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Hair test results changed to normal without chelation?!! Lyme, ocular migraine

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Hi folks,

My 11 year old son is being treated for Lyme disease and has had

significant exposure to molds from a compromised bedroom (which has

since been addressed).

I originally ran a hair test for him 1.5 years ago in which he came

out with the " all-low " type signature and definitely met the counting

rules for showing deranged mineral xport.

I did 3 rounds of chelation last fall but stopped because he

developed severe ongoing GI problems that took a long time to

resolve/go away. Also, since he was on abx for his Lyme treatment,

I was worried about too many interactions that I could not control.

Now that he is more stable, I ran another hair test as a baseline in

prep to restart chelation. I was very shocked to see his results

come back very differently as I have NOT been actively chelating him.



His test now no longer meets the counting rules – normal – and shows

a more normal pattern!?

How is this possible? His reference ranges are still the same.

Here are my questions and concerns:

• Are these tests generally repeatable and consistent?

• Could I have screwed up in the collection of hair to get such

radically different results?

• Could he have excreted the metals himself without special

chelation aid?

• Could his Lyme abx have stirred things up enough to change

the equation?

• Is he truly " normal " now, in terms of mineral transport?

• If so, what does this current test now show in terms of

problems or issues, as he still has significant and mysterious

health problems (see below)?

• Can he now take ALA on a schedule other than a " safe " one as

defined in " Amalgam Illness " with impunity? Since ALA is helpful to

the liver and he is on abx, this would be a support for him?

• Has anyone else had experience with Lyme or mold affecting

their hair test results?


Here is the data from the 2 tests:

Male (age 11)DDI Hair test

June 2008 – newest test


element result ref range color


aluminum 5.9 < 8.0 green

antimony 0.032 <0.066 green

arsenic 0.039 <0.080 green

beryllium <0.01 <0.020 none

bismuth 0.16 <2.0 green

cadmium 0.040 <0.15 green

lead 0.31 <1.0 green

mercury 0.50 <0.40 yellow

platinum <0.003 <0.005 none

thallium <0.001 <0.010 none

thorium <0.001 <0.005 none

uranium 0.019 <0.060 green

nickel 0.16 <0.40 green

silver 0.05 <0.13 green

tin 0.13 <0.30 green

titanium 0.84 <1.0 green


element result ref range color under/over 50%


Calcium 1230 160-500 red over

Magnesium 89 12-50 yellow over

Sodium 56 12-90 green over

Potassium 11 10-40 green under

Copper 29 9.0-30 green over

Zinc 210 110-190 yellow over

Manganese 0.20 0.18-0.60 green under

Chromium 0.57 0.23-0.50 yellow over

Vanadium 0.077 0.025-0.10 green over

Molybdenum 0.023 0.040-0.089 red under

Boron 1.3 0.50-3.5 white middle

Iodine 1.5 0.25-1.3 yellow over

Lithium 0.007 0.007-0.023 green under

Phosphorus 149 160-250 yellow under

Selenium 0.94 0.95-1.7 green under

Strontium 2.7 0.21-2.1 yellow over

Sulfur 47100 45500-53000 green under

Barium 1.9 0.19-1.6 yellow over

Cobalt 0.013 0.013-0.035 green under

Iron 13 6.0-17 green over

Germanium 0.029 0.045-0.065 yellow under

Rubidium 0.011 0.008-0.080 green under

Zirconium 0.10 0.0600.70 green under

Counting rule #1: 11 (ordinary & average)

Counting rule #2: 11 (ordinary & average)

Counting rule #3: 2 (not uncommon)

Counting rule #4: 13 (unusual)

Counting rule #5: not met,


Here is the older test:

2007 Hair Test Results

Lab: Doctor's Data, Incorporated.

