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Re: ----Mom and Dad's hair tests (very long)

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Robin - Well, I wish I could take credit, but all I'm doing is following

Andy on this. He put a lot of work into reading the research on the

relationship between what's going on in the hair and what's going on in

the body.

So, as for the silver(ware). They are not good, ever. Precious metal

prices are high - it would be a good time to sell them.

Do you know where the term " blue bloods " came from? It's from the rich

people, who used a lot of silver serving and eating implements, ending

up silver poisoned. Silver poisoned people develop a bluish tinge under

the skin.


PS. Good luck on your jury trial. I would be very interested in some

details of this, because I have a friend who is facing the same thing.

Right now, it's just a bureaucratic struggle, but it may progress, and

in any case I'd like to know what evidence you end up marshaling.

By the way, Robin - do you have elevated arsenic, in addition to the

mercury? That makes MCS really bad. If so, have you tried methyl donors?


Posted by: " robin " grainwreck@...



grainwrecked <http://profiles.yahoo.com/grainwrecked>

Tue May 6, 2008 2:06 am (PDT)

> For the possibility of silver - do they use silverware (made out of

> silver) or silver platters etc to eat from?

You are amazing, Dave! Question about silver: I use real silverware,

solid sterling, so this is not good while chelating, right? <sigh>

Btw, I've been working non-stop on what's now become a jury trial

focused on exposing my MCS as " fake " . The people are trying to scare me

away so they can keep my money. I managed to stay detached but still

got a bit run-down with the silly business. Papers are filed.

Now working on adrenals with ACE and Cortef, gradually!, as per

and Jackie's recommendations. Things getting better. So, yay...


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** elevated arsenic, in addition to the mercury? That makes MCS really bad. If

so, have you tried methyl donors?

Could you explain methyl donors (dosage, etc.) and what does MCS stand for?

Jim Ann

Re: ----Mom and Dad's hair tests (very


By the way, Robin - do you have elevated arsenic, in addition to the

mercury? That makes MCS really bad. If so, have you tried methyl donors?

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- comments below.

Posted by: " carriesuvajdzic " carriesuvajdzic@...



carriesuvajdzic <http://profiles.yahoo.com/carriesuvajdzic>

Tue May 6, 2008 2:10 am (PDT)

>Thank you, Dave, for looking at these tests and giving me such a

comprehensive reply. I have also been thinking that their exposure is

ongoing since they have such similar patterns on the hair test and

only one has the amalgams. It's good to see confirmation, even though

I am very worried.

Well, it's like our own toxicity, you know. You're scared, but then,

it's been going on for years. So, what you do is focus your energy on

slow deliberate steps.

>What you said about an old fruit orchard is interesting and makes

sense to me; my parents live in rural Florida in a house built around

1900 and there are farms everywhere around. They have a vegetable

garden in the yard and the soil itself may be a major problem.

Ya, I'm not sure about how to get soil tested, but it might be a very

good idea. If you find out, let us know. I'd like the info for future


>They got these hair tests done suspecting the water (they have a well)

and have since put in a pretty serious filter system so hopefully if

there was ongoing exposure there it has been stopped. They did test

the water before the filter was put on and it came back ok but from

what I understand with old wells and Florida's water system exposure

can be only occasional depending on the flow of the underground rivers.

I see. What about the pipes? What about the faucets? Pipes and

fixtures often have lead in them, and they certainly have copper. If

the water is acidic it would pick a lot of that stuff up on the way.

>Neither of them take any medications or wear makeup or use silver;

Ok, well do poke around a little and read some of HTI to see if you can

find out where it <<might>> be coming from. Remember, silver and

bismuth might just be artificial elevations, due to the all high

patterns, so don't freak out about it, but do a little checking, at least.

>they are already mistrustful of doctors and conventional medicine and

aren't the type to get flu shots or anything.

Good for them.

>They work together trimming trees and are outside doing strenuous work

in the hot sun pretty much constantly.

Exercise stirs up mercury, but sweating helps excrete. So, it's a

trade off. If it's working for them now, that's good.

>Their diet is already low fat vegetarian

although I know my mom craves sweets and my dad, salt. My mom also is

a big organic gardener. They will definitely be open to the

suggestions to change to an organic mattress and clothing.

With all their exercise, and with their mercury problems, they

definitely need to replace electrolytes. This is a good point to get in

a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, some salt and baking soda.

