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Re: hairtest 3 years later - #195

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In frequent-dose-chelation simon wrote:

Hi all,

-------Hi Simon,

My hair-test is no. 195. I hope you will comment on that.


----------As you mention below, yes this test meets counting rule #1, with

only 4, maybe 5 bars going to the right (above 50th percentile). And you have 3

in the red, which only misses that rule by one. So this does show deranged

mineral transport with a high probability of mercury poisoning. And with an all

low pattern like this, your toxic elements could be showing lower than they

really are.

You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, so that's good, and all your

ratios are in range, so nothing jumping out there either. But with the " all

low " pattern, that suggests poor absorption of nutrients, and you may benefit

from taking digestive aids, such as digestive enzymes and betaine HCl (stomach


With low red lithium, Andy says its ok to supplement it with low doses of

lithium orotate, as found in the product from VRP. With deranged mineral

transport, it is unclear whether you should supplement manganese, but you could

try some and see if it helps. Stop if it makes you feel worse.

I'll answer more below.---------Jackie

3 years ago I had a test already. I " was better " that time then now.

I posted it some months ago.

-----------Was it posted to Dean's website? Do you remember what number it

was? It would be interesting to look at both.-----------Jackie

I am 10 months amalgam-free and chelating.

The big changes are:

-3 years ago I met counting-rule 2; this time I met counting-rule 1.

----------This is a big change, I would think, going from all high to all low.

Do you feel your digestion/absorption has changed in this time?----------Jackie

-This time everything looks more " quiet " , in the middle, moderate.

-Both tests showed low manganese

---------You could try supplementing this, and see if it


-High calcium, high magnesium, high copper, low potassium, low vanadium


------------That sounds like improvements!---------Jackie

-Low lithium appeared

-----------Not sure why this appeared. Have you moved? But low lithium is

common with mercury poisoning.----------Jackie

> 1) What are your current symptoms and health history?


> I have m.s. (multiple sclerosis). Diagnosed some 18 years ago.

> First symptom (28 years ago): neuritis retrobulbaris; second symptom

> (10 years later): nystagmus. About last 10 years more chronical (SPMS).

> I have nystagmus, muscle weakness, balance-problems, itching (feet/soles),

> muscle-stiffness (legs), fatigue/tiredness.

> Walking with cane and wheelchair outside. In the house totally mobile.

------------I am not familiar with all the symptoms/terminology of MS, but

others with an MS diagnosis have mercury poisoning.---------Jackie


> 2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed? Braces?

> First amalgam etc...)


> 2 wisdom teeth removed (surgery) about 32 years ago;

> 1 wisdom tooth removed (extracted) about 31 years ago

> 5 root canals (first probably about 42 years ago), the others I think about

> 35-25 years ago.

> First amalgam - I think - about 35 years ago.

> In total 11 amalgam-fillings; all removed 10 months ago.

> Very important to me: gold over amalgam in 2000 and 2003. One was a golden

> bridge.

> My deterioration went quick from 2004 !! I could do almost everything till

> then (except running).

------------Yes, I also believe that the gold/amalgam combo is very bad. My

mom had alot of both in her mouth and had Parkinson's.----------Jackie


> 3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the

> dental

> cleanup have you completed?


> All amalgam/gold/metal is out.

> I have in place a zirconium bridge (I was tested for that in case of

> allergy)

> and 4 porcelain crowns. And I believe porcelain and/or ceramic fillings.


> 4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during

> pregnancy?


> I don't know.


> 5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and especially

> travel shots)?

> I think all the " baby " -vaccinations, and 2 times hepatitis B-vaccination

> (for my work) 15 years ago. Travel shots: Mexico-city; student-games in

> 1979;

> I don't know which ones.


> 6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time of hair

> test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.


> No medications (some nights in the week 2.5 mg. valium because of

> itching).

