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Re: What is DMSA really doing to me?

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Hi ,

For many people DMSA have a nice effect of symptom suppression and I

think that probably you are beneficing from this. It is not strange

but very normal.

It is said that DMPS is even better than DMSA for this purpose. The

fact that DMSA and DMPS do not cross the brain-blood barrier does not

imped them to have a nice effect on psychological symptoms.

It is wonderful that you have had so nice benefits just from amalgam

removal. You know that after an initial period of considerable

improvement, it use to come some regression followed by some months of

no improvement. After this flat period, improvement progressively sets


You may want to check the graph at page 52 of AI, which explains this

more clearly than words.

As for your adrenals, I supported them with lots of vit. C, licorice,

DHEA and pregnenolone (the dose of these hormones are sex-dependent,

so be careful). Chelation is stressful for adrenals so is normal to

have an exacerbation of your symptoms. You can look for more

information on adrenal support in AI.

Hope this may help,


> As soon as I miss a single dose (or decrease the dose, as I have done

> because 12.5mg was straining my adrenals), the depression deepens

> again. A single dose -- never mind a rest from a chelation round. I

> don't think this is the pattern of a mercury-poisoned person's body.

> PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, because this is the crux of the

> problem for me.

, I suppose that you know that an important point following

Cutler's protocol (probably the most important point) is that we

pretend to maintain a constant blood chelator level, so variations of

the dose are a very bad idea. If a dose is missed, one should stop the



> I don't have ups and downs in how I feel and never have, which again

> is not the pattern of a mercury-poisoned person. When I take DMSA I

> feel better. As soon as I'm not taking it, I feel more depressed, and

> I flatline there until I take DMSA again, whether it's a dose away, a

> week away, or months away. My condition never deteriorated during my

> recent months off chelation; I simply felt bad when I ceased, and

> stayed that way.


> I never noticed any positive benefits from chelation after the

> initial month or so after amalgam removal, when the immediate

> symptoms from that went away (e.g. occasional ringing in ears,

> digestive problems, deep brain fog).


> ALA doesn't seem to have this effect on me. It's the DMSA. Which

> again doesn't make much sense if mercury is in my brain (as it would

> be according to my symptoms being mostly mental/emotional).


> And again, as soon as I reduce my DMSA dose, I feel worse. It's same

> old-same old. My conclusion is that the DMSA is somehow lifting my

> mood by having a chemical effect in my body which is unrelated to

> mercury. I don't understand it and unfortunately I can't continue to

> take it as a kind of antidepressant because it's so hard on my

> adrenals, which are in poor shape.


> I feel very disappointed but if anyone can shed some light on this

> I'd be very grateful. I think this is an unusual reaction and I don't

> honestly expect to get any answers . . . but if anyone here has any

> ideas I'd appreciate them.


> Thanks again,

> .


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> Hi ,


> For many people DMSA have a nice effect of symptom suppression and I

> think that probably you are beneficing from this. It is not strange

> but very normal.

Thank you . I didn't know that.

I don't know what to do. If the DMSA weren't so hard on my adrenals,

I wouldn't mind continuing to take it to see what happened over a

longer period of time. I'm surprised at how hammered I'm feeling now

from stressing my adrenals so much. I tried taking 6mg of DMSA but I

just feel lousy. I'm stumped.

I'm sorry to have taken up so much time here when all I can say is I

don't know what to do. I have to think.

Thanks again,


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Do you take 7-keto DHEA? (DHEA for women.) I have to have 200 mg of

that a day to feel normal. It doesn't cascade into male hormones and

frees up the body's resources to make other hormones like

progesterone etc...

Could not live without it. Cheapest I've found is on vitacost.com

It's great that you're being tenacious about finding an explanation.

Surely there is something in this for you -- your gut knows it and

eventually you'll find the answer. It doesn't always come easily.

I've been quite the detective on my own journey and that quality in a

person is what makes all the difference. I too have very immediate

reactions to things and wonder if I don't have some genetic

predisposition to depression that causes a switch to be flipped more

easily than most. It could be as simple as one mineral deficiency.

Or about chronic depletion, just not having the reserves and living

on the edge of " have " and " have not " .

I'm thinking of starting on low dose lithium (from vitacost, noooo

more doc for me) just to see if that might be helpful. It's scary how

fast I can drop into that depression. Now that I have the salicylate

info, I don't think it's going to be as much of an issue for now, but

it surely will be again when I start chelating in the fall. It's

really black and white for me. I reach a certain tipping point and

it's all over. I'm either ok, or in the pit. Especially at times

like this, so I really do think it's about just being tapped out.

Maybe you need to do a little rebuilding before you do more detox.

Get your reserves up?


> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > For many people DMSA have a nice effect of symptom suppression

and I

> > think that probably you are beneficing from this. It is not


> > but very normal.



> Thank you . I didn't know that.


> I don't know what to do. If the DMSA weren't so hard on my


> I wouldn't mind continuing to take it to see what happened over a

> longer period of time. I'm surprised at how hammered I'm feeling


> from stressing my adrenals so much. I tried taking 6mg of DMSA but


> just feel lousy. I'm stumped.


> I'm sorry to have taken up so much time here when all I can say is


> don't know what to do. I have to think.


> Thanks again,

> .


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