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Ordering from Amazon USA

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Caro enquired

Please could somebody hold my hand whilst I order from US Amazon - I

want to avoid the postal charge of about £10 I paid last time - does

anyone have recommendations on which route of delivery they've chosen?

Not in a desperate desperate hurry for the books..

Sadly its a bit hit and miss with regard to buying stuff in USA. Some items go

sailing through customs and don't get hit for import duty - which I don't know

the % on books but is about 12-14% on nappies plus a handling charge related to

the value of the goods. However as its books you won't get hit for VAT - or if

you do, pay it and you can write in quoting the reference numbers and claim it

back - they will send it as a cheque..

It does vary though, and never ceases to amaze me that a huge and heavy box can

by-pass the system yet a tiny A4 package will get hit for duty one week, and its

the other way round another week. If you are ordering just one book then I'd

suggest from my experience that a smaller lighter package is less likely (on

average) to get stopped than a hefty box of nappies.

Is anyone on the list in or going to America shortly? (? Ruthie?) If so,

perhaps it could be delivered to their hotel for them to bring back for you?

Postage within USA is far far cheaper especailly if under 1kg than if sending

abroad, even allowing postage within the UK. Or if not in a hurry, can Amazon

send by surface mail (about 4 weeks delivery I think) which should be cheaper.



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