> Supplements: B3 (300mg.), multi-vitamins, zinc (25mg), multi- minerals,

> milk thistle, coq10, magnesium (600mg),

> potassium (180mg), calcium (400mg), B-total, flaxoil (3 spoons),

> forskolin(100mg), taurine (2x50mg), c-vitamine (3x1000mg),

> combination a(450mcg)/c(90mg)/e(69mg)/selenium(200 mcg, chlorophyl,

> ant-oxidant (coq10/selenium/c/e/zinc),

-----------Just check your multi's against what Andy recommends, and make sure

there isn't anything bad in them for you. And you mention selenium more than

once, so I would add up the total that you are getting, to make sure you're not

taking too much of that too. That is one Andy says to be careful


> and 25 mg dmsa + 25 mg. ala (Cutler-protocol).

----------That's good you are chelating. How is it going?--------Jackie

Lots of information; I hope you can and will comment.



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> Hi all,


> My hair-test is no. 195. I hope you will comment on that.

I don't know what happened to Dave?? He was commenting on hair tests,

and then suddenly disappeared..... :(

These are the thoughts that come to my mind as I look at your test.

The all low presentation could mean that your nutrients aren't getting

absorbed very well. You could investigate ways to heal the gut

through diet and supplements. My suggestion is to start with the SCD

chicken soup and Weston Price bone broths, make sure that gut healing

nutrients are in place (big ones I can think of are vit D (2000 iu/day

or more), magnesium (more than what you are taking), omega 3 oils

(could use some CLO with your flax oil), glutamine (see Andy's

recommendations - glutamine is important for gut healing)), and then

after a period of time on the soup broths and supplements, gradually

add easily digestible foods one at a time to see how they are

tolerated, starting with cooked meats and vegetables and staying away

from things that are hard on the gut - like gluten (dairy, legumes),

and things that are not readily digested and absorbed (di and poly


Many people with MS have been able to keep symptoms at bay with the

" best bet diet " . It is basically a form of " hunter gatherer " diet

with modifications to make it easier for modern man. The easiest way

I have found to manage diet is to spend most time in the fresh meat

and fresh fruit and vegetable sections of the supermarkets.

Extra stomach acid with meals and animal derived digestive enzymes can

also help with digestion and ultimately absorption. Most people need

lots and lots of probiotics, which can be purchased or added by making

your own yogurt (and kefir??).

Because mineral transport is deranged not much can be said about the

levels of various minerals in your body, except that the extremely low

lithium suggests supplementation with low dose lithium orotate will be

helpful (see archives or Andy's books for dose)

There are other supplements that could be added to your list - like

maybe more Mg, Zn, and Mo, but that is up to you.

The fact that " High calcium, high magnesium, high copper, low

potassium, " disappeared is a very good think (imo). That means (to

me) that adrenal function is normalizing, and your liver is getting


It is strange that mercury is still so low on the test. I would

expect at least some to be showing up.

For ratios, thyroid, sugar regulation, exercise tolerance, and details

about the tests see Andy's HTI book (it's too much for me to remember

all those things!)

Great work, and keep smiling!



> http://livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html



> 3 years ago I had a test already. I " was better " that time then now.

> I posted it some months ago.

> I am 10 months amalgam-free and chelating.


> The big changes are:

> -3 years ago I met counting-rule 2; this time I met counting-rule 1.

> -This time everything looks more " quiet " , in the middle, moderate.

> -Both tests showed low manganese

> -High calcium, high magnesium, high copper, low potassium, low

vanadium disappeared

> -Low lithium appeared


> > 1) What are your current symptoms and health history?

> >

> > I have m.s. (multiple sclerosis). Diagnosed some 18 years ago.

> > First symptom (28 years ago): neuritis retrobulbaris; second symptom

> > (10 years later): nystagmus. About last 10 years more chronical


> > I have nystagmus, muscle weakness, balance-problems, itching


> > muscle-stiffness (legs), fatigue/tiredness.

> > Walking with cane and wheelchair outside. In the house totally mobile.

> >

> > 2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed?


> > First amalgam etc...)

> >

> > 2 wisdom teeth removed (surgery) about 32 years ago;

> > 1 wisdom tooth removed (extracted) about 31 years ago

> > 5 root canals (first probably about 42 years ago), the others I

think about

> > 35-25 years ago.

> > First amalgam - I think - about 35 years ago.

> > In total 11 amalgam-fillings; all removed 10 months ago.