Age: 9 Y Male


element result ref range color


aluminum 18 <8.0 yellow

antimony 0.038 <0.066 green

arsenic 0.053 <0.080 green

beryllium <0.01 <0.020 absent

bismuth 0.044 <0.12 green

cadmium 0.054 <0.15 green

lead 0.24 <1.0 green

mercury 0.96 <0.40 yellow

platinum <0.003 <0.005 absent

thallium <0.001 <0.010 absent

thorium <0.001 <0.005 absent

uranium 0.025 <0.060 green

nickel 0.10 <0.40 green

silver 0.03 <0.13 green

tin 0.25 <0.30 green

titanium 1.5 <1.0 yellow


element result ref range color under/over 50%


Calcium 328 160-500 green under

Magnesium 110 12-50 yellow over

Sodium 17 12-90 green under

Potassium 6 10-40 yellow under

Copper 15 9.0-30 white exactly 50%

Zinc 160 110-190 white exactly 50%

Manganese 0.15 0.18-0.60 yellow under

Chromium 0.33 0.23-0.50 green over

Vanadium 0.035 0.025-0.10 green under

Molybdenum 0.040 0.040-0.089 green under

Boron 0.61 0.50-3.5 green under

Iodine 0.25 0.25-1.3 green under

Lithium <0.004 0.007-0.023 red under

Phosphorus 169 160-250 green under

Selenium 0.93 0.95-1.7 green/yellow under

Strontium 1.1 0.21-2.1 green over

Sulfur 48800 45500-53000 green over

Barium 0.51 0.19-1.6 white exactly 50%

Cobalt 0.009 0.013-0.035 yellow under

Iron 24 6.0-17 yellow over

Germanium 0.035 0.045-0.065 yellow under

Rubidium 0.012 0.008-0.080 green under

Zirconium 0.10 0.060-0.70 green under

Counting rule #1: 5 (abnormal)

The significant changes have been his: abx treatment for Lyme,

increased mineral and vitamin supplementation, and removal from a

terrible mold situation (removed from mold situation 2/14/08).

I have not been giving him any other alleged chelators vetted by

Andy, although I am giving reasonable doses of Vit C daily and other

supplementation. Also have given him Epsom salt baths and Mg sulfate

cream, but not daily.

One thing he has developed over the past several months is the


1. Double vision (sustained bouts of 2 weeks, with 2 week

remittances) – note that most ophthalmologists link this to a

decompensated strabismus (vertical misalignment, 4th cranial nerve

palsy) - others think there may be something triggering it.

2. Ocular disturbances (with no headache), blurred vision,

tunnel vision, loss of color vision – bouts last from a few seconds

to many hours

3. Ocular disturbances with intense one-sided headache

This last set of " migraine-like " symptoms have occurred since he went

on a new set of antibiotics and are not quite classical migraine


1. All the symptoms come at once – although a bad headache the

night before or in the morning will indicate a more sever attack

2. Attacks brought on almost exclusively by eating or drinking

in the morning (not at lunch or dinner) and seemingly unrelated to

the type of food, or food at all, as he has brought them on merely by

the act of drinking water

3. No throbbing pain (just a varying intensity), no

photosensitivity, no nausea

He has never been a headachy person and migraines do not run in the

family, so it is not clear to me that he has just " developed "


I've increased supplementation of Mg and B2 (migraine cure) because I

know that most people, kids, especially are Mg deficient, and low

levels have been associated with migraines and illnesses. Also, abx

deplete you of minerals.

I don't have enough data points to know if the supplementation is

aiding his symptoms because I'm unwilling to change just one variable

to see if I can reinduce symptoms when these attacks are so painful

for him. He had a break from his abx (and the symptoms subsided) but

I also started heavily supplementing him at that time.

One neuro-opthalmologist discounted these symptoms saying that they

were related to his strabismus decompensation, another wasn't so

cavalier about the symptoms.

Any comments on either of these phenomena (different hair signature,

migraine-like problems?

I certainly did not expect this hair result. Have I misread

something? If he is indeed showing " normal " mineral xport now ,

could I give him ALA on a regular basis and not the safe chelation


Since he is on abx, ALA would

be helpful to support the liver function, but I have not typically

used this as I have been worried about stirring up metals and

increasing his disposition to yeast as he was having terrible GI

problems for a while.

Would very much appreciate any interpretation or comments.

Thanks very much,


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