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New here, wondering where to start..

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I'm new here and have been devouring all the great info in the files

and links section. What a great resource this group is!

I am overwhelmed by all the info and wondering where to begin.

I have 7 mercury amalgams.

Last year a pc of one broke off and I swallowed it.

I was in good health at the time. 43 yr old female.

Shortly after my joints swelled up and I could only walk w/ braces.

Sever fatigue and brain fog. MD said hypothyroid w/ Hashi's.

Then my adrenals crashed and I started on biological doses of cortisol

which helped quite a lot. LDN has helped bring down antibodies.

I recently took a small amount of iodine for help w/ thyroid and

fybrocystic breasts. The iodine caused a sever reaction. Intense

kidney pain, the MOTHER of all headaches and joint pain, brain fog,

adrenal symptoms, chest pain w/ racing heart (not hypothyroid though) etc.

I am pretty convinced I have high levels of mercury. In addition to

the amalgams, my mother used to break open thermometrs and let my

brother and I play w/ the mercury (good times!)

I know I can chelate before removing amalgams.

Here are my questions:

If you were me, would you bother testing levels before proceeding w/

amalgam removal?

I've read that tests are often inconclusive anyway. Is it important to

get baselines to work with, or is it more important to go by symptoms?

If I do test, I understand hair is best. This is the most economical

test I could find to order online ( no insurance)

http://www.luckyvitamin.com/item/itemKey/58849 $70

Would it likely give reliable results?

It's going to take some time to be able to afford all the amalgam

removals (again, no insurance) sio in the interim, would I do well to

take something like Algin to mop up the mercury that is likely

floating around inside?

I appreciate any thoughts or input that any of you may have and look

forward to learning and participating here.

Thanks very much,


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