> > Very important to me: gold over amalgam in 2000 and 2003. One was

a golden

> > bridge.

> > My deterioration went quick from 2004 !! I could do almost

everything till

> > then (except running).

> >

> > 3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the

> > dental

> > cleanup have you completed?

> >

> > All amalgam/gold/metal is out.

> > I have in place a zirconium bridge (I was tested for that in case of

> > allergy)

> > and 4 porcelain crowns. And I believe porcelain and/or ceramic


> >

> > 4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during

> > pregnancy?

> >

> > I don't know.

> >

> > 5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and


> > travel shots)?

> > I think all the " baby " -vaccinations, and 2 times hepatitis


> > (for my work) 15 years ago. Travel shots: Mexico-city;

student-games in

> > 1979;

> > I don't know which ones.

> >

> > 6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time

of hair

> > test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.

> >

> > No medications (some nights in the week 2.5 mg. valium because of

> > itching).

> > Supplements: B3 (300mg.), multi-vitamins, zinc (25mg), multi-


> > milk thistle, coq10, magnesium (600mg),

> > potassium (180mg), calcium (400mg), B-total, flaxoil (3 spoons),

> > forskolin(100mg), taurine (2x50mg), c-vitamine (3x1000mg),

> > combination a(450mcg)/c(90mg)/e(69mg)/selenium(200 mcg, chlorophyl,

> > ant-oxidant (coq10/selenium/c/e/zinc),

> > and 25 mg dmsa + 25 mg. ala (Cuttler-protocol).


> Lots of information; I hope you can and will comment.


> T.i.a.

> Simon


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and Jackie: thanks very much, for your comments.

I ordered manganese and shall try it.

I couldn't put my first test on Dean's site, but

I posted it via " the other manner " on this site, some months ago.

I " ll order and try lithium supplementation; but first manganese.

I took betaine hcl in the past; maybe I try it again.

I have been also " disappointed " my mercury-level is still low, but

I can imagine it was/is put away very deep and tight.

Chelating " just " 10 months; I was/am very sick. Hope within a year

my body is functioning more properly again.

The last 2 months - just before the hair-cutting/analysis -

my itching got (much) more intense. I hope it is because

the mercury-atoms " are getting out " . These last 2 months

it is going not that well (more itching, balance a bit worse,

less " good " days or moments). But I feel my body is " working " a lot;

a lot is happening and I hope (and am certain !) within some weeks

or probably months things will go better.

I have mercury AND gut-problems (obstipation).

Because of my guts I am with a natural doctor and have

colon-hydrotherapy, every month (one year now). It is going

well and mercury AND those gut-problems have led to my problems

(imo). In my thinking and course everything is obvious and " very simple " .

Ofcourse everyone has his/her own story: my puzzle is clear to me.

I chelate every week (25 mg. ala and 25 mg. dmsa; it suits me well;

I " ll keep it that level (for now)) and feel my gut is working better.

Because of the mercury my digestion isn't/wasn't that well, for a long time.



> To: frequent-dose-chelation

> From: jtrunt@...

> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:33:26 -0500

> Subject: Re: hairtest 3 years later - #195



> In frequent-dose-chelation simon wrote:


> Hi all,


> -------Hi Simon,


> My hair-test is no. 195. I hope you will comment on that.


> http://livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> ----------As you mention below, yes this test meets counting rule #1, with

only 4, maybe 5 bars going to the right (above 50th percentile). And you have 3

in the red, which only misses that rule by one. So this does show deranged

mineral transport with a high probability of mercury poisoning. And with an all

low pattern like this, your toxic elements could be showing lower than they

really are.


> You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, so that's good, and all your

ratios are in range, so nothing jumping out there either. But with the " all low "

pattern, that suggests poor absorption of nutrients, and you may benefit from

taking digestive aids, such as digestive enzymes and betaine HCl (stomach acid).


> With low red lithium, Andy says its ok to supplement it with low doses of

lithium orotate, as found in the product from VRP. With deranged mineral

transport, it is unclear whether you should supplement manganese, but you could

try some and see if it helps. Stop if it makes you feel worse.


> I'll answer more below.---------Jackie


> <snip>

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