>My dad doesn't have any symptoms at all that I know of. He is fit and

muscular at 53 and not very open to new ideas although I know if I can

get my mom on board she can convince him.

Ya, women do have some power in that realm! Dad's are the protectors

though, you know. They have to be super-man, even if they aren't,

really. :)

Anyway, this is why it might be useful to deploy the dementia issue.

They'll be thinking about that by now.

>My mom has serious vertigo, to the point where she can't balance at

all in the dark.

Many dentists get this. Make sure she gets a lot of vitamin C, through

the day, and try her on vinpocetine (nubrain.com). That may well help

her balance. She might also consider hydergine (same place).

>She also mixes up words sometimes. She is very aware

of these changes that started about five years ago (she is 55) and

they have been getting worse every year. The vertigo started with what

seemed like a viral infection

I'm no expert in this realm, but she may have some latent viral thing

going on. You may want to at least get her on reasonable levels of

vitamin A, 1000IU/lb.

>she got that wiped her out for a week

(she never went to the doctor for it); she also got some kind of pain

in her foot at the same time but that went away after a round of

antibiotics a year later for an unrelated condition (she NEVER takes

antibiotics so I was really surprised she took them but I think she

was so desperate to heal herself she was/is willing to try just about

anything. Unfortunately this also led her to take some homeopathic

medicine for chelation of metals back in 2007, as well, without

removing her amalgams, which I'm afraid may have done more harm than good:

>--homeopathic Cadmium: " Cadmium 12X30X60X " liquid drops,

>--homeopathic Aluminum: " Aluminum 12X30X60X " liquid drops,

>--homeopathic Cuavag for copper, silver, gold;

>--Algas: an herbal supplement for general metal detox

>--she did get another hair test after she did these supplements which

showed silver, aluminum, and cadmium come down significantly but

uranium and lead go up (lead was the worst--from 2.6 to 35).)

Do you have a copy of the old test? It would be interesting to me to

have a look, since I'm trying to educate myself about this right now.

>In the process of trying to find what was going on with her she got an

MRI two years ago that showed a small tumor behind her right eye but a

year later it hadn't grown so her doctor thinks it may have been there

for a long time and isn't causing these problems. She did have surgery

on her eyes to correct her vision a few years before the vertigo

started, though, and the eye doctor didn't know about the tumor, so I

think there still may be reason to believe it is affecting her

somehow. The doctors are unwilling to operate on the tumor, though,

because it is too close to her brain.

And if it's not growing, you don't want them to mess with it. The

vertigo is most likely mercury.

>Sorry this is so long; I'm trying to remember all pertinent

information. My mom does have Andy's book and is sending it to me next

so at least we have somewhere to start. Thank goodness I found this

board. Thanks again for taking the time to look into all of this.

Ya. Thanks for sharing the info.



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. Thanks so much. I see what you mean - there is quite a

difference in between the two tests. I am really worried about that

lead, though. I am concerned that she may have been exposed to

something in between that first and second test - the first one is

already high, but the second one is just astronomical. Since your dad

has very high lead also, I wonder if they were both exposed? (It's too

bad that you don't have a test for dad from a year ago.) Did anything

happen in the last year? Did they get new china? Did they start

fermenting in a crock? Did they buy a piece of pewter? Leaded glass?

Did they start experimenting with some kind of health product - chinese

herbs or ayurvedic, maybe? Did they strip any paint around the house

or from furniture? Any thoughts?



Posted by: " carriesuvajdzic " carriesuvajdzic@...



carriesuvajdzic <http://profiles.yahoo.com/carriesuvajdzic>

Tue May 13, 2008 10:46 pm (PDT)

Dave, sorry it took me so long to get this posted but here is my mom's

2007 hair test you asked to look at. This is one year after the first

one and after some homeopathic remedies:



I drew in the lines myself where the colors were supposed to be since

I received the file in black and white. I went mostly by the actual

numbers rather than the lines, anyway, since I already knew she was

mercury toxic. I was more interested in the exact numbers since, for

example, silver is still in the red but you can see the actual number

did come down drastically. Something she was doing (maybe the algas?)

sure did stir up a lot of lead, too, which wasn't nearly so bad in her

first test. I would be very curious to know whether or not she just

stirred up the lead or actually got it out of her body.

The file is really big so it will only be up a couple of weeks, btw.


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