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Which composites are best for fillings?

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Hi all,

I am finally getting around to getting my amalgams out and am calling

dentists in my area. They work with composites (eg Kerr brand) but I

have no idea what's in this stuff.

What should I look for? What are the composites to avoid if I plan to

chelate? What composite is best?

I'm sorry if this info is available somewhere, but I'm so overtaxed

looking after everyone else that I can't find the time to look after

myself (in true mommy/womanly style).

Thanks in advance,

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In frequent-dose-chelation iam2l84t wrote:

Hi all,

I am finally getting around to getting my amalgams out and am calling

dentists in my area. They work with composites (eg Kerr brand) but I

have no idea what's in this stuff.

What should I look for? What are the composites to avoid if I plan to

chelate? What composite is best?

----------Since I was already chemically sensitive, I was worried about this

too, so I choose to have a biocompatability test done, and then I let my dentist

choose from the materials listed as safe for me. So I didn't do extensive

research into types of composites. Here's the link to the lab I used.


There is also some other info, including this link, in the Links section of

this group, under Dental Information. You may also want to join the

Dental-Chelation group and ask there.

The only other thing I remember is someone posting about some type of

composite containing Bisphenol A, which isn't good. Sorry, I don't remember the

name, but searching archives would come up with it.

And I do remember reading that the life of the composite has to do with the

skill of the dentist putting it in, so make sure they have lots of experience

with whatever composite material they are going to use.-------Jackie

I'm sorry if this info is available somewhere, but I'm so overtaxed

looking after everyone else that I can't find the time to look after

myself (in true mommy/womanly style).

------------Yes, I hear ya. But gave me some good advice about

this. She said, " If momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy. " So you need to

take care of yourself too. I know, hard for us women to do :) --------Jackie

Thanks in advance,

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