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O/T dental electrical test Re: DMSA trial period

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I know nothing about this subject, but my new dentist gave me an

electrical test, which I think detects mercury release (a la Hal

Huggins). He said one of my gold crowns was fine, but the other had a

charge. He said he suspected mercury underneath, but it could merely

be contaminated due to its proximity to amalgam. My former dentist is

adamant that she left no mercury under any crown, so last week I had

my ten amalgams out, but kept both crowns. Next week the dentist will

retest the suspicious one.

Meanwhile I started DMSA (6.25 mg every 3 h). Perhaps it's a slight

risk, but no worse than what I've already done by ignorantly taking

ALA as an antioxidant for a year.

It's a relief to finally try DMSA. It's not bad, except for trouble

sleeping. I would not want to take a higher dose though.


> I have had all my amalgams out,6mnths ago, but still have a front

> bridge.I have seen four dentists and they all say the likely hood of

> having mercury under it highly unlikely.

> I have not been able to get a appt to remove this until october, and


> going to cost me a lot of money

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