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Re: questions---new to chelation

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- HI,

Frequent dose is the thing that is going to help you

out. I myself did 15 DMPS pushes and 15 intravenous EDTA

treatments and got no where. After only a few months of

proper frequent dose protocal ,plus finding some of the

supplemental help that Andy and others have suggested I

feel sane and have a life again.

The viruses in our system have become chronic because of the

environmental damage in our bodies from all these heavy

metals and chemicals.. I had had some viral problems

for years but with booosting my system they have no visible

affect on me anymore.

For the bosellia virus you could try a homeopathic remedy

called a nosode of boswellia , This would help to lower

the symptoms until you get your levels of the heavy

metals down. . then your body will be able to fight it off.

Some people have strong enough immune systems to fight

things off , some like us do not.. A favourite story from

my naturopath was of someone who for years had had chronic

fatigue.. She had tried everything .. He discoverd that she

had had a past salmonella poisoning. He gave her

homeopathic salmonella and she totally recovered within a couple

of weeks ..

Some people are so lucky , they do not need to do so much

work..But we should really all be doing frequent dose at

some point , even if we do not show signs , dont you

think ???.. We all live in a polluted world..


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> Hello,


> I am currently living in Switzerland, am here for Lyme treatment.

My doc here has started

> me on a chelation protocol. I didn't know much about chelation when

I started, still don't-

> -am now collecting info. Since starting this chelation protocol (L-

Methionine, zinc,

> selenium, Alfen-Algen-Chlorella mix) I have felt really awful;

TK--- please review the protocol we use here for chelation of heavy

metals. The one you are using is going to make you worse and cause

more damage - please stop and go over Andy Cutler's protocol which we

use here.

horrible headaches, vision

> disturbances that are really scary, weird emotional things where

the pain in my head hits

> and then I just dissolve into an emotional mess,

isolation/depression---massive weird

> need to avoid all people, etc.

Have ordered Cutler's book but delivery here is sometimes

> very slow as I'm in a small village (no street addresses).

TK-- good. stop what you are doing [chelation] until you have more

information on how to do it correctly and not hurt yourself more.


> My doc here had me tested for heavy metals (DMPS test) which sent

me into a total tailspin

> the day of the test

TK--- do not do DMPS challenge tests - they are dangerous and not

informative. Please do DDI Hair Elements Analysis instead which is

what we use here for testing - it is informative and safe.

and indicated to him I had a lot of mercury in my brain.

TK--- there is no way to know this with dmps challenge tests - this

docotr does not know what he is doing. stop using him or he will

hurt you.

According to

> that test I am high in mercury, copper (nearly three times

the 'high' number) and

> Palladium, but he's not worried about the copper. My arsenic levels

are also higher than

> he'd like. They didn't test for lead

TK--- do hair testing - as you should test for lead also.

but I spent every spring when I was a kid scraping and

> repainting my dad's boat with 'good' bottom paint, stuff my dad got

that had been

> declared illegal--I'm sure it was lead paint. I spent hours every

May on my back scraping

> and sanding.


> I've read the introductory stuff on the site but my comprehension

is not the best.

TK--- post specific questions we can answer

I think I

> remember reading somewhere that L-Methionine might not be a good

TK--- do not use this

thing but can't find

> the post, or know why it wasn't good--if I read it right. Or

remember it correctly. I asked

> my doctor but he said L-Methionine was fine

TK-- it is not a chelating agent and may cause problems

, a good thing, a natural amino acid or

> something that doesn't cause any problems.

Yet when I stop taking it, the headaches are

> better and more importantly the weird eye stuff goes away.

TK--- please stop taking it, you are only making yourself worse.


> I had all my amalgam fillings (7) replaced in April at the clinic

here in Switzerland. They

> used a high powered suction/vacuum system and replaced them with

composite filings. I

> still have a porcelain crown, a relatively new installation that

replaced an old gold crown.

> I'm not sure if there was metal underneath it, will check when I

get back to the States in

> July. I don't have any root canals, do have all my wisdom teeth

(fully emerged, viable).

TK--- Wait until you are back in the states to do anything further

and read through the information provided here and in the book, ask



> I got really sick again with Lyme about three years ago, right

after having the crown

> redone and a couple of fillings replaced with amalgam--my longterm

dentist not so gently

> implied I was an idiot for being worried about the safety of

amalgam. Around the same

> time I went to Egypt, got a bunch of travel shots, and also got bit

by something while on

> the Nile. After I hit the wall I found a doc that finally figured

out the Lyme part of the

> picture (original bite at 15, the same time I got five of the

original amalgams in one visit,

> my first cavities). I'm beginning to suspect the mercury stuff is

as big a part of things as

> the Borrelia.


> Any help/info appreciated.


> in Switzerland


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Posted by: " Luttrell " teresaluttrell@... revdahn

Wed Jun 4, 2008 11:45 pm (PDT)


>I tried ordering this test online a few times, it keeps telling me

>there's been an error in the code, gives me a bunch of microsoft code

>stuff as explanation that doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it can't be

>ordered internationally?

Yes it can. Use a different browser, another computer, or call them.

>>It (L-Methionine) is a mono-thiol (SH). A chelator is a di-thiol

>>(two SH groups). The former

>>will move mercury around the body without removing it. The second

>>has a chance to remove it.

> " The second has a chance to remove it " ---what improves that chance? I

>imagine it needs to bind with something...sorry I don't have the book

>yet, I'm sure this is answered there, a quick answer here would help

>me a lot however! I think I remember it binds with C from some of the

>reading I've done, is that correct? The supplements you list---are

>they things that bind the mercury too?

