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TCOYF -natural family planning

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have a look at www.tcoyf.com full of good info, and message boards,

it does plug the software for charting and following all the TCOYF


I was using the first version (Lifecycle) before this preg, for

avoidance initially -and to get used to how my body was working after

two close-ish pregs and constant BF!

Got pg this time successfully first month of proper trying as I knew

when I was ovulating.

I think the software costs $30 or so, and you can of course take your

temps and chart without it -but I found it very useful -and it does

all the maths for you:-))

Even if you are not ttc its fascinating to see how your body works, so

long as you are not using hormonal BC of any sort you can track your



Angi 0:-)

Georgi 3 3/4, Susy 2, Tim 34

#3 due 4th week Jan 02

~Kids get colds, men get flu, women get on with it~


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> have a look at www.tcoyf.com full of good info, and message boards,

> it does plug the software for charting and following all the TCOYF

> tips! > I was using the first version (Lifecycle) before this preg,

The good old Boots Persona also does the monthly calculations for

you, plus tests on the 'yellow' days, so it gives you a good idea of

your cycle. It also comes up with a little sign on the ovulation

days, which always makes me feel slightly giddy and happy - mad, I

know, as I am meant to be using it for contraception (but it would

work fine for the opposite too).


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