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Re: DMSA Feeling Good

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In frequent-dose-chelation beigetable wrote:

Does anyone have any thoughts on the following?

In the chelation round I just finished, I started with half a day of

DMSA before adding ALA. I was surprised that the DMSA made me feel

good, including a brighter mood, and had almost no negative side

effects. After adding ALA I felt the usual unpleasant effects of what

I assume is mercury mobilization. I finished the round with several

doses of DMSA only, and again started feeling good. I used 25 mg of

each chelator every 1.5 hours daytime and 2 hours at night.

------------I felt really good on rounds when I first started chelating with

DMSA alone. My hair test shows very low lead, so not sure if this was an issue

or not, in how it made me feel. But I can relate to the feeling much better on

round with DMSA alone.--------Jackie

I had little prior experience with DMSA alone, but a few years ago I

used DMPS alone extensively, with lots of unpleasant side effects,

when I had lots of mercury in my body from recent amalgam

removal and improper ALA usage; also, I was not taking all the

supplements I am now.

My recent hair test shows normal mineral transport and low toxics. A

hair test from a few years ago after months of DMPS shows normal

mineral transport (it was all-low before DMPS) and lead in low yellow.

-------Are you a fast metabolizer, Ca/P ratio low? (I'm guessing you are,

from your frequent dosing you do.) In this case, I believe Andy says that your

toxic elements might show lower on your hair test than they really are in your

body. And secondly, the supplements have probably helped to normalize your hair

test, and the prior DMPS and ALA usage has probably lowered your body burden of

mercury, and so now your biggest burden is in your brain, and this doesn't

always show on a hair test.---------Jackie

My take is:

1) I have lots of deep-pool mercury, but little shallow-pool, so ALA

moves lots of mercury, but DMSA does not.

----------I agree, based on what you've said above. And ALA crosses the BBB

and DMSA doesn't, so the ALA is starting to pull brain mercury, so hence, more

side effects/symptoms.----------Jackie

2) I have some lead from growing up in an urban area during the

leaded gasoline era. DMSA lowers the lead, making me feel good.

-----------Also sounds very reasonable. With lead showing up in the yellow on

your hair test, I would definitely continue using DMSA.----------Jackie

3) I may need a higher ratio of DMSA to ALA than 1:1 to deal with all

the mercury that comes out with ALA. I feel worse with 12.5/12.5 than

25/25, but maybe this is because I need the higher amout of DMSA, not

because I need all the ALA. Next time I may try 25 DMSA/10 ALA.

-----------This also sounds very reasonable, and that's what I would have

suggested, is to keep the DMSA dose the same and try lowering the ALA dose.

Good plan. Let us know how it goes!--------Jackie

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Thanks for your responses. My hair tests all show Ca/P near

> the middle of the range. Latest is 3.34. Nevertheless, I think I am


> fast metabolizer. I recently added oregano oil to my supplements (to

> control yeast with DMSA) and don't seem to have any problem with it,

> which is consistent with fast or normal phase 1.



My Ca/P ratios are all over the place but when my dentist numbed me

with novacaine this summer it wore off pretty quickly. He said it was

because I had a fast metabolism and he had to give me another shot.


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