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Re: Feel awful after initial dmsa test, what now`?

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> Hi


> I got my fillings out 2 weeks ago and did the initial 1-day dmsa


> which is described on page 202. Took 4 doses of dmsa, 4 hour

> intervals. First took 25 mg, then another 25 mg, then started to


> quite bad and anxious so I only took fourth of a pill and then the

> last dose 1/4 of the pill again. (25 + 25 + 6,25 + 6,25 mg) Felt


> okay after this.


> But now after 2 days i feel terrible: depressed, anxious, weak, feel

> like i'm about to cry, nerve pains worse etc. I started to feel bad

> mentally yesterday evening. Is this normal reaction? Was the


> dose too big maybe? Any suggestions what to do now?


> Thanks a lot for any advice


> Joni


Hi joni,

i would say you started off too high, i have just started chelating,

i am on my 3rd round @ 6.25mg every 4 hrs and have had no problems,

try again at lower doses once your symptoms have gone, and the

correct time has been allowed between rounds.


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Hi Joni,

The test showed that the dose of 25 mg is too high for you. As Dudley

suggested, you might want to start chelating at a dose of 6.25 mg when

the time comes.

In the meantime, the things to do to help you feel better are to take

as many antioxidants as you can. That would be vitamin C, vitamin E,

fresh fruits and vegetables. If you haven't already, start on

Cutler's basic supplement program, starting with the two I mentioned

above and magnesium and zinc. Other supplements are mentioned

starting on page 133. You could start matching your symptoms to the

other supplements mentioned in the pages that follow.

The test also shows that you are toxic and chelation will be what is

needed to get you better. Maybe that could be considered good news?

since many people do not discover the cause of their health problems

in their life time. You have also found Cutler's protocol and this

group - which is good news because it is the only safe way to chelate

and get better.

I hope you feel better soon.


> Hi


> I got my fillings out 2 weeks ago and did the initial 1-day dmsa test

> which is described on page 202. Took 4 doses of dmsa, 4 hour

> intervals. First took 25 mg, then another 25 mg, then started to feel

> quite bad and anxious so I only took fourth of a pill and then the

> last dose 1/4 of the pill again. (25 + 25 + 6,25 + 6,25 mg) Felt quite

> okay after this.


> But now after 2 days i feel terrible: depressed, anxious, weak, feel

> like i'm about to cry, nerve pains worse etc. I started to feel bad

> mentally yesterday evening. Is this normal reaction? Was the beginning

> dose too big maybe? Any suggestions what to do now?


> Thanks a lot for any advice


> Joni


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Hi Joni,

I'm on my fourth round at 50 mg every four hours, four days on, four

days off. I started at 25 mg and then moved up to 50 mg during the

second round. I felt okay at 25, but crappy at 50. I kept it up

though and by the third round I was a little better and then felt

great during the rest period after the third round.

>I don't know if

6.25 is therapeutic or not, but I would try to stay at the 25 mg if I

were you.

>>>Hi Mike,

Since you are new you don't know yet that a moderator can cut in on posts.

6.25 mg is a therapeutic dose. The dose that anyone can tolerate when they

first start chelating is an individual thing. Some must start very low, like

6.25 mg, some even lower.

If you look in the files section you will find TKs general chelation

suggestions. These were written because people were starting at doses that were

too high for them, increasing doses too fast, and hurting themselves. TK

recommends starting at 12.5 mg.

There are many things that Cutler has said that people miss. One is that when

you find the dose that works, stay there for several months before increasing.

That means that you might have been better off staying at 25 mg for several

months. Another guideline is to never increase the dose by more than 50%. That

means that when you do go above 25 mg, the next increment is 37.5 mg.

Cutler also always has said to chelate at a dose where the side effects are

manageable. Manageable is a day for so of fatigue after the round. Anything

more than that and the person is at a dose that is too high. Toughing it out is

not worth it, and Cutler has said this in various ways at various times.



(one of the moderators)

It may be painful for a little while, but hopefully it will

be worth it.


> Hi


> I got my fillings out 2 weeks ago and did the initial 1-day dmsa test

> which is described on page 202. Took 4 doses of dmsa, 4 hour

> intervals. First took 25 mg, then another 25 mg, then started to feel

> quite bad and anxious so I only took fourth of a pill and then the

> last dose 1/4 of the pill again. (25 + 25 + 6,25 + 6,25 mg) Felt quite

> okay after this.


> But now after 2 days i feel terrible: depressed, anxious, weak, feel

> like i'm about to cry, nerve pains worse etc. I started to feel bad

> mentally yesterday evening. Is this normal reaction? Was the beginning

> dose too big maybe? Any suggestions what to do now?


> Thanks a lot for any advice


> Joni


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Dear Joni

I had a terrible reaction to DMSA at the start. My stomach was so bad I

had to go to A & E for help. Anyway, after resting for a few weeks I

started again with only 6.5 mg of DMSA, and I had to stick to this for

several months before being able to go up to 10mg. So, with me it has

been a slow process, so I recommend that you do the same. I am now on

40mg after 9 months. Its better to go slowly. In the end you will win


KInd regards

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