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Re: a question: diagnosing mercury poisoning

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Yes, just having exposures means you have mercury. Amalgams leaks

mercury all day and night. You are also exposed when they are put in,

repaired or removed. So 19 years of breathing and swallowing mercury.

Hard to argue not being toxic when you look at that.

It's common for nothing spectacular to happen in a few rounds.

Doctors always say the " levels are not that high " . But the fact that

they are there...is enough. Technically speaking for our bodies to

work as they were designed..none of us should have Lead or Mercury.

Please don't do anymore challenge tests. They cause redistribution and

have risk due to using large one time doses of chelators. (see

www.dmpsbackfire.com) And don't use EDTA. There are not recommended by

Andy for anyone with mercury. He has reported many people get worse

with EDTA. Please read the files section if you have not done so already.

Your getting fatigue with rounds means it's doing something. You may

be able to reduce that side effect by lowering your dose. Chelation is

a very long process, and yields small improvements over time. Four

rounds is really not enough to base progress. But Andy has said that

if you were not toxic and you took chelators.

They would do nothing to you. They are doing something to you. So your

moving metals. I have to say my first 5 rounds...I was very tired. It

took a few months of chelation before I began to feel better on the

round than off.

And just because your doctors other patients have higher levels than

you, doesn't mean your levels aren't making you sick. I hate when

doctors generalize like that.

Brain fog and chronic fatigue...are signs of metals. I had them for

most of my adult life. Used to sleep 16 hrs at a rip and wake up

exhausted. No doctor would listen to me, when I complained that

something was wrong. I had " normal " blood work, which looking back was

not really normal. I had 14 teeth with amalgam, some of them had more

than one surface filled. That's a lot of metals to store in ones' head.

Now I can't sleep longer than 9 hours. Thanks to amalgam removal, and

chelation. I wake up feeling good most days. It's a work in progress.

I would try reducing your dmsa dose, making sure your thyroid/adrenals

work well, be sure to take the supplements for chelation, and keep going.


> hi,


> Is it possible to diagnose mercury poisoning just from knowing that

> I've had a certain number of amalgam fillings for a certain length of

> time?


> I had a challenge toxic metal test (using dmps & edta) which showed

> slightly elevated mercury (and lead) levels - just outside the normal

> range - I think the number was around 11 - but that doesn't seem to

> justify the severity of my symptoms, which are mainly unrelenting

> extreme fatigue and foggy headedness for 19 years.

> My doctor said the levels really aren't that high, he's had people off

> the charts, etc.


> I can say that i had about 8 amalgam fillings for about 10 years

> before my symptoms began (and more after)


> Would that history necessarily mean that I would be poisoned enough to

> cause my symptoms?


> I am asking this because I have finished 4 rounds (50mg. dmsa every

> 3-4 hours for 3 days) and have felt nothing other than increased



> thanks for your input,

> sean


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I am sorry i didn't mention that I did have the last of my amalgams

replaced before I started on the chelation. panoramic x ray shows no

more metal.

So should i attribute increased fatigue from chelation to mercury

removal? I sure hope that is so - then I know I am doing my body good.

Can you give me any idea of how long it takes for symptoms to lessen?

I plan on continuing dmsa for 1 to 2 additional months then adding

a-lipoic acid for however long it takes to feel normal.

It is hard to know if I am on the right track as I have tried MANY

different medical treatments that seemed promising to feel better and

none have worked.

Thanks for your response,

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What you told me is encouraging. Thank you for taking the time.

My level of fatigue and foggy headedness has really been making life

tough (work, relationships) but if I know that I am finally getting

somewhere with my health it will be worth it.

I have received 25 mg dmsa capsules and will start round 5 with them

tomorrow. maybe they will decrease symptoms.

I have gotten all the same ignorant treatment from doctors. In fact i

have seen more than 25 doctors, clinics, and practitioners over the 19

yrs that I've been sick and none have helped. Some have said it is in

my mind (actually it was in my head! - right?!) Others have attributed

it to all kinds of disorders.

One dr. even gave me a toxic metal test, but only low level lead

showed up...he never asked about amalgam fillings.

So according to your experience, I will not expect symptom relief

until one or two more months go by.

My plans are to continue dmsa for 1 to 2 more months, then add ALA at

25mg. with dmsa at 25 mg.

Thanks again,

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> So should i attribute increased fatigue from chelation to mercury

> removal? I sure hope that is so - then I know I am doing my body good.


Fatique is most likely to be adrenal related, and most likely to be fixed by

adrenal support.

This is CRUCIAL to chelation. Please read here


> Can you give me any idea of how long it takes for symptoms to lessen?

You will have to address adrenals (take hydrocortisone or ACE) for this

fatique to lesson, or possibly thyroid support.

Also, many a time I've come across people that took 50mg DMSA and felt

'nothing, just a little more tired'.

They were in fact doing damage, and when they reduced the dose down, felt

better on round.

Please get some adrenal support, and do some rounds at 12.5mg.

If you have some money, get the cortisol saliva test done asap.

Also start tracking your daily temperatures to check adrenal and thyroid



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. I know it's daunting, but I can't tell you how excited I am every time I

do a new round!

As for the hair test, yes I think it is a good idea. When chelation starts,

intepretation gets harder. Right now, you will be able to get some idea of how

your adrenals are functioning, your thyroid, and some specific supplements that

might be useful. You can also see if you have any lead or arsenic or antimony,

all things that you can take some steps to correct. So, yes. I do think a

hair test is a good idea.

You may already know directlabs.com, where you can order the " Hair elements "

test without a doctor (_not_ the " Toxic Hair Elements " test). Mention the

Autism-Mercury list and they will give a discount.

And take heart. I've had to stay at 25mg and my symptoms were pretty bad when

I started, so it may not take as long as it did for me. Andy says his big

shift happened at 8 months.



Posted by: " Depue " seandepue@... seandepue

Tue May 27, 2008 8:32 pm (PDT)


Its good to hear that others have experienced this increase in

fatigue. It helps me to stay as positive as possible while grinding

through this.

I do remember looking at the graph about symptoms & merc levels. It

puts a perspective on the amount of time that needs to be dedicated

before permanent benefits are felt.

It is a little intimidating to hear that it took you 12 months just to

have some easing in the fatigue - but it is better to know the truth

up front.

I had my last amalgam out 5 weeks ago so I have another 2 months

before I can start ALA.

Unfortunately I only have a challenge blood test done a couple months

ago. I am considering taking a hair test.

What is your opinion of doing that at this point in the game?

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I too have various levels of fatigue depending on the round. I am

always good for a huge, dead to the world nap sat and sun when


I have had days were I felt like I was hit by a truck...hard to just

lift my arms. After 20 rounds ALA/DMSA I feel much better - have more

energy generally. I would say I went form 40% function to 60-65%

function. Still have a bit of a roller coaster some rounds - when more

seems to be happening with my body.

Hang in there it does get better and depending on your level of

poisoning the time frame can be not too bad. I have been chelating 6

months and have seen improvements. I seem to be stalled at the moment,

however, I understand that this is normal.



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