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Re: castor oil packs (what are they used for?)

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It seems quite a few people here use castor oil packs. What are they

used for, and how do they work? How often should they be administered?



> i find regular use of castor oil packs - for 2h a day 5 d on and then


> d off do help reduce the pain of my arthritis.


> monique


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In frequent-dose-chelation petshopgirl6 wrote:

It seems quite a few people here use castor oil packs. What are they

used for, and how do they work? How often should they be administered?

---------Some of us learned about them from . This is one of

the things I need to get back to doing. She told me this was really good for

your lymphatic drainage system, that it would loosen things up and get them

moving in there, and that about 70% of your lymphatic system is in your

gut/abdomen area. Here's a quote from a handout she gave me:

" The castor oil pack has many applications, and has been used in specific

cases such as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts that are non-malignant. Other

conditions which respond well include: headaches, liver disorders,

constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or

stones, conditions with poor elimination, night time urinary frequency and

inflamed joints and especially for general detoxification. "

It does warn that extremely sensitive patients, such as those with MCS, may

experience an increase in symptoms, and should reduce their time using them.

And should probably not be used during pregnancy or menstruation, as it could

cause increased bleeding.

It is best to leave them on for a minimum of an hour, but longer is better, I

think told me to shoot for 1-1/2 to 2 hours. I recall saying

she wrapped herself up and slept with it on. It is most effective if you do at

least 4 days in a row per week, for a minimum of at least 4-6 weeks. Of course

daily is the best, but some is better than none!

Another good thing you can do for your lymphatic system is to jump on a mini

trampoline. There are no " pumps " in your lymphatic system, so this helps move

things along. And lymphatic massage or dry skin brushing is good too.




> i find regular use of castor oil packs - for 2h a day 5 d on and then


> d off do help reduce the pain of my arthritis.


> monique


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