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Re: A few questions from a beginner

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Thank you so much for your reply. At this point in time, I'm on the following

stage in the

journey: I have all my amalgams out, but one. I found out my root canal is


plugged with amalgam, so I am trying to arrange as soon as possible for its

removal. I just

can't wait, because then I'll start your protocol.

My ability to take care of myself, not to mention my 2 year old daughter,

husband and

home, is greatly reduced by overwhelming symptoms of adrenal sufficiency, which


learned about thanks to your book and this group.

I am now rendered infertile. You yourself said in your book that hypoadrenal

women have

low levels of androgenic hormones. Pregnancy will probably be impossible for me

as long

as I am hypoadrenal. Dr. Lee's website says that (where he describes

hypoadrenalism), and

your book implies that, and my life demonstrates that. Considering the fact

that, during

intimacy, I feet about as desirous toward my wonderful husband as a 10 year old

little girl

feels toward her father, and considering that my menstrual cycles are now so

short (only

22 days) that my bleeding begins before conception and implantation could occur,

it is

quite apparent to me that pregnancy is pretty much impossible for a women like

me with

no hormones, and being hypoadrenal is probably the most effective form of birth


since it is basically rendering me about as reproductive as I was before

puberty! But from

your book I surmise that this is ultimately due to pituitary insufficiency,


I couldn't get my endocrinologist to do an ACTH stress test on me. We'll see


Thursday if my Osteopathic Doctor will do an ACTH stress test on me. I'm

convinced that,

as long as my adrenals are out of whack, which is reallly my pituitary out of

whack (my

endo. DID do a corisol stimulation test on me, and that came back fine, just

like your book

said it would), I probably can't get pregnant any more than my 8 year old neice

could get

pregnant. In addition to the fact that my cycles have been impossibly short for

a long time

now, I stopped ovulating last month. So do you see what I'm saying? Why bother


birth control when my body thinks I'm pre-pubescent? I'm telling you this not

as a

hypothetical, or a theory I have like some scientist making up hypotheses--I

know my

cycles are no longer fertile, as evidenced by the changes I described above.

I do expect to regain my fertility through completing your protocol, though. In

fact, my

infertility is the thing that lead me to look into amalgam illness in the first

place. What I

do think is important for me to consider is that my hypopituitarism,

hypoadrenalism, and

therefore, my fertility, are bound to get straightened out after a certain

amount of mercury

has been chelated out --and I have no way of knowing exactly at what stage in


chelation process that will occur.

For that reason, I appreciate your warnings; because it is irrelevant to me in

my girlish

state right now, but it will certainly be relevant after a certain amount of

chelation. I must

take that seriously, I know, because I certainly want my future children to have


opportunity to live in a toxin-free womb (which, again, is my very reason for


on this chelation journey). I will definitely be paying close attention to how

my cycles may

change as I go through the DMSA/ALA rounds. That is a matter for me to pray

about and

discuss with my husband.

I am curious to read any thoughts you may have about my reply above. Thanks




> You don't need to take the adrenal support - it is to avoid making you

miserable, not to

> clear metals.


> Personally I think it is very foolish to conceive during detox and really hope

you will


> about whether God will punish and torment you with an impaired child whose


> you could have avoided, e. g. by measures most religions do accept such as



> at least careful timing - (the most rigorous 'birth control is bad' dogmas

still permit


> or less difficult measures.


> It is true that you are less likely to conceive if you are underweight, and

less likely to


> to term if you do conceive.


> Your discussion below is reasonably accurate, but I would NOT say it is a

reliable form


> birth control - and if you can perform birth control by such omission, what is



> the omission of sex while you may be fertile (rhythm method) or with actual


> measures?


> I realize this is a deeply personal and moral question, I'm not going to try

to make your

> moral decisions for you and I'm not going to think you're a bad person if you

do get

> pregnant and have an impaired child. I'm just talking about likelihoods and

my personal

> views, which are informed by different beliefs than yours.


> I'm also not going to be salicious and talk about all the sexual activities

you and your

> husband can do for fun that don't involve the possibility of conception - I am



> grown up enough to know all about them. You may wish to consider their

utility and

> acceptability (moral and esthetic) in the present situation.


> I believe it is actually more risky to conceive in the year or 18 months



> removal than it is before removal, because it is during that period that the

body is busy

> trying to dump the mercury and everything else the mercury helped it

accumulate and


> makes a lot of toxic ick whoosh through your bloodstream and be accessible to



> Since mainstream medicine isn't about to study anything USEFUL or RELEVANT


> would be self incriminating) there is essentially no relevant journal or

textbook literature

> to base an opinion on, or to give any quantitiative estimate of risk. However

I believe


> risk is quite substantial and best avoided.


> Andy

> >

> >

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