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Re: Worse in the morning

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Sounds like adrenals. The typical pattern is feeling unrested, sleepy

all morning till around lunch time, feel awake for a few hours till

3pm, fight fatigue till about 8pm, and then energy picks up at 9pm.

Adrenal support can take awhile to turn the body's cycle around. And

the strength of the support depends on what stage your adrenals are

in. Have you had a 24hr saliva test yet? You don't need a dr's script

obtain a test.




> Hi!


> Why do I 'always' feel worse in the morning ?


> - Kyrre


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Hi Darren, have you had your thyroid tested?

Cortisol---too high or too low---can interfere with the body's ability to

utilize thyroid


Have you taken your temperature in the morning, ala Broda method? Do you

have any

other symptoms of low thyroid function? Do you feel cold? Sluggish?

Depressed? Read the

section(s) in Amalgam Illness on thyroid.

Are you eating regularly, not letting yourself get to the starving point, and

eating low

carbohydrate/enough protein? Cortisol will also rise in response to low blood


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> Thanks, Jackie. Yes, that's what I've been wondering for a while

> now, too. How to treat high cortisol / low DHEA. I have tried

> small doses of HC but noticed no effect. (Though I may not have had

> the right dosage.) But when the test results came back showing

> abnormally high cortisol for most of the day, it didn't seem logical

> to me to supplement HC. Then again, the right treatment is not

> always intuitive, so maybe supplementing with HC is the right

> approach.

This could be totally off-base, but I seem to recall that one or the

other of the phospha's was good for high cortisol... I'm low cortisol

so I remember it as something I shouldn't take. Either phosphatidyl

choline or phosphatidyl serine, or possibly I'm getting it confused

with phenylalanine. I think this was in AI, but it might be worth

searching archives. Unless somebody else remembers more?


> Interesting thoughts. I am convinced I have ACTH (HPA Axis)

> problems, since I clearly have this " post-exertional malaise " , i.e.,

> paradoxical stress response, which caused me to have to quit

> vigorous exercise and sports which I used to love.


I recently had that test where they inject you with ACTH... it does

make you feel *really* bad. So you could be right about this being

part of your problem.


> I've tried ACE a bit. Seems like a logical approach, regardless of

> whether you are abnormally high or low in cortisol production, since

> ACE aims at supporting and healing the adrenal glands, I believe.

> I've tried taking a few products with ACE in them, but didn't notice

> any positive effects. But ACE is definitely on my list of things to

> possibly try again. I am trying to try things as systematically as

> possible to try to evaluate the impact of each supplement -- not an

There's been discussion recently about how long it takes for ACE to

have an effect--in some people it takes a slow ramp-up over months to

notice anything. So keep that in mind when doing your trials...


> At this point, I've made very subtle improvements recently, but they

> are enough that -- for the moment -- I am surviving in the

> workplace, and able to tolerate moderate dose chelation (25mg - 50mg

> ALA), so I'm focusing on chelation, chelation, chelation. And I

> think boosting my antioxidants -- C and E -- is helping me withstand

> the effects of mercury moving around, both during and after

> chelation. And I recently added Hydergine, which I think is

> actually having a positive impact.

If you can handle chelation, then that is the thing to focus on, IMO.

Just watch out for any changes in your adrenals so that you don't

burn them (and yourself) out.

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