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Re: Hair test results---Dana B & Nix the colloidal silver.

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Dana - below.

Posted by: " Dana Black " danablack@...

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:19 pm (PDT)

Hi Dave-

----------- Thanks so much for your help with this. Though I'm going to


week after next, I was eager to get a read on my test (even though

it's almost 4 years old).


> Surprisingly, I don't see any obvious signs of adrenal fatigue in your

hair test.

--------- Also very interesting because I always thought I had low adrenal

function (and have most of the signs of low adrenal function listed on Dr.

Rind's web site).

You probably do. Have things deteriorated in the last 4 years, since

you had the test done?

> K/Ca is quite low, which might indicate a low thyroid. Have you tried

taking your temperature? Are you cold in the AM?

---------- I tend to feel too warm, if anything, but my temp does run a little

low. Actually I don't tolerate temperature extremes in either direction but heat

is much worse for me.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said that. Maybe low thyroid affects

temperature regulation. I know coldness in the AM can be typical, but

I'm not well versed in the range of symptoms related to a low thyroid.

(Just to be clear.)


--------- I still have one amalgam and need to have my crowns checked (I

have several). I'll probably take a trip to one of the Huggins trained

dentists south of the border after I return from seeing .

As long as you do _not_ _not_ _not_ go to Morales! Don't follow

BikerChick, who gets a cut, down to Morales. Make sure to check in with

Leo at DAMS first (amalgam.org). You might also check with Andy, who I

believe knows of someone down there.


--------- I think you're right on about the diet factor, though it's very

difficult with chronic fatigue and all the rest (moderately severe fatigue,

low motivation, cravings, etc). I'm sure some of my less obvious food

intolerances are causing problems, and I haven't been eating as well as I

should lately. I eat mostly good, whole food and no trans fats, etc, but

there's still quite a bit of room for improvement. I'm guessing I'll be

having some food allergy testing along with everything else.

Food allergy testing is not very good at finding food reactivity - and

I've read some of the literature in this area. The only real way to

tell is to do an elimination diet. That's also the cheapest way.

----------- Thanks again for all your input.


----------- Dana B

[From another post]

--------- My eyes have been bothering me for the past week as well. This is

a new symptom for me. I've been using colloidal silver eye drops, but so far

it isn't helping too much.

Dana- Andy has warned against colloidal silver. I wouldn't use it.

Silver itself is toxic. (That's where the term " blue blood " comes

from. It's from rich people being silver poisoned from all the

silverware. The skin actually takes on a bluish hue.)


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