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Re: What can be done after a bad reaction to 100mg DMSA?

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Welcome!!! Sounds like you have been reading. Good that you have

your amalgams out. Make sure you have no amalgams under crowns or in

root canals- you REALLY need to check this is you have either of


Your are correct- 100 mg is way to much to start and doing DMSA every

3 days is just asking for trouble. Most of us start at 12.5 mg or

even 6mg...the DIFFERENCE is that we take this dose every 3-4 hours

for three days (even through the night so a schedule looks like 7-

11,3,7,11,3 OR 7,10,1,4,7,10,1,4). They key to not feeling bad in

chelation is the timing and dose schedule. Many doctors (most) are

not familar with the dosing required for heavy metals.

3-4 hours is the half life of DMSA and needs to be taken with this


Also look in the file section for supplements you need to take to

feel better.

If you have reacted that strongly to DMSA at 100mg then you are

probably dealing with heavy metal issues.

A hair test will also provide more information for you. See the file

section,. If you could provide a summary of when amalgams out, and

symptoms that also would help.

And finally, Ask, ask , ask...there are many here who have been where

you have been we are happy to help. The moderators of this group are

very knowledgeable.

Again, welcome. You have found a great place to learn.



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Hi Colette and thank's for response!

I read it carefully :)

So - I understand, that in order to feel better it would be good to

try recommended supplements listed in the file section.

But please tell me, is it permanent reaction from 100mg DMSA? I am so

scared after reading some of the horror stories. Gosh.....suffering

from Lyme Disease is enough for me. 24/7 Chronic fatigue, brain fog,

weakness etc... some symptoms are quite similar to mercury toxicity.

I had amalgams in my mouth for about 4 years. I am afraid this amalgam

toxicity only adds the problem to the whole picture of my illness.

Do you think Andy Cutler's protocol would help with my reaction to

100mg DMSA? Honestly, I'm afraid of taking even tiny doses of DMSA

now. How do you think? What would you do?

Thank's a lot!



> djur1,


> Welcome!!! Sounds like you have been reading. Good that you have

> your amalgams out. Make sure you have no amalgams under crowns or in

> root canals- you REALLY need to check this is you have either of

> these.


> Your are correct- 100 mg is way to much to start and doing DMSA every

> 3 days is just asking for trouble.


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> Good luck and keep asking questions if you are not sure of something.

> Kai



I have some questions.

Please help me as I really don't know what should I do. I have no

success with best antibiotic treatments for my Lyme Disease so far.

Maybe mercury causes my poor response to treatment ???

1. Is it OK to chelate while taking antibiotics ?

I am thinking about very low dose of ALA - for example 2mg every 3

hours 3 days ON 11 days OFF.

2. Is such a low dose of ALA (2mg) effective for mercury chelation?

3. Do antibiotics reduce mercury excretion ?

Here Andy Cutler said: " Antibiotics do not interfere with mercury

excretion "


ded=1 & m=e & var=1 & tidx=1

But this paper says antibiotics may reduce mercury excretion:


4. How about Blood Brain Barrier? Some antibiotics cross BBB. Is it

possible that antibiotics may redistribute mercury while on chelation?

Please answer. Maybe Andy could answer, too?

Thank's a lot!


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> djur1,


> Welcome!!! Sounds like you have been reading. Good that you have

> your amalgams out. Make sure you have no amalgams under crowns or in

> root canals- you REALLY need to check this is you have either of

> these.


> colette

> >

Colette I looked at my panoramic X-ray of my teeth and there is one

root canal. How can I know if there is any amalgam in this root canal?

Can I read it from X-ray?

Do dentists put amalgam in root canal on a regular basis or you rather

meant possible amalgam filling that was put BEFORE root canal?

Sorry for confusing questions, this is completely new topic for me.

Be well,


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