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Re: 4 tricky questions

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Thanks very much for your comments. I kind of knew that my adrenals

were stressed. I take High dose B5 and Adrenal cortex for them too. I

tried Licorice but it is starchy and i am intolerant to starch at the

moment. it flares up my ankylosing spondylitis, which is the primary

reason for me chelating anyway. I have not done much reserch into

hormones. I tried v low dose DHEA a few years ago and it made me feel

very strange, very panicky and paranoid. not looked into Cortisol, i

wouldnt know where to get it. There is absolutely no point in trying

my doc, they are very sceptical about chelation and think i am mad to

be doing it.

I have another hair test from April 08. i thought i had posted it. i

will do so now. I have also ordered another test so will be doing

another one shortly.

I would be very interested now though to get some better support for

my adrenals, especially if this meant i could chelate at higher doses

and sustain my training for climbing.

Thanks for the advice on Glutathione. I will avoid it. I already

supplement with Glutamine bit not NAC or Glycine. I will look into

both as sulfur foods are less of a problem for me now (they were very

bad in the beginning.

I will search the archives for adrenal support.

All the best



> Message for andy,


> ---------Just so you know, Andy doesn't read all the messages here

all the time, and responds occassionally. He has said that if you

want him to look at a post and/or answer a question, to post it to the

group, and then send him a personal email with the post number in it.

No guarantee as to when he will answer, I'm sure it depends on how

busy he is.--------Jackie




> I;ve been chelating for a year and a half now using DMSA and ALA. My

> symptoms are much improved since i started.


> -----------That's great! Would you mind giving us a progress

report sometime, so we can add it to our file? It's nice to hear

progress reports, because most people only post about their





> I have a few questions that have been on my mind for a while now:


> 1. I can still only tolerate 18.75mg DMSA (after 18 months chelation)

> and 8mg ALA (after 10 months). This seems like a very low dose still

> and is pretty inconvenient since i have to keep splitting the 25mg

> capsules and cut them up. I ahve tried 25mg DMSA and 12.5mg ALA and

> this has been ok for up to 5 rounds but then my symptoms deteriorate

> and i have to come down again. Is this common? Or am i to assume i am

> just a sensetive individual.


> ----------This certainly seems to vary alot by person, but there

are some of us that can only tolerate low doses, even after many

months or years of chelation. I'm one of them. So yes, we are either

more sensitive, or maybe more toxic, or some combination, or have

something else affecting how much chelation we can handle.


> I did notice on your hair test that your adrenals look pretty

stressed. But the last one was a year ago. Anyway, have you or are

you taking or doing anything for adrenal support? And/or have you

ever had any adrenal testing done, like saliva testing? Weak adrenals

may be one reason for you only tolerating low doses of





> 2. Also i have stopped using ALA for a few rounds since my gut was

> getting out of shape again and my arthritis and muscle spasm symptons

> were coming back. I think this is because ALA excreates through the

> liver and into the gut where as DMSA excreates through the kidneys. Is

> this a good idea or am i just delaying things by stopping ALA?


> ---------Other people have mentioned taking breaks from ALA,

especially if symptoms have gotten worse. So nothing wrong with

trying that. But you may also want to review your supplements, and

maybe try adjusting those too. You can look in AI for ideas of things

that might help specific symptoms. Looking at your hair test and the

muscle spasm symptoms mentioned above, I would think that lots of

electrolytes might be good for you.-----------Jackie




> 3. ALA crosses the BBB and DMSA does not, but does DMSA get into any

> cells at all or is it just the brain? I am curious as to whether DMSA

> will remove Hg from other organs such as the lungs, muscles or

> adrenals or whether it is only ALA that will do this. My experience

> shows me that DMSA removes Hg from my gut and will help with



> ---------My understanding is that DMSA only chelates

*extracellular* spaces, and that ALA is needed to get into the cells

and cross the BBB. By reducing body burden with DMSA, you can see

improvements in various symptoms, but ALA is needed to do the deep





> 4. I train very hard for rock climbing, and this is a very important

> part of my life. I know that excersise puts stress on the adrenals


> ---------Have you done this all along during the time of your hair

tests? Because they do show the adrenal stress pattern in pretty much

all of them, especially your last test in August 2007. You may want

to take it a little easier on your adrenals, or support them as much

as you can. Your training and chelation are both stress on them.

There are links in the links section about Adrenals. Or ask





> and

> depleates Glutathione. Would it be a good idea to suppplement with v

> small doses of Glutathione? and if so what sort of starting dose would

> you recommend considering i am v sensetive to DMSA and ALA.


> ----------You can search archives for posts by Andy about

glutathione. I checked onibasu/wiki, but didn't see anything. I'm

sure there are posts in the ANDY INDEX about it though. Anyway, my

understanding is that oral supplementation is a waste of money,

because it will not be absorbed, or will be destroyed before it can.

And Andy says to never do glutathione IV's. They are miraculously

wonderful for some people, and horribly devastating for others, and

the damage can be severe and possibly permanent. So not worth the

risk. But he does say tha if you want to increase glutathione, that

you can try taking the precursors to it, which are NAC, glutamine, and

glycine. He gives the ratios in AI. But some people do not tolerate

NAC, it is very sulfury, so shouldn't be taken by some. In that case,

just take the other two.---------Jackie




> My hair tests are number 101 if this is of any help.


> --------Always interesting to look at a series of tests. You had

very elevated mercury and silver, and it is good to see them coming

down. Your last test was a year ago, so a current one might be

interesting to see. Any plans on doing another one? And do you have

the hair test book, so you can read about the elevated silver and the

adrenal stress, etc.? --------Jackie




> Many thanks


> Charlie







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