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Some of you all may remember these comments from a post on May 6th

which I filed the day after the end of my fifth round of chelation.

The symptoms described below occurred just hours after my very last

dose of my fifth round of chelation...

What a night! I woke shortly after midnight with a deep

aching,cramp in my right

> shoulder, in the upper latissmus, near the neck. My quad muscles

also felt unusually inflamed and if I even began to stretch any sore

> muscles, they began to cramp.

> The right shoulder is the site of a work-related overuse injury so

> soreness and stiffness there is not uncommon. What was uncommon was

> the degree of discomfort and nerve involvement. It was as if a deep

> burning ache in my shoulder was pulsing up nerve pathways throughout

> my body but especially to my stomach and brain. The pain was not so

> much sharp, but deep and pervasive, so much so that it made me

> nauseous at times. "


> Has anyone using DMPS experienced anything like this before?

> I think the cramping, spasming in the shoulder may have caused acute

> irritation along the path of the cranial nerve CN XI which runs all

> the way down to the stomach and up into the brain. It was pretty scary.

The post also describe some other stuff that went on

as well (gastric discomfort).

The reason for this follow-up is yesterday's, second, more severe

episode of the nerve pain I described above. This time also in the

shoulder, but now the left shoulder.

It also occurred at the end of a round of chelation (seventh round,

fifth day of five, DMPS 12.5 @ 6AM - 2PM - 10 PM. As before my

symptoms were at their most acute about 2-3 hours after a dose of DMPS

and got better farther away from the dose time.

One important difference: I have positively identified the

symptoms as post-herpetic neuralgia aka PHN, a shingles related

problem. I had a shingles episode, pretty mild,

without any nerve pain about 3 years ago. Saturday night, I felt

the chickenpox-like blisters try to pop out in several locations,

without success. However there was tenderness, some swelling and

itching in areas common to shingle outbreaks. Then I was awoken early

Sunday unable to find a comfortable sleeping position, due to severe,

throbbing nerve pain, virtually identical to the episode in May. But

this time I was tipped off by the shingles symptoms of the night

before that this pain was related to shingles and I immediately when

the pain abated some I plugged " nerve pain shingles " into a search


Here, finally, was the description of what I have now gone through

twice during chelation rounds from a physician's website...

" The pain may start during an acute rash of herpes but the main

problem is pain that persists after the herpes rash has gone. Common

symptoms of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia include a constant deep pain,

with repeated stabs, or needle pricking pain. "

Perhaps this is somewhat OT but I think not. See my other post

entitled " DMPS/copper/herpes. In both cases, the symptoms diminished

as I got farther away form my last dose of DMPS. The post on copper

and herpes (zoster - the chickenpox and shingles virus, related to

genital and oral herpes) explores a possible link to copper

depletion/chelation and shingles. But I wonder if it can be generally

concluded that the use of DMPS and DMSA by and of themsevles

constitute a challenge to the immune system? Or is it the passage of

HG complexes through the hepatic and urinary systems that is the

immune offense that may weaken the immune system? All herpes viruses

are opportunistic, I believe. That is they lie dormant in the system

until we are immune challenged and then become active or symptomatic.

What do you think? Please sign on to this thread and share your

experiences with cold sores, shingles etc... during chelation if you

have first hand knowledge.

I am eager for your feedback!

For more on shingles and PHN check out the shingles-PHN Yahoo group...


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> Perhaps this is somewhat OT but I think not. See my other post

> entitled " DMPS/copper/herpes. In both cases, the symptoms diminished

> as I got farther away form my last dose of DMPS. The post on copper

> and herpes (zoster - the chickenpox and shingles virus, related to

> genital and oral herpes) explores a possible link to copper

> depletion/chelation and shingles.

>But I wonder if it can be generally

> concluded that the use of DMPS and DMSA by and of themsevles

> constitute a challenge to the immune system?

I think it is more like mercury messes around with the immune system.

Mercury does damage on the way in, and again on the way out.

Or is it the passage of

> HG complexes through the hepatic and urinary systems that is the

> immune offense that may weaken the immune system?

It's not just the passage through the hepatic and urinary systems. As

mercury gets moved it does damage everywhere that it happens to be.

All herpes viruses

> are opportunistic, I believe. That is they lie dormant in the system

> until we are immune challenged and then become active or symptomatic.

> What do you think?

Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with shingles or herpes

viruses. I sure do have problems with every respiratory virus that

comes along (and many other mercury poisoned people do as well).

Please sign on to this thread and share your

> experiences with cold sores, shingles etc... during chelation if you

> have first hand knowledge.

> I am eager for your feedback!


The parents on autism mercury talk about viruses a lot. Perhaps

searching the archives or talking to the parents there would be

beneficial. I don't have any first hand experience with cold sores,

shingles, etc.

You could post a question to Andy and send the post number to his mail

box. (sometimes he answers right away, and sometimes months later)

There may be antivirals that could help (I don't know, just guessing).

I do hope that you find some relief so that you can continue chelation



> For more on shingles and PHN check out the shingles-PHN Yahoo group...

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Shingles-PHN/?yguid=335273854.


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