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Re: Update from Fran/Suggestion

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Thank you Donelle, doing an email update is such a good idea! It has

been concerning us that once my husband gets home his life is going

to become one long series of dealing with phone enquiries. He just

wants to live his life as normally as possible and it upsets him to

keep having people remind him that he has a potentially life

threatening illness. All our family do have email although they

don't use it much now as it happens. It also means there is none of

the wondering of whether you have told everyone everything or

forgotten some important detail which will later cause offence.

Thank you I knew there was a solution somewhere!

Now all I have to do is develop the technical skills to pull it off!

Prayers for you and for Glenn,



> Hi Fran.... just catching up with your posts about having to

contact the

> families plus all the other household stuff, etc. etc. etc.


> One thing I did and still do...I set up an address book " Glenn's

Update " and

> put all the people in there that I would " have " to call AND all

the people I

> " wanted " to call. Then I type ONE email and send it....I mean,

it takes

> time to make all those phone calls and then when do you have time

for yourself??

> You don't. You might want to try this approach...if everyone

has access to

> email. I let them know what I was going to do....and they've

never really

> balked. Now if an emergency situation comes up, like when Glenn

had the

> bleeding esophogeal veins, I made some real phone calls...but

the " Glenn Update "

> emails have helped me tremendously....even if it's a long

scenario, it still

> takes less time to type it once than to " tell " it 50 times....


> Hope things calm down a little for you....keeping you in our



> Donelle

> Caregiver to Glenn




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