No. A chelator has two sulfur-hydrogen groups that bind more tightly to the

metals than single sulfur-hydrogen groups like cysteine (made from methionine

and also present in chlorella). C has no sulfur, it is not a chelator, nor are

the other supps that I suggested. The only relevant chelators are DMSA, DMPS

and ALA.

By the way, while you are in Switzerland, see if you can get yourself a DMPS

script at a compounding pharmacy. Perhaps you will be able to get them to ship

to the US. (It is more difficult to get here.) The problem is, you won't know

what dose you will want to use until you confirm that the amalgam is gone. You

might want to see if you can get a doc to give you a script for 1/4mg per lb of



>They didn't do a 24 hour collection. Just one, 50 minutes after the

>DMPS injection. I felt okay for about 20 minutes after giving the

>urine sample, then completely crashed. The test results state

>creatinine levels in a couple different places. Are they supposed to

>be checked before or concurrently?

That wont' tell you a thing then. The test is useless.

>>Make sure any selenium is in some form like selenomethionine or

>>selenium yeast. 50-300mcg a day total.

>I can't tell from the package what kind of selenium this is. Should I

>stop taking it until I get some of the right stuff when I'm back in

>the States?

Yes or, assuming you are not allergic, eat two brazil nuts a day.

>>Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.

>Will do that in July. Most supps here not available to just buy--have

>to go through a doc, and I'm not feeling very confident at the moment

>with the one I'm using. :-) They are also doing treatments on my

>kidneys to support/stimulate them, I know milk thistle is for liver,

>any suggestions for kidney support?

No. I think the first question is, what are they giving you now? If it's

something you consume, then given their track record, I'd suggest being


>My doc in the States also diagnosed adrenal failure, Hashimoto's

>Thyroiditis, a trashed immune system, Epstein Barr infection (both

>past and current infection), Candida (shows on blood tests, not on

>stool tests) and hormone dysregulation. When I can get the directlab

>order to work should I get any other tests that you find helpful as

>far as getting the whole picture? Docs have put me on a bunch of

>different things and I've gotten a bit better but improvement is

>really slow. Cortisol didn't seem to make any difference in how I

>felt, whether it was compounded or the traditional stuff. Ditto the

>thyroid meds.

Well - maybe. They're throwing Lyme, EBV, and multiple other things at you. I

think the way I would think about this would be that given your reaction to

methionine and chlorella, clearly mercury is an issue, and a serious one. It's

consistent with the time of onset of symptoms (your fillings and vaccines) so I

would work on just this, since there is a clear, concrete and safe way to do

it. After you see about how much progress you are making here, then you can

move on to whatever other steps you have to take. Furthermore, when you are

dealing with metals, the body's immune system is going to be wide open for

other things. Some of that may resolve with chelation.

As for the thyroid and adrenal stuff - it is most likely that you are like the

rest of us. That is, the thyroid and adrenals are actually working, it's just

that the signals don't get from the brain to the organ to signal that they

should produce the hormones you need. In any case, if you do have low adrenal

and/or thyroid functioning, then you will need to do the same things that you

would do if you had more serious organ disease: (1) adrenal support. This

involves some experimentation with small high protein meals, electrolyte

replacement, licorice, ACE, Isocort, HC, perhaps prednisone tapers etc.

There are some experts on this list, and Andy's book will help. (2) thyroid

support. You will need to interpret the test _yourself_, so **make sure to get

a copy from your doctor**. Then, there are various ways of supplementing,

depending on whether you need T3, T4 or some combination. Again, there are

experts here and Andy's book will help.

Finally, candida is a typical complication of mercury poisoning. There are a

lot of approaches that have been developed for this. You can find discussion

on this list and on the autism-mercury list. (You can search these lists by

going to Onibasu.com. Look particularly at posts by andrewhallcutler, ie use

that as one of your search terms.)

(Actually, make sure to get all tests from your doctor. You may find something

useful - or maybe not. Doctors make their money from testing, so they tend to


There are also things you can do for your immune system. More when you are

here and can get hold of supps.

>Okay, that's it I think...thanks again for all your help. In a weird

>way I almost hope mercury is the main issue, at least that's

>something that can be treated and solved, right?

Yes. And knowing what's going on with you, at least gives a way forward.

>Even though it can be along road?

It can, but there is nothing more motivating than seeing that (1) you are in

control of your treatment and (2) it's actually having an effect.

>Which brings up one last question--how long might it

>take to detox all the mercury once I start?

Depends how sick you are. Just physical symptoms - it could be as little as a

year. Lots of psychiatric symptoms - it could be 3 years. You will see lots

of improvement along the way though.

> in Switzerland

If you can't do supps while you are away, you can get started on diet. I would

suggest your doing an elimination diet to find out if you are reacting to any

foods. Look in the files section and search on onibasu to figure out how to do

it. Basically, you eat a short list of generally safe foods for a week, and

then put back foods one by one to look for reactions. Secondly, do a " sulfur

exclusion diet " (search on onibasu for that). That will tell you if your

kidneys tend to retain or excrete sulfur. This is important because if they

retain sulfur, then eating sulfur containing foods will up the sulfur content

of your bloodstream thereby provoking the redistribution of mercury, which

produces symptoms. This is the most important one thing you can do for

symptoms, so I suggest you consider getting to work on it now.

Ok, that's it for now - you've got a few things that you should be able to do

before your return.


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