----Sad to say, giving up smoking was the start of my downfall. I

gave up smoking by using the eat-as-much-junk-food-sugar-cakes-sweets-

booze-as-possible-method…which rotted my teeth, I then needed 8

fillings in one sitting, all amalgams. Was 11 years ago that. Boo hoo.

I am now a seasoned PRO at giving everything up now. Booze, smoking,

drugs, otc drugs, prescription drugs, I even had to give up eating

food! 6 months of salad only was incredibly tough…but you are right

giving up smoking remains the hardest thing I have ever done. I have

the utmost respect for anyone that manages to kick that evil habit.


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