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Re: very high cobalt

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K..here's my take:

Was the hair used from growth that was grown when you were not

pregnant or nursing? His hair test book says this can be done by using

the ends of the hair that were grown before conception. Otherwise..we

really can't say for sure what is going on. His book says this about

pregnancy and nursing in relation to hair tests:

exceptions to the rule: Normal Healthy lactating women will sometimes

exhibit an all low profile, satisfying rule one, even though they are

not toxic. This is most likely to occur if they eat a vegetarian diet,

especially a vegan diet.

So did you use the ends of the hair that were grown before conception?

Are you normal and healthy or do you have health issues? And are you

vegan or vegetarian? Being vegan/vegetarian, nursing and being healthy

increases the chances that this all low is false. However, I wonder

because your baby has high cobalt too...which means it's there, and

your dumping it for some reason...Or she is mercury toxic. Mercury

toxicity will cause elevate cobalt and other things.

If you have health issues, such as autoimmune problems, low thyroid,

allergies, digestive issues..fatigue etc, AND you have had metal

fillings, ate fish or had vaccines...then their is a good chance this

test is showing mercury. Which would mean the cobalt is falsely

elevated due to mercury.

One must consider exposures in addition to hair tests.

Especially, if your hair test is not definitive. Mine did not meet

rules but was all low and very close. I had 14 teeth with amalgam,

some with more than one filling for all my adult life.I was

sickly...so 2+2 made mercury in my case.

Also, since your dd came up with high cobalt and was nursing at that

time....something is amiss.

Do you use blue ceramic cookware or dishes? Do you oil paint at all?

Some dental metals do contain cobalt, you'd have to look up what metal

dental work, if any, that you have. Like implants and braces. Some

contain it.

You did not have any injectable dye tests done recently?

It would not hurt to post this test on Autism Mercury and tell them

your situation....I am sure they have seen something like this in

relation to lactation.

If your planning to chelate yourself anyway...then this will normalize

with chelation.

The best you can do it eliminate what you can find. Check medications

too, to make sure there is no colorings added because sometimes those

contain metals.


> Does anyone have any knowledge about extremely high hair cobalt with

> orderly mineral transport?


> My hair test came up .29 when the normal range is 0.013 - 0.05. I know

> to take heart supporting supplements like CoQ10 and Carnitine and

> magnesium but is cobalt something you can chelate?


> And obviously exposure would need to be eliminated but I have no idea

> where to look; everything I read online is about industrial

> applications I have nothing to do with. Noone else in my family came

> up high for cobalt, either, except my 2yo daughter who was

> breastfeeding at the time of her hair test, so most likely it came

> from me.


> Thanks for any advice you can give.


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It was not mentioned in this post but after looking at her test

results again I read what she reported in the lab questionaire. She

currently had 7 amalgams and has had flu shots and other vaccines.

She has symptoms related to mercury such as fatigue and a slow thyroid.

This means mercury regardless of the hair test. It's likely this all

low is not false at all.


> Hi,


> Comments below:


> >> Are you sure it's very normal minerals? The counting rules are a

> good > rule of thumb, but they dont' always capture an abnormal test


> You're right, Dave--it would be good to get others to eyeball the

> test. I got a generally low pattern (only 7 above 50% in essential

> elements) but then I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding for five

> years now so I guess that's not too strange. The test is posted on

> Dean's site, #186: http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_186.pdf


> > " Hair Co is not generally believed to correlate particularly well

> with B12

> > levels, ...


> I hadn't been taking any B vitamins at the time of the hair test but

> did just add 1/4 of a B-50 recently. Should I stop this, then?


> > " Elevated Co may interfere with uptake of iodine by the thyroid

> gland and reduce thyroid hormone levels. [Do you have a thyroid issue?]


> I have low iodine on the hair test and it seems like I might have a

> thyroid problem (Na/K 1.83). I do have some symptoms of hypothyroid:

> tiredness, anger, thin hair and nails, easily cold. I guess I should

> get tested.


> > " If it is very elevated in the presence of normal orderly mineral

> transport, id the source of exposure and eliminate it.


> This is what is confusing to me, since I can't seem to find where the

> exposure is coming from. Could it be old exposure? I dyed my hair

> different shades of brown and black for around ten years--stopped

> doing that a year or so before I got pregnant for the first time, six

> years ago. Is there any chance it could come from composite dental

> fillings? I see lists mentioning dental stuff related to cobalt



> Most important for me, would DMSA or ALA chelate cobalt?


> Thanks for your input,




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