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Re: Report From Round 24 - Aine

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Posted by: " Aine " anc@... anc.rm

Sat Jul 5, 2008 4:03 pm (PDT)

Hi all,

>Just wanted to check in with my progress so far. At this point, I am

19 months post amalgam removal. I started chelating 11 months post

amalgam removal. I found the dump phase symptoms unbearable and went

looking on the internet for help and found this group. My main

problems were depression/dark moods/paranoia and low energy

Oh boy does that sound familiar!

>and yeast. I chelated with 25mg of DMSA every four hours three days on

four days off for a few months and always felt better on round. I

was feeling like I could manage my life, but the yeast got really

bad, so I cut back to three days on, eleven days off and that helped

a bit.

>But a few months ago, I felt like the yeast was winning against all

of the remedies I tried. I get tinea versicolor on my torso and

sometimes arms and neck if it gets out of control. It looks like

pale freckles, and goes away when I use OTC fungal cream. Until it

comes back again.

Ok, first of all you need to know that DMSA depresses neutrophils. If you are

having so much trouble with yeast, then you may have a problem in this regard,

and if you continue without getting it check, this can lead you into serious

difficulty. So, before using any more DMSA, I would strongly suggest you get

yourself evaluated for neturophenia - neutrophil levels are a standard part of

blood panels, so find a doctor and get this tested. You do not want to go too

far down this road.

In the mean time, you can give yourself some neutrophil support:


Also, you must do a " sulfur exclusion diet " to see if you are high or low

sulfur. If high, then going on a sulfur restricted diet is the most important

thing you can do to help yourself with symptoms. If it turns out to be that

you are high sulfur, then lowering your sulfur will also help control yeast,

since they need sulfur to grow.

>That's not the bad part. I also get hysterical emotional symptoms, where all

I want to do is wail and cry for hours. This feels very different to the

mercury dark moods, and is always accompanied by a very mild vaginal yeast


Ok, and those dark moods, if episodic, are usually caused by stirring up

mercury. So, you do have to look into your sulfur levels. Search onibasu.com


+from:andrewhallcutler " sulfur exclusion diet "

>I hate doctors, but I caved a couple of months ago and got a

prescription for Diflucan. It was unpleasant to take. Five days of

die-off and liver weakness. The yeast went away for a couple of


Fine, and I agree with you on the doctors, but if your neutrophils have crashed

then that is what you really need to know; and in that case you will not be

able to use DMSA, at least not at the levels you are using at now.

>At this point, at Round 22, I started to add ALA. I had experimented

a little bit with it around Round 16, taking maybe 6mg for a day

during my regular round of DMSA, just to see that i could tolerate it

at all. But this time, I was determined to climb on top of a regular

dose that I could go on with.

Ok, I'm getting worried now, this kind of aggressive way of handling chelation

is a sure way to get yourself in trouble.

>*The following is not recommended* *But I went ahead and did it

anyway* Over the next three rounds, I increased my dose from 6mg of

ALA to 100mg of ALA. All this along with 25mg of DMSA, every three

hours round the clock, three days on, 11 days off. I start the ALA

on the second dose of the round and stop after 2.5 days and let the

DMSA clean up.

>The reason I did this was that I cannot stand splitting capsules. I

have a brand (Vitamin Research Products) of ALA that works for me,

ALA is ALA, it's not an issue. There are 30mg caps available from

Puritain.com, and there are 50mg tabs (that can be cut with a knife) available

from .

>and the smallest capsules they sell are 100mg. If that's the case,

then 100mg it is.

This is kind of obsessional behavior. You might try lots of inositol - start

with a few grams, but if it's helping, you can go up to 15gms/day.

>And I'm doing fine. I feel a bit spaced out on round since adding

the ALA, but nothing I can't manage, and it's getting less noticable

with each round. And I feel generally better after each round, which

is nice.

I'm leery. How many rounds have you done like this? Ah, I see, you've only

done three. I would stop. You can get sudden large movements of mercury that

can cause severe problems.

>The yeast did return after starting ALA.

Yes, it increases your sulfur levels.

>I expected that, but it was still a bummer. Until I realised that I had the

skin fungus and the vaginal symptoms, but no accompanying hysteria! I ran that

by my doctor and he said that Diflucan kills yeast in every part of the

body, not just gut, vagina and skin. He said that it must have

invaded a system that was causing emotional symptoms and now it had

cleared out. This is very good news.

These guys just go on a riff - I'd feel a lot more comfortable saying that I

don't know what is going on here. You have changed a number of things:

chelating your brain for the first time, drastically increasing the amount of

chelator, and introducing Diflucan. I don't know what is doing what.

>I also got blood work done and everything was normal except for low


This means nothing with regard to your body's iron status unless s/he was

measuring ferritin, in which case the normal range should be 30-70.

>Magnesium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12. I got a B12 shot, which

I could feel helping me immediately,

You might want to try the rest of the methyl donors then:

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

Folic or Folinic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d)

The combo is avail as Jarrow's " Homocysteine PF "

Be aware that too much methl support can cause anger, aggression and lack of


>and am supplementing the others. I can't believe I'm low on Magnesium, I've

been supplementing it for years.

Was this RBC? We dump magnesium. How much are you taking? You can try

100mg/meal and 100mg at night. Take a few weeks and try to work up to 200mg,

4x/day. If you get loose stools, try taurine, 0.5-1gm/meal, which will help

you retain magnesium.

>The best part of all of this is that the dump phase is winding down.

It was a long year. At times, I felt that my whole life was spent

hopping from the frying pan to the fire: Mercury darkness and

paranoia if I didn't chelate, or yeast-induced hysteria if I did. I

feel like I've been bonkers for so long, I've forgotten how to take

my feelings seriously. If I feel bad, I must be sick, it can't be

connected to something in my real life I'm having feeling about.

It's like I'm slowly emerging from a nightmare.

I hope it is, but at three rounds (if I'm understanding correctly), then I'm

not quite so sanguine.

>Anyway, that's where I'm at. My next projects are to try some

homeopathic remedies that the doctor recommended to keep the yeast

down and to get on a bicycle and build up my tolerance for exercise.

I'll try five minutes today and see what my adrenals have to say

about it!

Aine, I know you don't want to hear this, but my sense of you is that you are

still a bit ... how did you say? " bonkers " ? I really think you need to slow

it down. You have only just started chelating your brain, you still appear to

have derangement in some minerals, and you are displaying an inability to

slowly, carefully and systematically move forward. You are overly aggressive

and having trouble with such simple things as finding an alternative form of

ALA and figuring out a way of splitting caps/tabs that you can handle, instead

deciding to ramp up your dose by a factor of 17 in 3 rounds. And now with your

exercise, there appears to me a kind of manic element to your charging ahead.

I see these all as very large danger signs.

>Hope everyone is doing well,



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